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PUSS XXII: The Chilling Winds of Dis [Compilation Released! - DECEMBER SPEEDMAPPING]

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From our famed spreadsheet. Here's the progress on our monster sprire replacements. 3 haven't been started, 2 are finished, and multiple need additional rotations. Cyber and Archie will take the longest time. Some of these numbers are out of date, like the imp for example. There are only like 5 frames remaining on it. Just wanted to give a quick behind the scenes peak at how we're tracking these.

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Here is my map at 6 hours. Unfortunately I've overshot it by quite a bit so moving into overtime I will be focusing exclusively on game-play so I can get a proper submission in ASAP.


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Map Name: The frozen plains of silence

Author: Silhouette 03

Music: Deaths toll-Stewboy

Sky: DISSSky40 from resource pack

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: Yes, primarily enemy placement

Build time: 5 hours

Comments: The icy wastes await you...


I can't seem to take screenshots with GZDoom, so sorry about that. I know that my maps aren't nearly as good as everybody else's maps, but I'd be more than happy if they were to be included in this project. 




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6 hours ago, BluePineapple72 said:


(The @ function is also in dis)


Map Name: Lamentations of the Fallen Spirits Cursed by the Ascent of the Spectral Evil
Author: NeedHealth

Music: Ice and Lava Dont Mix by Crunchynut44

Sky: DISSKY38 that was in the res-pack

Difficulty Settings: somewhat

Build Time: 6 hours plus one an other to detail













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Just a quick update: I'm current about halfway through the detail pass on my map. I was unfortunately under the weather for most of last week, so progress was a little on the slow side. I also haven't really tested the map much except for one quick run-through after the layout was finished. I'll try and speed things up past this point, and hopefully the map will be ready to show before the end of this week, even if its not strictly finished.

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Map Name: Gasping in Darkness

Author: myolden

Music: Thanatos by Tristan Clark


Format: Boom Difficulty

Settings: Implemented

Build Time: 6 hours

Comments: I burned all of my time fiddling with those damn curves, so this map is kind of short lol. Really tried to emphasize lighting in this one.















Edited by myolden

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Map Name: Pillars of Oblivion
Author: Muumi
Music: Dark Walls by Jimmy
Sky: DISSKY40 from resource pack
Format: Boom
Difficulty settings: not yet
Build time: 6 hours and ~2 for detailing and gameplay polish
Comments: black towers standing below hell, still and timeless. Another map in my ongoing series of random hr map remakes.




layout views:





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Maplist - MAP15 (secret exit) I am reserving for myself. May end up finishing that today. 

I hope y’all don’t mind me breaking one of my own rules (midi rule. Too perfect not to use a specific slayer song)

Edited by BluePineapple72

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Map Name: Gaping Wound of Repressed Memories
Author: Death Bear
Music: Besieged City by James Paddock
Sky: None (ALLBLACK)
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: Not yet implemented
Build Time: 3 Hours plus a lot of detailing
Comments: Inspired by Entry Wound (13) and Puddle of Sacrifice (Hell Yeah). Will need a little more detail in starting area, and maybe some balancing.

Map Name: Gazing Upon the Flood of the Wicked
Authors: Shadow Sparkle and Death Bear
Music: Paint the Town Red by James Paddock
Sky: None (ALLBLACK)
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: Not yet implemented
Build Time: 30 minute Sketch, 2 Hours Mapping plus a lot of detailing
Comments: My youngest's first public submission. Such a fun collab!


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Here is a link to an updated resource pack - it contains some additional sprites and changes to two enemies:

The Eyecon now has a hitbox that you can shoot conistently

The Barrel hugs you now. 


All 13 submissions have been included, as well as a preliminary map15 that I have 3 hours left to work on.

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Map Name: TBD
Author: Egregor

Music: TBD

Sky: N/A, all skies use sky-box transfers

Format: Boom (per challenge)

Difficulty Settings: not implemented yet

Build Time: 6 hours for layout, 2 hours and 20 minutes for game-play

Comments: This map is in a ROUGH state, layout is 95% complete. Game-play is closer to 75% considering difficulty settings are not implemented yet. Texturing is at maybe 50%. There are not any decorations yet. Shade is as crude as possible. No title or custom music yet. I basically want to get this submission in and work on details off-the-clock. This map will certainly need an update before it will be ready for release.




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Map Name: Plagued by Tormentuos Ideation

Author: BluePineapple72

Music: Mandatory Suicide - Slayer (temporary until I find something doom-metaly enough that fits this. I'll say I like the song and thematically it fits with the map and the spirit and energy of the map, but if I do get something else to fit the entire wad better that'd be ideal)

Sky: several

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: Somewhat implemented

Build Time: 6 hours and around 10 minutes or so of balancing. Do wanna maybe add some details later. Especially to the blue key fight.

Comments: Inspired by self destructive tendencies. A short, but difficult level. You'll get the gimmick pretty quickly. Don't know how I feel about the scrolling sinkhole fight yet. You'll have to play with the most recent version of the resource pack. 














Edited by BluePineapple72

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1 hour ago, BluePineapple72 said:

Map Name: Plagued by Tormentuos Ideation

Author: BluePineapple72

Music: Mandatory Suicide - Slayer (temporary until I find something doom-metaly enough that fits this. I'll say I like the song and thematically it fits with the map and the spirit and energy of the map, but if I do get something else to fit the entire wad better that'd be ideal)

Sky: several

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: Somewhat implemented

Build Time: 6 hours and around 10 minutes or so of balancing. Do wanna maybe add some details later. Especially to the blue key fight.

Comments: Inspired by self destructive tendencies. A short, but difficult level. You'll get the gimmick pretty quickly. Don't know how I feel about the scrolling sinkhole fight yet. You'll have to play with the most recent version of the resource pack. 



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Hi blue🍍 i think you forgot the wad file 😀

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24 minutes ago, FEDEX said:

Hi blue🍍 i think you forgot the wad file 😀



edit: I’ll edit into my post when I get to my laptop. The map is currently in map15 of the wad that you can download from the resource link.  

Edited by BluePineapple72

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Map Name:Echos of the Fallen Entombed in Flesh
Author: United VirusX
Music: Nettoir (Plant) boss theme (Metroid Fusion)
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: all difficulties implemented 
Build Time: 3 Hours to build and playtest with 5 hours of detailing
Comments: it's bloody, smells horrid, and it's very fleshy!










Edited by United VirusX

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Okay, finally ready to post mine.


Map Name: Cold, Dead Heart
Author: Blexor

Music: "Plasma" from Duke 3D (An oldie but a goodie)


Format: Uh... Guardian? (Looking at other submissions, I reckon I should put 'Boom' here)

Difficulty Settings: Not yet implemented

Build Time: ~5hrs 15min for the general layout; Way more than that for everything else

Comments: My first attempt at making a speedmap. It wasn't until after the fact that I realized I left a ton of work for myself following the layout phase, and probably should have reigned in the scope of the map. Alas, I pulled a Mr. Incredible and convinced myself I had time. Oh well. This is still probably the fastest I've ever completed a full map before, so that's something, I suppose.

Anyway, this level has you gaining entry into a nasty flesh lump in the center of the map (the titular heart). I tried to make ammo sparse here without making the player feel like they're crossing the desert with only a single glass of water. Lemme know what you think.








Here's the comparison of the map after ~5hrs, next to what it looks like now:


Download: CWoD_blex.zip

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9 hours ago, Blexor said:


I’m really happy to see the layout comparison here. I’m thinking I’m gonna use this image as a template for what I expect (when I use the “you can detail after your time rule”)

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Download: PUSSXXII_RedBoule01.zip


Map Name: The Poem That Froze My Heart
Author: Red_Boule
Music: Quicksand Field (from Secret Of Evermore)
Sky: DISSKY41 (sky transfer)
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: all difficulties implemented 
Build Time: 4 hours for the layout and around 1 hour of detailing
Comments: A weird building in a frozen cave.

This was super fun to work on and I'm super happy how the map turned out! Have fun!




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I played through all 19 maps thusfar submitted and have the recording here on twitch for your viewing pleasure. Had a lot of fun! I mostly played on HMP. Napsalm is playing through them all on UV right now over here

Some amazing stuff in there! It lacks a bit in the variety department perhaps. This could be remedied by placing maps 18 and 19 earlier in the set perhaps, and also getting some more, 'other style' maps in there. Special shout outs to @Blexor, Lineman, @BluePineapple72 and @DeathBearOfDeath and his cubs for making some of the most gorgeous maps out there in the set!

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Here's an updated version of my map with difficulty settings now implemented, as well as a bunch of other small tweaks here and there. This should be the definitive version unless I'm given any reason to suspect otherwise. And thanks for the kind words about the map, by the way. That sure manages to warm my cold, dead heart. :)



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DIS_Egregor - False Cube of Frigged Torment v206.zip



Map Name: False Cube of Frigged Torment
Author: Egregor

Music: False Cube of Frigged Torment

Sky: N/A, all skies use sky-box transfers

Format: Boom (per challenge)

Difficulty Settings: (*still) not implemented yet

Build Time: 6 hours for layout, 2 hours and 20 minutes for game-play, 10+ of detail and balance (sorry!)

Comments: I feel like this is very hard, but very pretty, I might be able to do one more update if I get some quick game-play feedback!

*known bug (MIDI has a reset sound at looping point most likely due to pitch wheel on the strings

*custom MIDI is also saved as D_RUNNIN within the PWAD




Screenshot (9).png

Edited by Egregor

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Map Name: Of Ice and Emeralds
Author: Peccatum Mihzamiz

Music: Disparate Junctions by Peccatum Mihzamiz (unfinished track, possibly temporary)

Sky: no sky

Format: Boom cl9, tested with DSDA

Difficulty Settings: Yes, implemented, including co-op

Build Time: That's a mystery, what with me making most of this map before the project started as a test map for resources, and the rule changes about lay-out/ decoration. Definitely finished the lay-out within 6 hours.

Comments: This uses a custom archvile texture. I hope it will be included in the next resource pack. There are some possible co-op lock-ins, will adjust later after more testing.






Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz

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Map Name: Hell Consumes What God Forgets
Author: King Know-Nothing

Music: "Shambling Corpse" by Clark Scribe

Sky: N/A use sky transfer of DISGAW 0 texture

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: Implemented

Build Time: Little over six hours for the build and gameplay, couple more for the detailing.

Comments: My first attempt at speedmapping and I've learned... it stresses me out haha. I am usually a colossally slow mapper, so this was an interesting challenge. The map exists, can't vouch for anything more than that haha. I specifically wanted to use the green palette of textures initially, however, it definitely expanded from there. With that said I am overall content with the look, though worry it might be too dark.


















Edited by King Know-Nothing

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