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[Community Project] Thirty Monsters Challenge 2: Thirty Aliens (Beta compilation is up!)

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I wanted to give a small update since I'll be off the grid for a while: I'll have a compilation ready to go once I come back, which should be Saturday the 8th Sunday the 9th Tuesday the 11th Thursday the 13th Saturday the 15th of July FOR REAL THIS TIME soonish

Edited by dac

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@dac I just want to be sure that my map is looking properly in this compilation, since I made it w/o converting IWAD's textures to "Ancient Aliens" palette...

Edited by RastaManGames

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On 5/4/2023 at 9:45 PM, MortisCausaDonatio said:

Updated my entry (Missing red key on some difficulty and removed useless plasma packs)

(Screenshots soon but aside from a few things i didn't change anything)
MAP: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dzptpljk08i6lie/30mc2_HUNdebLeonidasX_m1_v1.5.wad?dl=0


Map Name: Abysmal Sanctuary 

Author: HUNdebLeonidasX

Music:  Fortune Ravine by Arata Iiyoshi (From PMD Explorers of sky) Onyx by Kevin Schilder (From Heretic)

Difficulty Settings: Not implemented yet

Ports Tested: DSDA-Doom

Description: Originally meant to be a techbase-water themed map with different music but I decided to make an use out of those cool looking marble textures, and i had a pack of pokémon midis around so I decided to choose one from them too. So far is more of an arena, where you have to find all the keys in the main chamber.
I plan to add some decoration to the main sanctuary.
So far i'd say it's the hard-medium difficulty,.


Nothing else changed but I replaced the music with a track from Heretic (the original track needed some editing i cant do right now). Sorry for the late edit.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/tgaed3dnoodz3q2/30mc2_HUNdebLeonidasX_m1_v1.5 (2).wad?dl=0

Edited by MortisCausaDonatio

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Eh, I'm starting to feel like my map for this project feels a bit uninteresting... Sorry I didn't give you something better!

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Finished another update for my map:

Map Name: Thermal Research Site
Author: Worst
Music: "Level" or LEVELR from Hexen (placeholder)
Difficulty Settings: Implemented.
Ports Tested: dsda-doom 0.25.6 and GZDoom 4.8.2
Description: Contact with the crew of the thermal research site has been lost. Management has sent you to retrieve the latest research data, and if needed, to provide assistance to the crew.
Notes: Third version of the map, now with difficulty settings and multiplayer things.



Screenshots: See my older post (screenshots not updated.)




- Implemented difficulty settings. UV/NM is now a bit more spicy than HMP.
- Included some extra pickups and replaced some enemies for multiplayer.
- Added a new secret.
- A few other small adjustments.


- Various little tweaks around the map.
- More health and ammo added.
- A few monster adjustments.
- One early platform no longer blocks your movement if you approach it from the wrong angle.
- Added another secret to the map.
- Detailed some places a little more.


- First released version


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  • 1 month later...
On 9/9/2023 at 2:40 PM, Ravendesk said:

Just curious if this is dead or not yet xd


Not dead! Just had a massive burnt out issues with Doom and life in general, and honestly I neglected this project a bit too. Sorry about all the delays.


I'm gonna give myself a bit of time to get back, reorder everything and compile. I don't want to give a hard time limit like before, but hopefully the start of fall should be good.




Edited by dac

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  • 1 month later...

30mc2 Beta 1 is here!


I still have to put in the proper level tags and write a proper text file, add a title and everything, but for now my goal is to get a compilation off while I still have energy on sunday. Y'all have waited long enough, and hopefully nothing broke while I compiled.


Once again, sorry for all the delays. No real excuses for them, I simply lost motivation this year and couldn't do anything but click repost buttons on social media art.

Edited by dac

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49 minutes ago, dac said:

30mc2 Beta 1 is here!

Nice!! Btw. you might want to edit last part of the dropbox link to be "dl=1" instead of "dl=0", then it will instantly download instead of bringing up the dropbox website.


41 minutes ago, dac said:

I still have to put in the proper level tags and write a proper text file, add a title and everything, but for now my goal is to get a compilation off while I still have energy on sunday. Y'all have waited long enough, and hopefully nothing broke while I compiled.


I think you should add @Azure_Horror's map to the compilation as well, from this post. While they may have been a little late with the download link, they did post a screenshot of their map before the time was up. And since you weren't exactly hasty with the compilation, would seem a bit hypocritical to reject it for that alone, imo.

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No worries, just missed it. When I said I neglected stuff a bit, that's basically what I meant.


Second version will be tomorrow evening, it will have Azure's map, the CWILV for all maps and title/endmap/intermission graphics.

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Howdy Dac 🤗Thank you for these beta versions, you rock 👍

I have given my maps (11 & 24) a quick test and I found one bug. It's a blue switch that does not light up or make a sound. When you have time could you please add the textures SLSWB0 and SLSWB1 to the switches lump? Cheers ❤️ 🍻

I hope you feel better soon 🥰


I also have a question for everyone, in dsda-doom is it normal for my doors and lifts to not respond to the use key if 30mc2.wad is loaded without "-complevel 21"? I'm a gzdoom guy so I don't know lol 😄


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Hey there. I've noticed that the wad contains an older version of my map which doesn't even have the required 30 monsters, as well as an older version of the midi I made for it. I believe I sent Dac a newer version months ago, but It doesn't matter because at least now I got the chance to add more stuff to it. Anyway, here's the latest version with some changes I made today, the newer midi is in there too. So yeeeh, not the best map ever made, but with those changes I did today It's more enjoyable, I think.


Edited by OceanMadman

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New update coming tomorrow, thanks for the notices. I thought I had the undying thing corrected but guess I took an old version of the dehacked by accident...

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Beta 03! This one should have an updated switch lump, OceanMadman's updated map and correct the undying crash.

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24 minutes ago, dac said:

Beta 03! This one should have an updated switch lump, OceanMadman's updated map and correct the undying crash.

My map works fine. Thank you for the compilation.

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14 hours ago, dac said:

Beta 03! This one should have an updated switch lump, OceanMadman's updated map and correct the undying crash.

Cool, thanks! the midi for my map is still the older version though, but not a huge deal.

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On 10/25/2023 at 1:17 AM, dac said:

Beta 03! This one should have an updated switch lump, OceanMadman's updated map and correct the undying crash.

I tested my map again, and found that some of the switch textures are not animating. I also took a look at all of the textures in the wad as well as the SWITCHES lump, and found the following:

Textures missing from SWITCHES (that are used in my map)

  • EWAL001A / EWAL002B

Bad definitions in SWITCHES

  • SW1S0V / SWEG_ON -> Should probably be: SW1S0V / SW1S1V
  • SW1GOTH / SW2GOTH -> This texture does not exist. But the textures SW1GOTH1/SW2GOTH1 and SW1GOTH2/SW2GOTH2 are missing from the definitions.

Textures missing from SWITCHES but which I don't know if are used in the maps



@Azure_Horror I tried your map a little, and noticed that there are some lines that are missing textures, and cause a bunch of HOMs in software mode, not sure if you only tested it with hardware rendering or if the HOMs are intentional:




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14 hours ago, Worst said:

@Azure_Horror I tried your map a little, and noticed that there are some lines that are missing textures, and cause a bunch of HOMs in software mode, not sure if you only tested it with hardware rendering or if the HOMs are intentional:

Yes, you are right. I forgot to test sky-walls in software mode.

I will try to fix this weekend.

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On 10/30/2023 at 8:49 AM, Azure_Horror said:

Yes, you are right. I forgot to test sky-walls in software mode.

I will try to fix this weekend.

I think in order to get rid of the HOMs in software mode, you might not have much choice aside from redesigning the affected rooms somewhat. I think the sky extending to wall textures trick only really works for upper textures; as described on the Sky hack page on the doom wiki.

What you can do is for example lowering a ceiling sky sector all the way to the floor, and then hiding part of it under another wall in front of it. But this of course means that you cannot have a path over such a sky wall.




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Hmm, but the Ancient Aliens WAD itself uses Lower Texture sky walls in some of its Episode 2 and Episode 3 maps, does it not?

I will need to study all that more carefully...

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  • 3 months later...

Vibe's slowly getting unfucked, once again.


@Azure_Horror you haven't posted in a while and I was wondering if you corrected your map a bit. I can put out what will probably be the final release (switch textures fix, changing Kinatuk's name) this Friday.

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On 2/20/2024 at 3:00 AM, dac said:

I can put out what will probably be the final release (switch textures fix, changing Kinatuk's name) this Friday.

Version 2. I hope sky walls are now compatible with every rendering mode...


Map Name: Druid Artificial Dimension
Author: Azure_Horror
Music: "Ghosts in The Walls" by Stuart Rynn (Rebirth MIDI pack song for map 11)
Difficulty settings: Implemented. UV - somewhat merciless; HMP - somewhat merciful; HNTR - power fantasy
Ports Tested: DSDA-Doom, 15 January 2023 Release




Edited by Azure_Horror

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beta 04. Did a small check on Worst's map and the switches seems to be fine, replaced Azure_Horror's map with a new version and the map names are no longer misnaming Kinatuk. Need to add more music fur for now this will do. Good to be back from depression!

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  • 2 months later...

How’s this coming along anyway? I wouldn’t mind if there was any way I could help out with the compilation in some form, as this wad contains what’s for me, honestly a pretty old map at this point

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