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What are you guys buying for Steam Autumn Sale 2022?

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1 hour ago, Rudolph said:

I was considering getting Fallout New Vegas, but I am still far from being done with Fallout 3. Also, the game's pricing is a bit weird: the base game is -75% off, but the Ultimate Edition with all the DLCs is -67%? Either way, the game might end up being given away on Epic Games Store like Fallout 3 by the time I feel like playing it, so that is another incentive to wait for a bit.



At the Moment Amazon has a Deal going on with Bethesda, Oblivion, Fallout 76 were there the last Months.


New Vegas is actually to have if you have Amazon Prime.




The Key is for Gog, so even DRM free ergo better than Steam or Epic.


Edit: Also with Warner, those Lord of the Rings Games were given away shortly.

Edited by Azuris

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I finally got around to buying The Forest. I've had that game in my wishlist for the longest time. I didn't care much for the singleplayer story and multiplayer is weird as fuck, but roaming around in Peaceful mode is weirdly relaxing. It's just too bad it's so damn hard to see anything in the dark lol.


I ended up buying MGSV:The Phantom Pain Definitive Edition. It's about $7.50 right now which is an absolute steal since it includes all the DLC and MGSV:Ground Zeroes.

Edited by Lizardcommando

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@Azuris Thanks, but again, I do not mind waiting since I am not even close to being done with Fallout 3.


Plus I really do not want to have to deal with Amazon if I can help it.

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Just bought 3DMark for $8.74, which includes 17 items in the package. I lost 8-9 GB of free space in the process. :-(

But, such is life!

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Shmups, dual-stick shooters, emulated Japanese cellphone games and the ravings of madmen. There have been worse hauls.

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As usual, I only get the titles that are given away for free, so that they can join their brethren in the Big Pile of Games I'm Probably Never Gonna Play Anyway.

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I caved and finally got Dying Light 2 because I loved the first entry.


Mistake, 2 is so painfully mid to high-low compared to the first game


I sat here writing basically a review for it because it was disappointing. Decided against it.


GOG had some great sales on the go too, was able to finish my classic Tomb Raider collection (including Angel of Darkness, probably could've skipped that one).

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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1 hour ago, mrthejoshmon said:

GOG had some great sales on the go too, was able to finish my classic Tomb Raider collection (including Angel of Darkness, probably could've skipped that one).

Thanks to this piece of information, I got to buy the entire Moto Race series there at a 90% discount lol

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