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Help with scrolling walls fast westward


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Can i get help with scrolling walls very fast westwards?
I got the floor and ceiling working with linedefs, but I can't get the walls to work for the life of me.
i'm streaming, so if you want to see the problem, uh...

Please help.
Kind regards,

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If you want to use the Scroll_Wall special or the Scroll_Texture_Both, well, I've never been able to properly use them (or they're broken) cause for some reason only the latter works, but only if you set it up on the same line you want to make it scroll.


Anyhow, watching at the stream you seem to be working in UDMF and you're trying to make the background to scroll, your best option is then to use a script to activate it like so:

script "scroll" (void) {
	Scroll_Wall(line, 32.0, 0.0, 0, whichside);

This way you can also dynamically change the scrolling speed with ease if for example you want your train to accelerate or stop.



Scroll_Wall uses fixed point values, while Scroll_Texture_Both doesn't, this results in higher scrolling speed for lower values for the first one.

Edited by Kan3

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4 hours ago, Kan3 said:

If you want to use the Scroll_Wall special or the Scroll_Texture_Both, well, I've never been able to properly use them (or they're broken) cause for some reason only the latter works, but only if you set it up on the same line you want to make it scroll.


Anyhow, watching at the stream you seem to be working in UDMF and you're trying to make the background to scroll, your best option is then to use a script to activate it like so:

script "scroll" (void) {
	Scroll_Wall(line, 32.0, 0.0, 0, whichside);

This way you can also dynamically change the scrolling speed with ease if for example you want your train to accelerate or stop.



Scroll_Wall uses fixed point values, while Scroll_Texture_Both doesn't, this results in higher scrolling speed for lower values for the first one.

I'll see if this works overnight, thanks for the help!

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9 hours ago, Kan3 said:

If you want to use the Scroll_Wall special or the Scroll_Texture_Both, well, I've never been able to properly use them (or they're broken) cause for some reason only the latter works, but only if you set it up on the same line you want to make it scroll.


Anyhow, watching at the stream you seem to be working in UDMF and you're trying to make the background to scroll, your best option is then to use a script to activate it like so:

script "scroll" (void) {
	Scroll_Wall(line, 32.0, 0.0, 0, whichside);

This way you can also dynamically change the scrolling speed with ease if for example you want your train to accelerate or stop.



Scroll_Wall uses fixed point values, while Scroll_Texture_Both doesn't, this results in higher scrolling speed for lower values for the first one.

OK, still unclear as to how the whole WHICHSIDE thing works, and how the script is applied in doom, do I just use the scripts linedef?
Figured out the whichside thing, but now there's a different error.
uhm... either this is you not coding right, me not coding right, the fact that the ZDOOM wiki page for this action hasn't been updated in over 12 years, or a combination of those factors, likely the latter.

Screenshot 2022-11-21 014642.png

Edited by EPICALLL

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