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Doom Slayer in Fortnite

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🎶 Fortnite Battlepass! 🎶

🎶 I just shit, out my ass! 🎶

🎶 Booted up my PC! 🎶

🎶 'Cause I need need 🎶

🎶 To get that Fortnite Battlepass! 🎶

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Fuck Fortnite How Could They Do This Doomguy Should Have Been In Smash Instead Thats a A Real Game For Adults Who Were Around When Doom Was Released I Bet These Kids Don't Even Know Who Doomguy Is I Was Around When Doom 3 Came Out On Xbox Bought It Day One Fuck You Epic Games Theres Nothing Epic About Your Games Only Doom Eternal Is The Most Epic

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan
Forgot to capitalize every word

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Honestly took em long enough to add him. I’m happy to see DOOM get just more exposure towards fortnite fans if they’re curious enough to try out the series from the 90s to modern day. 

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I play Fortnite with my two boys. I'm actually quite looking forward to having the slayer in game. Looks like they did a great job on the skin too.

Edited by Eurisko

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it's easy to rag on Fortnite, but if you had told 10-year old me that there was a free game where I could see Doomguy headshot the T-1000 then do a silly dance with Venom - I'd have been all over it. The jaded adult in me wants to call this nothing more than a marketing deal - but who knows? Maybe some Fortnite player out there will get into Doom because of it.

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2 hours ago, segfault said:

I do wish there was more references to Epic’s illustrious past in Fortnite, but TBH that’s mostly me selfishly wanting them to add the ASMD. The kids have to learn about shock combos some day, Tim!


I think there was also an official Creative Mode remake of the Morpheus map for UT99’s anniversary, but it’s been a few minutes. Someone correct me.


Anyway I’m not huge on Fortnite (tried it in season one, maybe no build is better?) but I’m not gonna pretend that Doom’s “too cool” or whatever for it given all the other stuff in it. Hopefully some people get a kick out of it and others find our strange little corner of the Internet through it.


….I think this means I have to add a Fortnite themed Easter egg to MetaDoom. Crap, how am I gonna do this without looking like someone’s uncle trying to be cool?

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At the risk of sounding like a pretentious old man (something that I exactly am), I don't think this matters nor will it change anything. Fortnite is catering to the current younger generation in a very specific way, for a very specific reason. Overstimulation. And I'm saying that as an ADHD/OCD freak myself. This will cease to be a thing within a month, just like every other fortnite update that has been dusted within a month of release. In fact, I'd go even further and say that even the original doomslayer from Doom 2016/Eternal became irrelevant at this point, since unlike Classic and even Doom 3, there's really no reason to ever re-play those games once you've beaten them. I guess what I'm trying to say is ... "What the !@#$ is this, why is this a thing, and why does it even matter?"

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6 hours ago, Lizardcommando said:


You know Fortnite is technically free, right? You don't have to buy any skins or the battle passes to play.

but le epic doom SLAYER!! MOOOOM!

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6 hours ago, Quasar said:

Maybe some Fortnite kiddos will stop and think about what kind of person the Doom Slayer is ("never a bully" according to Hugo Martin), a guy who would get himself sent to Mars before he would shoot at innocents (so, not a fucking cop), a guy who would demonstrate Buddha-level compassion for humanity by choosing to remain in Hell instead of taking the gateway back when he had the chance, not just for personal revenge but so he could hopefully prevent any invasions from happening in the future.


Or nah realistically they'll keep bullying each other to the near point of suicide over being "defaults" while Epic rakes in the cash without doing or saying anything to discourage it. Kids get yer parents credit cards!

ur saying that as if there is something wrong with being a cop

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1 hour ago, CFWMagic said:

I'd go even further and say that even the original doomslayer from Doom 2016/Eternal became irrelevant at this point, since unlike Classic and even Doom 3, there's really no reason to ever re-play those games once you've beaten them.

I'm pretty sure that there are a shit ton of people who have invested 300+ hours in Doom Eternal. Just because it has no mod support doesn't mean it has no replayability. Do you know how many times I've heard people here say things like "I must have played DOOM and DOOM 2 a hundred times before I even knew mods were a thing"? DOOM Eternal has a much higher replayability level compared to classic DOOM just going by the amount of content/challenges/updates in the game. I only played it once myself, but that's just because I don't like it as much as some people. On the other hand, I've only ever done one playthrough of DOOM 2, and I've only played through Ultimate DOOM maybe three times. For the record, I'd much rather play through Eternal again instead of DOOM 2 (or TNT).



ur saying that as if there is something wrong with being a cop

Lousy and off-topic bait, do us all a favor and take it somewhere else.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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I think it's funny that most complaints (not all but still) are coming from people who got into the series through the new games and not so much the older fans.

Doomworld, ZDoom forums, the people who are still here since Usenet, talented mappers, source port devs and modders, wiki editors and people that directly impacted the series to the point you can trace back some aspects of the series now to the fanbase.

(to the point that the Doomslayer requires other sources that simply the Doom comic)


No, it's people who post basic memes and Isabelle crossovers, then the others who look at the former and say "Doom fans have the same fucking jokes" because they never looked at older memes.

There's elitism, then there's it coming from a later section of the fanbase, that doesn't even recall Brutal Doom related drama.

That sort of historical revisionism, like when someone did a video called "ranking every Doom joke" and only showed modern Doom related memes.


Like it's not even just "these guys came first", it's also how Doom, for better or worse, was impacted directly/indirectly by fans.

Lots of things people don't realize come from somewhere and that's why i made so many long posts about this: interesting history about the community that someone definitely knows better than me.


I think the REAL problem is that Fortnite crossovers are done out of a "look at how many IP's we can get", when Smash tried to include a hint of respect and creative representation of certain characters and games, even if it wasn't perfect.

When people imagine characters in Smash, they also expect all sorts of details and easter eggs, in a way that's not expected in Fortnite.

One caters to people who were into crossovers for years to the point they did those Deviantart renders of "wishlist" characters in a sincere way.

The other exists for people to post ironic memes of Naturo and Thanos existing in the same game and go "LMAO".


Also going back to Smash, think: When Sakurai mentioned that the Slayer is also called Doomguy by fans and joked about "running on every computer": you can see them representing how fans "adopted and expanded" the series with a limited setting and the creative/modding scene.

Again, 2 things you can trace back to anyone but the people making "when the Doom music plays".

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9 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:


I'd say that it's the exception that confirms the rule, however. If we go into such comparisons ... Then yes, there are going to be a few people who will have 300+ hours of doom eternal. As there are going to be people who have 30000+ hours of Doom 2. I'd say that the biggest difference aren't exactly mods, but rather map wads. That's why. You sure might not replay Doom 2 or TNT (and I don't either), but the ability to plug-and-play several thousands of varied maps is what ultimately makes classic work where eternal remains stale (and again, this is a generalization).

I suppose my main point being, there's only so much you can do with a single campaign. You can replay the same 20 hours game several dozen times, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that (considering half of doomworld does just about that with Doom 2, grinding the same wad over and over to shave off would it be a second on UV-Speed), but ultimately, I have a very hard time to believe that Eternal has any amount of replayability even close to classic. Because I consider the plethora of wads on /idgames/ an integral part of classic doom.

It could be argued that it's not a completely fair argument, and I should've disclosed this intention with my very first post, so I'll give you that. The community made wads are technically not classic doom. But those community made wads is what ultimately makes the comparison between like you said, 300+ hours of Doom Eternal, and several dozen thousand hours of classic. There's simply no comparison between having to play only one campaign, and then having thousands, upon thousands of campaigns.

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obligatory fortnite bad, doom ruined now, only classic games real doom! post. (I don't play Fortnite, so complaining about this is pointless for me)

Edited by jazzmaster9

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You can go here to view the Fortnite Doom Slayer model in your web browser. Pretty similar to the Doom Eternal model, but the skin on the bare arm is the cartoonier Fortnite style.

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I mean let's be honest, we knew it was coming, don't particularly care (outside of the new avenue we have for shitposting, looking forward to that).


The funny part however is that they took so long to do it that it has released alongside a massive controversy that has already soured the fandom.

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7 hours ago, Peter said:

🎶 Fortnite Battlepass! 🎶

🎶 I just shit, out my ass! 🎶

🎶 Booted up my PC! 🎶

🎶 'Cause I need need 🎶

🎶 To get that Fortnite Battlepass! 🎶

Every time I hear about Fortnite that video and the $19 Fortnite card video always pops up in my head but I'm honestly not complaining.

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14 hours ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

Honestly, i think borknight is so goddamn overrated and way too hyped, but i think it's funny the new id software is just like "here you go, have the doom slayer. Now the doom slayer and spartan 117 can finally fight each other in a over hyped, overrated game that should've died a long time ago".


If they wanted to pan handle to the old school doom player, maybe they should do a world where it's over ran by demons and eldrich horror / lovecraftian monsters and they have to fight them to surive.... now that i say that outloud that sounds like a really badass mod someone should make in the GZDoom engine.


Also i've a long time halo fan (still am) it's Serria 117 343! Not Spartan 117! i could go on a long rant about how 343 killed my childhood game (way before i even knew what doom was) but i won't.


10 hours ago, Quasar said:

Maybe some Fortnite kiddos will stop and think about what kind of person the Doom Slayer is ("never a bully" according to Hugo Martin), a guy who would get himself sent to Mars before he would shoot at innocents (so, not a fucking cop), a guy who would demonstrate Buddha-level compassion for humanity by choosing to remain in Hell instead of taking the gateway back when he had the chance, not just for personal revenge but so he could hopefully prevent any invasions from happening in the future.


Or nah realistically they'll keep bullying each other to the near point of suicide over being "defaults" while Epic rakes in the cash without doing or saying anything to discourage it. Kids get yer parents credit cards!


15 hours ago, Metal_Slayer said:

About damn time I can ignore that the new games exist. Seriously, Id Software managed to kill the relevancy of Doom Eternal in less than a year, then pissed everyone off with low quality post release content, microtransactions, a shitty mobile game and Mick Gordon's situation.

you people are grownass adults, please start acting like it

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People, this new game 'Doom' came out. All the kids are playing it rn.


I think it's pretty overrated and overhyped, and a baby game. I'm just gonna stick with Catacomb.

Edited by Mr Masker

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Now i'll watch how Master Chief and DoomSlayer are figthing not like foes, but....

Like FORNITE Friends!


The DoomSlayer watching up the Icon of Sin on the last level of Eternal.


And to add to the topic.



Edited by D4NUK1
New Stuff

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7 hours ago, Kinsie said:

I do wish there was more references to Epic’s illustrious past in Fortnite, but TBH that’s mostly me selfishly wanting them to add the ASMD. The kids have to learn about shock combos some day, Tim!


I think there was also an official Creative Mode remake of the Morpheus map for UT99’s anniversary, but it’s been a few minutes. Someone correct me.


Anyway I’m not huge on Fortnite (tried it in season one, maybe no build is better?) but I’m not gonna pretend that Doom’s “too cool” or whatever for it given all the other stuff in it. Hopefully some people get a kick out of it and others find our strange little corner of the Internet through it.


….I think this means I have to add a Fortnite themed Easter egg to MetaDoom. Crap, how am I gonna do this without looking like someone’s uncle trying to be cool?


I do enjoy No Build, it has the same focus on destructible environments (you can still tear down buildings and other structures) and actually has some (very) limited building in it. You can get Port-a-Fort items that spawn a decent little blind for long-range fighting and getting a vertical advantage, and the Cow Catcher can be deployed on the ground to make a chest-high wall, but these take up inventory slots that could otherwise be used to carry a gun, explosives, or healing. Given that building was also used as a movement tool (making ramps to scale up buildings, etc.) Fortnite also added sprinting, sliding, and clamber mechanics as well to help extend natural reach to go with No Build, which really just makes the game feel much better across the board.


If you haven't tried it since season one now's a decent time to dip your toe into the water again. Because matchmaking stats reset every season you're gonna get thrown into a big pot with cracked-out teenagers with laser aim, people using their phones to play, and literal toddlers, so it'll be a huge mixed bag. Expect to vaporize half the island before getting domed out of nowhere.


I'm not thrilled that Doomguy doesn't get a classic skin (they usually do this kind of thing for characters whose appearance has changed drastically over time) but I do like the cacodemon glider.

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this isnt really about doom slayer being in fortnite but i've wanted to say this for a long time now

i really hate how modern crossovers are just companies showing off all the IPs they have and/or games trying to stay relevant by putting in random unexpected characters from different franchises


crossovers have just lost all charm for me at this point


there are games like smash bros that are good on their own without the crossover elemant but then there are games like multiversus which depend on the crossover gimmick


if you still like all these crossover events then thats fine im just sick of them personally

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