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Hey, man, this place is dead


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Hello? Anyone there? Geez, it's been a while since anything has happened here. Okay, yeah, this is a pointless post, but I was just wondering what the heck is going on. By the way, I was thinking, seeing as how a fully working Doom 2 IWAD has been made, could the same be done with Doom 1? It would really help me, as I don't currently have access to a copy of Doom at the moment (I lost it with my computer, but then again I can always go and pick up a copy of the Doom whatchamacallit thingie with Ultimate Doom, Doom II, and Final Doom [which I've been meaning to get a copy of anyways]) and I would like to continue working on my map, which would be a lot easier if I could test it. Okay, so by the time I can do anything about my map, this whole problem will probably be obsolete anyways, seeing as how I will replace my copy of Doom soon, but it's still a suggestion.

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Yeah I can probably do that fairly easily. I just need to edit the config files for the build a bit to make it build a doom 1 iwad as well. I'll see if I can do that in the next few days.

PS. nice avatar :)

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