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WHATDOIDO.wad (2 Maps for DOOM 2)

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2 Maps I've made for DOOM 2, I hope you like slimefall.

IWAD: Doom2

Runs on: Every source port, more then likely.

Levels supported: UV, HMP, HNTR (UV Is the intended level)

Multiplayer: Yes (Untested)

Music: Map01: sf2012 - map18, Map02: Dialtone_Deltarune_Chapter_2, by ShinkoNetCavy, Intermission and Titlescreen: Sonic CD Boss (US)

New graphics: Somewhat

Play time: 15 Minutes max.
Map format: Boom
Maps: Map01-Map02
Bugs: No known Bugs.


Have fun




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Pretty neat map, I like the slime zone aesthetics! Pretty tough combat and an interesting puzzle to figure out. Not really sure what happened at the end there, but, I decided to just take the win and move on haha? I'm guessing all the archviles launched me into the exit or somethin'



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33 minutes ago, thelamp said:

Pretty neat map, I like the slime zone aesthetics! Pretty tough combat and an interesting puzzle to figure out. Not really sure what happened at the end there, but, I decided to just take the win and move on haha? I'm guessing all the archviles launched me into the exit or somethin'



glad you liked the map, man.
sorry about the slow teleporters on the island where you get the plasma and RL, i made that island before i found a good technique for monster closets.
so the marble island with the puzzle, theres actually a secret sorta fight on it. if you jump from the platform that lowers the yellowkey, you can land on a little spot which normally isnt accessible without that platform, and you can hit a switch, which teleports 2 cyberdemons in that you have to plasma down while invis.
so the puzzle works like this: whatever switch you press corresponds with each platform, and when you hit that switch, it will raise the corresponding platform, and lower the rest.
about the popup archviles (2nd and 4th islands), you just have to tank the hits with those guys, lol.
the final island is pretty nasty, BUT doable. you just have to get a good strat for it. theres also 3 cyberdemons that teleport in too, but you didnt get to them.
the archviles DID blast you into the exit, btw. its a circle platform that lowers and allows you to exit when you press the lionface switch that teleports the archviles n cybers in.

now ABOUT map 02, you were right on it being a sendoff map, lol (check the text file for a little extra detail about it). if you wanna have a LITTLE extra content, you can shoot the 4 evil eyes and have a nice surprise.

Edited by raddicted

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Had fun with this one, cool tower puzzle! Not sure about the thirty-something arch-viles near the end, but at least the exit wasn't timed.
And if you don't wanna deal with that, you can block everyone from porting in by hugging the switch, not sure if that was an oversight but thought I'd share :P

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