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[MBF21] [Weapon Pack] Beed's Attempt at a Cool Arsenal (BAaaCA) (v1.2)


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Time to get off my ass and keep working on MBF21 then. It's good to see more stuff like this (Vesper's the only other one I can think of off the top of my head). Very cool!

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On 11/26/2022 at 4:30 AM, Beed28 said:


Sword of Agony fireball should be on a separate button, because for melee slash you need to immediately release the button after pressing. It's inconvenient and leads to a delay or failure.

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Man that double barrel shotgun replacement is SICK lol. Played through a couple Doom 2 levels on Woof using mbf21 and it seems to all work fine. But I kinda agree with Doomenator about the Sword


1 hour ago, Doomenator said:

Sword of Agony fireball should be on a separate button, because for melee slash you need to immediately release the button after pressing. It's inconvenient and leads to a delay or failure.


I am not sure if this would be possible? I am unsure what source ports support alt fire or arbitrary button mapping so I am not 100% how it would be done. I don't think Woof or DSDA does, but I know GZDoom does so maybe it would be possible for that at least?

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I don't think MBF21 stuff even has alt-fire stuff like ZDoom does? For charging up, there also doesn't seem to be a variable/counter pointers from what I could find(?), at least for anything other than ammo and flags, so I had to try and hack a way to have it charge up. I might look into it more.


Fun fact: I was originally going to have it so that the sword would fire out a fireball as long as you had full health (200) ala Zelda, but then found out that A_JumpIfHealthBelow doesn't work on weapons in MBF21.


35 minutes ago, nickxcom said:

Man that double barrel shotgun replacement is SICK lol. Played through a couple Doom 2 levels on Woof using mbf21 and it seems to all work fine.

Glad you liked the Super Shotgun replacement! It was one of the first weapon concepts I came up with, and thought I wouldn't be able to find sprites for it until I looked around on Realm667 where I found a perfect fit for it.

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Love the pack!
With the Railcannon I melt a Cyber Demon with a few shots lol.
The change from the pistol to a balanced shotgun with infinite ammo is a change that I quite liked.

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Been working on a change as to how the sword works; it'll now immediately swing its uncharged melee strike as soon as you click mouse; and if it's held down it'll begin charging up for its fireball. I'll test it a bit more before releasing another update (sometime tomorrow?).


7 minutes ago, Floowand said:

Love the pack!
With the Railcannon I melt a Cyber Demon with a few shots lol.
The change from the pistol to a balanced shotgun with infinite ammo is a change that I quite liked.

Thank you! As for the railcannon, it'll be more effective against monsters with large hitboxes due to how rippers work lol. Maybe an ammo nerf might be in order? Hopefully not. :P

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v1.2 is now out, with the update to the Sword of Aguni. It'll now swing as soon as you click fire, and then start charging up if you keep holding down. Hopefully it should be much better for when you want to fight up close with the melee strikes.


Download (v1.2):


Mirror: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ao6e7cmy68no48n/BAaaCA-v1.2.zip?dl=0

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  • 1 month later...

This is cool! Need more MBF21 weapon sets. This one has a decidedly more medieval feel between the crossbow, sword, and spiked grenade launcher, which makes it fit nicely with more gothic-themed WADs.

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  • 4 months later...

Tested this mod with Sunlust and Ozonia.


An very cool experience! Many guns occupy unusual roles compared to their doom 2 counterparts, but I never felt at the mercy of improper gun choice.


1) Security Shotgun - nothing fancy, but it is a reliable hitscan option with infinite ammo, so it is nice to have!


2) Crossbow - versatile, good at any range, surprisingly accurate, and with respectable rate of fire. One of the best bread-and-butter guns out there.


3) Cross Hammer - again, a very versatile weapon. Absolutely devastating at pointblank, and simply reliable at normal SSG ranges.


4) Energy Barrager

A quirky short/medium/long/whatever range rapid-fire weapon. Closest doom analogue - infinite micromissiles from nu-doom. Much less ammo-hungry than the micro-missiles, however requires a considerable spin-up time before starting to fire. This strange gun required some getting-used to, but it proved extremely reliable once I understood, how it works.


5) Shrapnel Cannon.

Less splash damage for the player, more splash damage for monsters. Mwahaha! One-shots arachnotrons, because the spiders are W-I-D-E, and eat a lot of shrapnel pieces.


6) Prototype Railcannon.

This thing pretends to be a Railgun, but don't be fooled! If you wanna railgun - you'd better to use Gauss Cannon from Doom 4 Vanilla mod. Prototype railcannon is too hard to aim to use as a classical railgun, sadly. Instead, this weapon is an unholy hybrid of SSG and Rocket launcher. Imagine the SSG with RL firing speed and ability to hit multiple targets in a line: this is a Prototype Railcannon in a nutshell.


7) BFG ZX21

This is a nu-doom BFG in all its glory. On map 20 of Ozonia, I was able to one-shot two cyberdemons with one shot from this monstrosity! One died to a main projectile direct hit, while the other disintegrated to secondary homing plasma... But it cost an equivalent of one full cell pack to shoot this beast.


In short this mod is great!

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