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Omega_297 - IDGames Standard (Official)

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I just got the verification email for Omega_297 to be added into the IDGames level library. Im excited!


Here is the file from the years old Mega Map Omega 97 Prototype thread. 


-Its one of the largest maps ever made if not the largest. 

-Its a slaughter map with non traditional design. (limited or no BFG / Invincibility Sphere) 

-True verticality (No forced perspective, alright maybe a little, but you can go to all places!)

-It can be played single player or 4 player coop.

-You can kill every single monster (1337 monsters)


-Play it with Brutal Doom. (I used BDv20b Jrmyxd Arsenal v4)


The Official Hotfix is in.






Edited by Dreamskull

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On 11/19/2022 at 7:10 PM, CatWithAComputer said:

Oh my fucking God.

cats with PC's can't curse! Niko never would!

On 11/25/2022 at 2:54 PM, Dreamskull said:

I'd feel better about things if I gave this one bump. Don't worry, I won't do it again.

what does "bump" mean here?


also badass looking map!

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A Bump is a nothing post made to spur activity. Its ussually frowned upon, but Its been a long while now. The amount of time thats passed by with the low activity here is a bad sign for the map's reception. Its a 10 year milestone 5000 hour map and Im choking on salt - lol

Edited by Dreamskull

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I fumbled a ceiling tile. I'm embarassed. The 1.1 is available. No, I don't know what I'm gonna do about the IDGames upload.

Edited by Dreamskull

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I just don't think Brutal Doom is a port that gets played very much anymore unless maybe you're a diehard GZDoom user or something.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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3 hours ago, Dreamskull said:

I don't understand this community at all. 

One thing I've noticed is that maps/gameplays mods for GZDoom tend to be better received on the ZDoom forums and the vanilla stuff or that requires specific complevels on this site.

In my case, I don't tend to play new releases related to GZDoom because my computer at the moment doesn't allow me to play complex things without fps drops or stuttering, even using the GL ES render or Zandronum.

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Holy moly this is one intimidating map! I normally stay away from slaughter maps and this one is DEFINITELY too large for me, but I'm impressed regardless.

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6 hours ago, Dreamskull said:

I don't understand this community at all. 


I got to poking around on it because it caught my attention, and I noticed a couple of tiny details that can be modified, and I already did the fixes for my copy.


1. In ZDoom Engine the Specific Map placement makes no difference. The only time this applies is in DOS Doom or Chocolate Doom. So the arbitrary placement as Map27 of TNT makes no difference.  


2. Where it is a Singe Map you can just place the Map WAD itself inside the PK3 rather have it as seperate from the PK3 it needs.


Heres the minor fixed PK3 inside of the ZIP that runs on Map01 of TNT.  Omega_297.zip




Update edit just so I dont  Double post.


I'm playing through this right now and have some advice. 


1. DO NOT USE GZDoom or LZDoom because it will choke you out. Use ZDoom 2.8 or Zandronum!


2. I'm not sure if this can be beaten in Vanilla, especially where its designed with BD21 in mind. I'm playing it with Project MSX Weapons Only vs Vanilla enemies. When i tried with just Vanilla I was getting curbed stomped.


3. Its not that bad compared to say like Sunlust God Machine, but theres a couple of things about the monsters and choices that make it pretty ruthless in its own right. The monster choices and custom additions make it fairly rude in its own right.


4. This is a run and gun map, and sniping map. I was pretty negative on the experience until I plugged in a non-vanilla weapon set, and then started to see the Author's idea here. Then it became pretty enjoyable. Ive almost died a few times even while using the OP Project MSX weapons only mod vs just Vanilla monsters. That being said, VANILLA IS MUCH HARDER THAN BRUTAL DOOM because BD takes away the bullet sponginess that vanilla  monsters enjoy. 


5. Pretty dang fun map once you play by its BD esque rules rather than trying to play it vanilla style.

Edited by kalensar
adding thoughts/

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You can actually play this without any Dootal Broom variant it turns out. (thankfully!)

I gave this a go because I'm a fan of large maps and slaughter, there's a certain vibe I get from exploring large or unconventional maps that use vanilla textures, I got that feeling from a bunch of locations in this map, especially the spine + caco maze!

Unfortunately it seems like the map may have been made so big just for the sake of being the biggest or one of the biggest ever (emphasis on seems like, that is), because many of the areas are extremely huge and somewhat empty, that can be majority forgiven because there's a lot of map to explore, but honestly, once most of the bigger hordes of demons are dealt with, it just got to a point where you're running around for ages trying to find switches and keys.

Half of the difficulty of this map for me came from trying to find skull keys, or exploring for 10 minutes at a time, sometimes to the other end of the map, to find out what a switch did, which alltogether just felt like artificial difficulty, tbh.

The map definitely IS large and impressive in scale, but once you look at individual rooms, they look like the textures could have just been slapped down in order to move onto adding the next sequence of rooms filled with annoying and seemingly random hitscanner placement that chips away at your health and armor no matter how much you hide and corner peek because they come from pretty much every damn corner.

Ammo and armor was plentiful and placed well enough. But the only health (other than the occasional megasphere top-up) you get appears to be singular medkits placed very close to megaarmors... which meant that for most of the map I was at extremely low health, and that I sometimes grabbed a megaarmor by mistake thanks to losing a bunch of armor points from distant hitscan damage and running into a medkit to desperately stay above 10 health.

IMO, the bigger outdoor areas could easily have been half the size and the monster swarms would have still felt intense to fight.

I added OPal and a quick little MIDI replacement I did using the map01 midi from Event Horizon into the launch order, otherwise I don't think I could have tolerated more than 1 hour playing this map and looking at startan in the default palette and hearing the default TNT map 27 midi, sorry!
EDIT: forgot to mention, you shouldn't really even need to require the TNT iwad, you could just use coloured light textures from some texture pack like 32-in-15 (or whatever the hell it's called), or OTEX, as long as you give credit.

Now for some more specific feedback:
Some of the big light pillars with switches on them have misaligned textures that just make them look like no care was put into placing or texturing them, which I'm sure isn't the case.

Many of the areas with locked doors requiring skull keys can be reached from elsewhere, making the keys mostly pointless aside from the switches that open the exit doors.

You can easily fall into one side of the area with a big line of blocking decorations and become softlocked. The decorations seem pointless and there's nothing like them in other areas, as far as I saw, if it's to block off an area you need a key for later on, why not just add a tall wall with a door.
Speaking of keys and doors, the majority of locked doors I encountered weren't checked as lower unpegged on their side walls.

At the 2 hour 30 minute mark I was getting disoriented and frustrated trying to find a way back to the flesh spine area, part of it holds the blue key I needed, which I used iddt cheat to locate on the automap at around the 2 hour mark, sorry, but playing became more of a chore rather than fun at that point.
I knew these stairs would lead me back up there but I couldn't be bothered to wander around trying to remember how to even just get to said stairs, again, sorry.

I liked the melee revenants and D'Sparil disciples a lot, but there were so many of them that their greatly increased speed made them more annoying than a fun challenge, tbh.

Over all, this was a cool map! But there was just.... too much of it, if that makes any sense..
For example: once I hit the 2 hour mark I got bored trying to find the last few enemies and the blue key, so I just started noclipping with iddqd and i_timescale 5.0 all turned on cause of the excessive size..... sorry, LOL.


Edited by knifeworld
forgot to mention that having to use tnt iwad was a bit obscure since the wad could have just used some custom textures.

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Thanks guys. This reception makes me feel a lot better about things. Took me forever to get it done.

Im probably gonna end it on the 1.1, though I want you guys to know Ive surrendered rights here.

You can do whatever you want to/with the map. I got it where I want it to be. Coop might be fun.


If you want to pick it up and modify however, feel free.


Omega 297 is the map

Omega Beast is for the custom monsters and stat changes to the monsters

Be sure to at least check the credits of the original map. Take note of the names for sake of the people.


I originally had more enemies, but the final play had to be done all the way through without saving. That was my one rule.

Edited by Dreamskull

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The Official Hotfix is in - sorry for the issue. This new file is once again IDGames standard. Thankye to IDGames for being so nice. I could have had a poor mistake be forever. Sorry to Kalensar for not using his, I have to worry about my own version. Take note of his when you have the chance. 


For anyone else: Hold onto your finished ready map for a designate amount of time before release. That time will save you embarassment if youre vigilant enough to check it out multiple times prior. You do NOT want the "final" save failing you. It feels like getting stabbed. Good luck to all!

Edited by Dreamskull

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

For the record, there is a final final version now available. This right here below is the latest and greatest. (I update)



-Geometry Changes

-Texture Fixes

-Monster Placements

-Fixed a Softlock


Its slightly better, albiet technically a 1.3


Am sick of this map, but this should address any final gripes. No more.

Edited by Dreamskull

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Seriously, trashcan every other version you have. This is it - I. Am. Done.

If you find problems, sorry - I am too tired to fix beyond this 1.3 right here.

Not that you ought to, just saying. Multiple iterations can end up crippling the project.


I gotta call it here and now.  

Edited by Dreamskull

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I hope that you guys enjoy it. If possible, Id like to hear your opinions about. There were minor changes, but I feel it came together nicely.

Edited by Dreamskull

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