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Fallen Leaves (now on idgames)

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Oh, a new Bri WAD! Your last few WADs like Hydrosphere and Vow of Vengeance have been one of my new favourites. Can't wait to check this one out!

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Wait a minute... I'm already a huge fan of your wads due to your attention to detail, and now you are telling me that this one is also very hard and Plutonia-ish? Damn man, I can't ask for more. I always love visually beautiful hard maps.


I will definitely play this one and let you know you if I encounter any bugs

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@Budoka Hmmm... In my case, the download didn't start when I clicked the link at first. But after pressing it multiple times, it finally started, not sure why.




Just played MAP01-MAP03. I enjoyed it. It was challenging but it is still manageable. I personally would not call the mapset "very hard" unless there are actually very hard fights in later maps that I haven't playes. I mean, compared to Stardate or Sunder, this one is much easier.


Anyway, I was a dumbass who didn't read the play info properly, so I ended up playing the maps in Boom compatibility instead of MBF on DSDA v0.24.2. But during my playthrough, I did not encounter any issues related to comp. level.


There is a slime trail in MAP02 and this weird effect on the ceiling in MAP03 though. They still persist regardless of comp. level 





Additionally, I'm not entirely sure why but there is a MIDI in MAP08, which is weird because there is no custom map in the slot.

Edited by Dubium

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@Budoka @TheCyberDruid  it works fine, just right click, save target as. If you're in a cell (android) stay above the download link for a few sec and choose the 'download target' option. Rar file, 7,71MB.

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47 minutes ago, FEDEX said:

@Budoka @TheCyberDruid  it works fine, just right click, save target as. If you're in a cell (android) stay above the download link for a few sec and choose the 'download target' option. Rar file, 7,71MB.

Except in my case, my browser warned me about the download not being secure. IIRC that's a HTTPS certificate problem, but Dropbox shouldn't have those ever, so something's not right. It's probably an Dropbox issue, or something with my ISP.

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Good stuff. The maps look very nice, and they're fun to play. I didn't think to record demos of my first attempts until map 5, but here they are anyway:



On map 5 at the archvile elevator I accidentally switched to the rocket launcher and had to bail. It gets very awkward after that since you can't easily fight them from below, so you have to teleport right back into the fray. On map 6 I just got blindsided by a rocket I didn't notice. While the palette looks nice, I did feel like it make things harder to see.


Oh also, there were multiple bigger fights in maps 1-4 that were pretty soft to just circle-strafing around the room. Not a huge problem, but may not be intended.


4 hours ago, Dubium said:

There is a slime trail in MAP02 and this weird effect on the ceiling in MAP03 though. They still persist regardless of comp. level

There's another one in MAP05:


Edited by SCF

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Yo this kicks ass, legit one of the prettiest wads I've ever played. Very good usage of colors. I prefer more succinct maps and every single one of these was like the perfect balance of challenge and not wasting your time. Great work!

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Man, what a ride this was! This kind of stuff was right up my alley in terms of gameplay and layout design. I really enjoyed the autumn theme you have going here, though as a bunch of folks here pointed out, there's a bunch of software render oddities in this set, which is a shame because all the maps look gorgeous in software renderer. Here's a bunch of shots of the issues I found:




















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Thankyou everyone! I'm always happy people enjoy my stuff. I'll get to work on fixing those software errors soon.


Also, I should have been more specific with the difficulty; because it definitely isn't up there with Stardate or the like, but for my personal level I guess it is pretty hard. But then again it is easy with level familiarity, so maybe I could even step it up a notch for UV.


Also, I hope the download is working properly. I'm not sure what was up, but it is the same dropbox account I use for all my maps, so rest assured there's nothing sketchy in the download. Cheers!

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2 hours ago, Firedust said:

Please tell me this was named after a Billy Talent song

It wasn't but I like the song.

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Running that first map blind (HMP) was an adrenaline rush! If the level wasn't so pretty and straightforward in its layout, I might have griped about the crusher telegraphing. Then again, after a player sees the first crusher, that's all the telegraphing they need to avoid being surprised.

Edited by Garland

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Ooooooo, those screenshots look gorgeous. I really like the ones with a little bit of purple touches with the autumn colors. I'll have to give this one a shot soon!

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I updated the wad to RC2, fixed most errors for software mode. Although there's still a stubborn error on map05 which I can't seem to pinpoint where it's coming from...


I also added another download using Doomshack, as well as replacing the dropbox download, so I hope they work.

Edited by Bri

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The slime trail right at the beginnging of MAP02 still persists in RC2 and there are missing texture inside the column with the yellow skull key on top that become visible once the key lowers.

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29 minutes ago, Gregor said:

The slime trail right at the beginnging of MAP02 still persists in RC2 and there are missing texture inside the column with the yellow skull key on top that become visible once the key lowers.

You're right. Thankyou. Even though it was fixed in the editor it still shows up. MAP05 has a similar problematic one. But I'll try sort it out soon.

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btw, how do u reach the secret in Map04? The sectors next to the megasphere are designated as lifts but they don't go up, so nothing happens when i walk over their trigger.

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4 hours ago, Gregor said:

btw, how do u reach the secret in Map04? The sectors next to the megasphere are designated as lifts but they don't go up, so nothing happens when i walk over their trigger.


That secret is a little convoluted, but you shoot a switch just outside the east door and then run back inside to a floor section that gives access to the mega.






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I should've hopefully fixed slime trails in RC3. Some of them were difficult and I needed to adjust geometry, but that's ok. I should probably start mapping with software mode primarily in future to avoid these problems. Hell, I've grown to like software more, actually, so maybe I will. :P

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I found two more glitches in Map04. I haven't played the rest yet. The first is a bit weird, as i'm not quite sure what triggers it. It disappears when the enemies are dead and flickers on off while they're there. The second though is persistent regardless of monsters. It's in the eastern outside section







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