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I believe I have created the largest and densest maze possible in Doom

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26 minutes ago, thestarrover said:


In 1995, Claes DvÑrling created a similar wad for the first Doom.


a-HA! Impassable lines for walls instead of void space... what now @jpsplat?

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52 minutes ago, magicsofa said:

a-HA! Impassable lines for walls instead of void space

The next logical step is to change those lines to block ground things only and release pain elementals.

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I love that someone made this huge maze map and I also love this thread with all its colorful comments.


Doom continues to surprise me.


I might even try finish this wad. I kind of have a thing for brutally difficult grindy gameplay tasks. (I once completed Ao666 on DRL, for anyone who knows what that is.)

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2 hours ago, Kyka said:

I might even try finish this wad. I kind of have a thing for brutally difficult grindy gameplay tasks.


I hope you do give it a whirl. I'm in the progress of finishing it myself. So far it's not as bad as it initially appears. I've played for about 2 hours and got this far: Screenshot_Doom_20221123_181040.png.9badca9513ef5971f4a2532f6ab0ad4e.png


The maze is big and dense, but it's not really complex. The longest route is the right one, so if you find yourself traveling for a long time without hitting a dead end you are most likely making progress. After looking at the solution map, there's 2 big potential detours that only serve to waste your time, and 3 other ones that have the keys in them. There are also 3 cyberdemons who are near (but not on) the keys. So if you hear one stomping around you are close to a key. Also you will be much better off playing on a source port that allows you to see floor textures on the automap.

Edited by jpsplat

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On 11/23/2022 at 2:38 AM, sandwedge said:

I opened UDB and now I have made the largest and densest maze in Doom history.  Thanks sucker.



I can’t stop laughing at this 

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6 hours ago, staros96 said:

I can’t stop laughing at this 

I'll remember to run this wad with Brutal Doom and type 'kill monsters' on the console the next time I feel like blowing up my apartment.

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8 hours ago, staros96 said:

I can’t stop laughing at this 

As long as 'ol @sandwedge actually made a corridor between the two maps. Otherwise its just two maps. That said, I laughed a lot also.


1 hour ago, Lucius Wooding said:

This should have multiplayer starts, it'd be cool for coop or deathmatch.

I am gonna assume that you are trolling. But... maybe you are not too. 


In other news, day two of my attempt of this epic beast. First attempt resulted in confusion, running around blindly, and a slow descent into madness and apathy.


But armed with fresh stupidity motivation, we began a slower, more careful exploration.



Yeah. Two hours and 15 minutes to do what is functionally way less than 1/6 of the map.


From this explored section of the map there are only three ways out. Two in the top right, and another in the middle right. Everywhere else is a dead end. I have figured out to use map markers to help retracing steps, which is by far the hardest part.


Still no f*&^&(&*(^ keys found.


I hope you guys are all excited for the most tedious uv-max ever. (Except for that dude - zeromaster I think - who UV maxxed NUTS and it took days and days to gather all the revenant homing rockets to kill the cyberdemons.) 



Edited by Kyka

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I fed images of the map to a maze solving program so I do have the solution on hand, but I think it'll be more fun if I hold on to that. I will say, though, that the first key will probably take the longest. There's also a computer area map but it probably won't matter by the time you find it.


Playing this map in demo-compatible ports shows an interesting phenomenon - when playing with vanilla compatibility (complevel 2), the enemies are blind to the player and won't attack unless the player is standing in the small square at the start, and even then hitscanners have trouble hitting unless they're close by (within the same blockmap square perhaps?). With Boom compatibility (complevel 9) they can see and attack you just fine, though. It reminds me bug some one-sector maps have with their REJECT table, but this map has more than one sector (albeit barely).

Edited by Shepardus

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Day 3 of my UV max. (Day 2 of this attempt.)


yesterday's progress: (possible progress marked in red.)




Todays Progress:




Once again, slow careful progress, with a ridiculous amount of backtracking. I kept the possible forward routes to a minimum, and all of them, even though there are 6, they are very localised for minimum backtracking. (edit: there is another possible progress point on the far southern right of the map, but I didn't mark it.)


I almost died at one point when I was navigating  using the automap and I blundered into a baron and a sergeant. Just cruising along and suddenly you hear that tearing sound. Yeah. I jumped.


In other news, still no f^(%^* keys.



I am actually enjoying this, Dafuq is wrong with me.


Total playtime so far, a little over 4h15m


Imma beat this little bad boy.


I have some suggestions to make this map harder:

1) All of the keys teleport once every hour to random places on the map.

2) Just like Mirkwood, the paths randomly change as you progress. Walls raise to block previous paths. And walls lower to reveal new paths.

3)Occasionally, all of the health on the level just vanishes for a period of 10 minutes, reappearing in random locations also.


@jpsplat I am curious as to why there are no PE's, mancubii or revenants? Just outta interest.

Edited by Kyka

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52 minutes ago, Kyka said:


@jpsplat I am curious as to why there are no PE's, mancubii or revenants? Just outta interest.


check out the documentation for PNG2WAD, the enemy/item placement is randomly generated. I don't think the algorithm has an option that places those monsters at all. The only reason I left monsters on at all was to prevent the player from keeping the automap on the whole time. All I added was the key doors, the keys, and 3 cyberdemons near the keys.

Also, I'm working on a new version that will be more fun and less troll-y. This will include big towers near the keys that the player can see from far away and stair sections that go up to let the player see the whole level (like those little raised bridges at the corn maze). But its finals week for me so probably not any time soon.

Edited by jpsplat
fixed quote formatting, grammar

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45 minutes ago, jpsplat said:

check out the documentation for PNG2WAD, the enemy/item placement is randomly generated. I don't think the algorithm has an option that places those monsters at all. The only reason I left monsters on at all was to prevent the player from keeping the automap on the whole time. All I added was the key doors, the keys, and 3 cyberdemons near the keys.

Also, I'm working on a new version that will be more fun and less troll-y. This will include big towers near the keys that the player can see from far away and stair sections that go up to let the player see the whole level (like those little raised bridges at the corn maze). But its finals week for me so probably not any time soon.


Thank you for the info. And good luck in your finals. :)


That said, the idea of having towers visible from a long way off is gonna mean that the engine has to render every linedef between you and the towers, which, if I am right, means that the level is gonna be unplayable.

Edited by Kyka

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6 hours ago, RataUnderground said:

I can see how this map will become a thing in the speedrun scene.


Edit: What is the par time? 


I really like the idea that maps like this could be speedrun. That would be cool. Especially if they were made visually interesting, with different areas like a CTF map.


I imagine the par time, like the Kessel run in Star Wars, should be measured in parsecs. Gigaseconds perhaps?

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1 hour ago, Kyka said:

I really like the idea that maps like this could be speedrun. That would be cool. Especially if they were made visually interesting, with different areas like a CTF map.

You'd probably have to drastically alter a map like this to make it fun to speedrun, I'm pretty sure Shepardus is going to table fill NoMo or a UV-Speed run or something for this if there's a "final" version, but he's a bit insane :P

Now if you put a void glide spot in it.... maybe you'd get some silly competition going.

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On 11/23/2022 at 9:34 AM, PeterMoro said:

 "hey everyone I speed - made a bunch of uninspired useless lazy junk for everyone".wad    There's been a lot of those this year :(

Has There been a lot? Cuz I've seen a lot of Cool first maps and big project releases this year.


As for lazy junk, this aint one of them.

This is less "Lazy/Uninspired" but more "pointless but very amusing" which is much more interesting


The fact people are actively participating in playing and talking about this means it got further than most low effort maps.


Lets try to not lump everything that doesnt look like Sunder or BTSX into the "Lazy" "Git gud at mapping lol" category. 

Edited by jazzmaster9

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