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[Community Project] Thirty Monsters Challenge 2: Thirty Aliens (Beta compilation is up!)

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@dac I'll make a pinky promise. Let's see what these new monsters give us.


One clarification about difficulty: am I meant to understand that we are avoiding making anything that would end up in the fourth episode of 30mc 1? And do we plan to arrange the submissions into episodes by difficulty again?

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welp, hold on don't download the resources yet, fucked up one part of it


e: hopefully this works, man I thought I had put the right dehacked in

Edited by dac

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I'm interested, but one question:

1 hour ago, dac said:

i) All maps should be beatable in -nomonsters setting. Whether this is through not using monster death actions in UMAPINFO or including ways to bypass these actions if there are no monsters is up to you.

Is it okay if the map is technically beatable but really boring with this setting on?

For example timed arenas could result in just boring waiting in place.

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16 minutes ago, Large Cat said:

@dac I'll make a pinky promise. Let's see what these new monsters give us.


One clarification about difficulty: am I meant to understand that we are avoiding making anything that would end up in the fourth episode of 30mc 1? And do we plan to arrange the submissions into episodes by difficulty again?


Not exactly forbidding anything for UV, but HMP and HNTR should be kept reasonable even if UV is not. As for episodes, it's probably going to be the same as the first 30mc (with different names, but otherwise it's the same!)


6 minutes ago, Worst said:

I'm interested, but one question:

Is it okay if the map is technically beatable but really boring with this setting on?

For example timed arenas could result in just boring waiting in place.


It's okay. That rule is just to make sure the map is not unbeatable if you use UMAPINFO lumps to activate lines.

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I guess I will join, so please put me on the list. Although, considering my schedule, I can't make a promise

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Map Name: Dust Bunny

Author: NiGHTS108

Music:  MIDI version of "Fossil Roo" from Final Fantasy IX by Nobuo Uematsu (To quote Epic II's Doomwiki page)

Difficulty Settings: Implemented

Ports Tested: DSDA-Doom

Description: I'm surprised how this map turned out, it ended up a bit more atmospheric than I imagined but still with quite a bit of action that should keep players on their toes. This map probably isn't the best, I don't usually work with small monster counts like this but I like speedmapping so I figured I'd give mapping for this wad a spin, decent result I suppose. Also the first map for 30 Aliens, releasing a whole 2 hours after the announcement.

Notes: May change up some of the difficulty settings later, not sure if I did an amazing job with them. (Usually I just remove enemies, lmao.)


V2 Update: Took some of @Large Cat's advice into consideration here (Thanks for playtesting!) mainly adding more shells early on, I also kept the 2 Cybers at the end for now, I guess in case that infighting thing gets changed over the course of this wad's development. The one Arch-Vile for all the turret aliens is strong advice and something I didn't think of but I didn't change it because I'm pretty comfy with the monster usage as is. Again, thanks for playtesting!


V3 Update: Took @tonytheparrot's advice into account here, mainly nerfing the OP as hell rocket secret to be more reasonable. I also might do something about the stealth aliens because they might be a bit much but I haven't done anything yet. Also added a second secret in the yellow key room.


V4 Update: Huh... could have sworn I updated the thread with the fixed SCG secret, guess not. Removed the Cyberdemons from behind the portal because yeah it looked goofy but that's it. Might reconsider the Viles and Stealth Aliens eventually, also will adjust the difficulties but I can't be bothered right now.



Edited by NiGHTS108

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42 minutes ago, NiGHTS108 said:

Map Name: Dust Bunny

Did my best to make an FDA, though I'm not 100% sure I've loaded everything properly. I just downloaded the resource, so hopefully nothing is outdated. If the demo plays back correctly, then great!


In case the demo doesn't play back, I'll give some brief thoughts. The beginning is hectic, but after picking up the SSG, I'm mostly in control of that bit. Ammo is really tight until you get the alien rifle, but perhaps that's intended. The only issue with tight ammo in this wad is the players will always have the pistol to fall back on, so there is temptation to plink monsters to death with it. I got it on the first try, but that was with the help of another error I encountered which essentially deleted the arch-diabolic. The cybers also infight in the demo, making them a piece of cake.


One possible suggestion to save on monsters: it sounds like you have an archvile dedicated to each stealth trooper, though you could probably get nearly the same effect by having a single archvile that travels quickly between the four hidden chambers via silent teleports. Just an idea.


@dac I would like to check that I am loading things correctly, as I may require some guidance. My command line looks something like this:


dsda-doom.exe -file aa-tex.wad aa-mons.wad -complevel 21


With that load setup, the cybers infight (maybe intentional) but much more severely, the arch-diabolus seems to hit a bad state that simply poofs it out of existence as part of its resurrection routine. Let me know if that's an error if there's a different way I need to boot up the resources. I also expressed my concern above regarding infinite ammo on the pistol: there's a lot of temptation in low-ammo situations to use the peashooter to chisel away threats.


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I've been looking forward to this - had fun mapping for the first one. Slap me down for a slot.

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I'll be honest, never been very hot on the AA aesthetics, but I feel like I need to get out of the my comfort zone for once. You will get a map from me. @dac

Edited by Thelokk

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I loved working on the first 30mc so of course I'll come back for seconds!

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This is a really cool idea for a community project. I've been meaning to both improve my monster economy skills and try out the wonderful AA-Tex for some time now, so an opportunity to do both is naturally very appealing.


However, while playing around with the new monsters, I found that the Diabolist is fatally bugged: as soon as it encounters a dead enemy, it tries to resurrect it and then disappears.


Edit: this bug occurs in dsda-doom 0.24.3, -complevel 21. It does not appear in GZDoom.


Edit 2: another bug, this time with the resource pack. The D2 flats have been converted into the wrong format, which results in severe visual bugs in non-GZDoom ports.

Edited by Omniarch

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At a quick glance I didn't see any Args1/Args2 in dehacked for any HealChase frames. I imagine dsda jumps to state 0 with Args1 undefined, I remember struggling with disappearing monsters too when figuring out HealChase usage.

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30 minutes ago, Omniarch said:

as soon as it encounters a dead enemy, it tries to resurrect it and then disappears.


*makes a map where the only way to survive six diabolists is to kite them to corpses*

... we're not fixing this, right?

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5 minutes ago, Thelokk said:


*makes a map where the only way to survive six diabolists is to kite them to corpses*

... we're not fixing this, right?

I also noticed that Diabolists can't attack the player when they're standing still. One could do some really evil stuff involving Cyberdemons with this knowledge >:)

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9 hours ago, dac said:

UNDYING : New monster. Similar to the former human, but comes back to life if normally killed.

How did you do that in MBF21 functionality?

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I'm in. The last one was really fun to map for and I feel the new monsters will change the dynamic of this mapset.

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