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Blood Dead Redemption (gameplay mod)

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Hey guys, I recently got the courage to post my mod here. I want to be honest from the start, this is a very amature mod, the code is messy and nearly everything is copy and pasted from other mods but given a blood paint job (This is the main reason I was reluctant to post this, I know someone is going to call this lame/lazy). In a nutshell , this is my personal edit of project reblood but I expanded upon it. This is pretty much a one man project (aside from art) so nothing too fancy. If you are a fan of blood or horror in general you should like this. I dont want to make this thread too long but this gameplay mod has 22 weapons,combined enemies from project malice + project reblood + vanilla doom plus and treasure. Please contact me if you would like to help, I have other ideas but no idea how to implement them. 




Recoimmended mods to use with this pack


1. universal kill rewards 

2. X bullet time 

3. my music pack  https://www.mediafire.com/file/lz6zyl1e1ikrdp5/UltraCrispyMusicPatch.pk3/file

4. darkdoomz

5, mk champions

6. Tilt++

7. critical shots




https://www.doomworld.com/profile/21721-wardust/ for art

TheTurtleyOne - Doomworld for art 

https://www.doomworld.com/profile/16618-bryan-t/ taught me basics of decorate 

https://www.doomworld.com/profile/34169-kalensar/ asked him for advice 

Brony first person to test my mod

Bisento for sound effects


Link & load order



blood dead redemption

Project malice main.zip

vanilla doom plus blood edition new2

blood treasure chests




Edited by retrogamer97

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I happen to LOVE Blood and horror related stuff in general so this mod is definitely interesting to me!  I'll have to think of a good spooky set of maps to play through

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15 minutes ago, nickxcom said:

I happen to LOVE Blood and horror related stuff in general so this mod is definitely interesting to me!  I'll have to think of a good spooky set of maps to play through

If you play with dark doom or creepy textures , any map is spooky. For sure , play this with hellgroumd.

Edited by retrogamer97

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry the day got away from me and I got buried in both snow and the Dead Space remake lol. I am honestly impressed with this mod, especially if you are new to modding. As the OP says, it may borrow other mods, but the horror theme and "Blood" coat of paint is honestly pretty unique, in my experience. Some extremely cool and unique weapons and sound effects I don't think I've encountered before either.


I played through a couple maps of Hellground just to test it out again and it fits those maps well.


Like you said, this may be an amateur mod, but more horror themed mods are always appreciated and everyone has to start somewhere! I am excited to see what updates you make to this one next or if you make another mod. Keep it up!


Edit: I actually saved this in the correct load order as a ZDL just so I don't have to remember it again lol. I will definitely keep this mod in mind for future spooky map sets :)

Edited by nickxcom

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21 hours ago, nickxcom said:

Sorry the day got away from me and I got buried in both snow and the Dead Space remake lol. I am honestly impressed with this mod, especially if you are new to modding. As the OP says, it may borrow other mods, but the horror theme and "Blood" coat of paint is honestly pretty unique, in my experience. Some extremely cool and unique weapons and sound effects I don't think I've encountered before either.


I played through a couple maps of Hellground just to test it out again and it fits those maps well.


Like you said, this may be an amateur mod, but more horror themed mods are always appreciated and everyone has to start somewhere! I am excited to see what updates you make to this one next or if you make another mod. Keep it up!


Edit: I actually saved this in the correct load order as a ZDL just so I don't have to remember it again lol. I will definitely keep this mod in mind for future spooky map sets :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to play my mod and to write a review. I am really flattered. Yea, my whole goal was to expand on the blood arsenal. Blood gameplay mods in general are kinda rare and the ones that do exist usually dont add new weapons so I decided to think of weapons that would fit the setting. Did you use my music pack? 


The real hard part was trying to balance the mod lol. Most of the weapons damages are unaltered from the original mod I got it from (I just assumed the original author knew what he was doing). I do want the weapons to be better than vanilla doom but not too strong like russian overkill or trailblazer. I played like 6 megawads with my mod and it went fine.  My mod even has an inventory system but too be honest 99% of the time I never use inventory items, I only have it there incase my mod made a map too hard and you need a lifeline. 


EDIT : Please give me feedback on my ideas?


Should I add recoil to the m1 garand? It is able to melt an arachatron in 1 clip if you spam the fire button. I know its semi auto and I dont want to nerf the damage so im thinking adding recoil might make sense. 

Nerf the raygun? The alternate fire is a little too strong but cant think of another altifre idea. 


Nerf the rivertgun? I want it to do similar damage to the super nailgun in quake. However I think it is balanced because it sucks at range and I got the code from realm667 so im guessing it was tested before. 


Thought about getting rid of the mauser, it looks cool but serves 0 purpose. The hand cannon is pretty gimicky too but I put it there as a joke (not many doom mods have black powder weapons)


Thought about removing the necronomicon, it looks cool but I rarely find a reason to resurrect something. I mean I would keep it if the "enemy" glowed and followed you around but 0 idea how to code that. 


The life leech and black hole launcher are strong but they are the BFG replacements so it makes sense. 


Cut ideas : These are weapons I had in mind but never made it into the mod.

                 buzzsaw //chainsaw replacement

                 lewis gun //chaingun replacement

                 PTRS (anti tank sniper) //rocket launcher replacement

                 rope //starting weapon 

                  star wars blaster //plasmagun replacement

                 mustard gas //inventory item

                 radiation gun //plasmagun replacement             

                 drill orb from blood 2 // chainsaw replacement

                 lemate revolver //starting weapon 

                 multi barrel flint lock rifle //super shotgun replacement

                 Scythe //chainsaw replacement







Edited by retrogamer97

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Hey! didn't saw the thread! keep going man, this mod has lot of things to offer, congratulations for starting the thread, my west wishes!

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Might postpone/cancel the grease gun idea, overlays are beyond my copy/paste skills. Feel free to post ideas and assets. Assets are hard to come by, most sprites look too futuristic or bland. Im really sticking to this old/occultic/steam punk/flint lock/western vibe. 

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Short update, I made contact with the author of reblood (the mod that blood dead redemption extended). Nice guy and really smart, he has his own projects but hes to going to help out a bit from now on. Expect an update within the week. Please keep me posted with ideas. 

Edited by retrogamer97

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8 hours ago, retrogamer97 said:

Short update, I made contact with the author of reblood (the mod that blood dead redemption extended). Nice guy and really smart, he has his own projects but hes to going to help out a bit from now on. Expect an update within the week. Please keep me posted with ideas. 

That's a great news. Alliances are the best for the community

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Ok bloodiites and Wardust (im joking lol). Updated the mod, Please read my update list before downloading. 


+added recoil to the m1 garand

+ better explosion for grenade launcher 

- got rid of the mauser (its still in the source code if you miss it)

+ starting guns got a paintjob 

+ added grease guns

+ fixed small sound clipping issues

+ faster weapom switching 

- Got rid of the morning star 

+ added a scythe morning star combo (The code works fine but my artiist is MIA currently so the sprite perspective looks kinda weird, it should be further apart and the scythe should be taller)


Plans for the furure?


  •  Other friend wants me to add a needler from halo. Obviously it will need a paintjob but that sounds complex to code. 
  • give me ideas


Thats all, have fun guys.  Special thanks to Wardust,turtleyOne  and Maxi. 




Edited by retrogamer97

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Small update, just fixed sprites for the scythe and increased tommy gun ammo cap from 500 to 600. I know it sounds silly but the grease guns chew through tommy gun ammo fast so I might even increase it again later. 


Im thinking about adding a a gun to shoot radioactive rounds, would you rather see it in a rifle or in a revolver? Please let me know 



Edited by retrogamer97

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Might pull my mod from mediafire , it got copyright claimed 3 times. Might be the zelda sound effects , not sure. 

Edited by retrogamer97

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  • 1 month later...

I tried your Mod in the past, nice mod. But when I tried the new update, it shows: 15 Errors Decorate. This happens both in GZ and LZDoom. Try reuploading it better.

Edited by Charlie_Apocalypse

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a dead thread but long story short I got like 20 comments on my youtube of people saying hey can I play your mod. So im adding a newer version of it. If you're a coder or artist feel free to contact me. 


NOTE: the music mod is optional, I only use it if the WAD has no new music. 



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
15 hours ago, Red Recluse said:

Short bloom1.666 story remember old time but theret is also here lingering atmosphere.


Please give context, I know people like short messages but please make sense. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hey have you ever thought on about making the tutorial on how to install the mod correcly bc it says like this: 

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate" line 24:
Tried to define class 'Nothing' more than once. Renaming class to 'Nothing@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.deadeye" line 9:
Icon 'POWRE0' for 'NecroTime' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.deadeye" line 18:
Icon 'BOTDA0' for 'NecroItem' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.handcannon" line 5:
Icon 'M1GAA0' for 'cannons' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.handcannon" line 20:
Icon 'M1GAA0' for 'grapeshot' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.health" line 32:
Tried to define class 'bloodmegasphere' more than once. Renaming class to 'bloodmegasphere@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.health'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.m1" line 24:
Icon 'M1GPA0' for 'M1Clip' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.m1" line 31:
Icon 'M1GPA0' for 'M1ClipEXP' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.m1" line 166:
Icon 'M1GAA0' for 'OughtSixAmmo' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.m1" line 304:
Tried to define class 'M1Clip' more than once. Renaming class to 'M1Clip@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.m1'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.starwarsblaster" line 68:
Icon 'NRGYA0' for 'BlasterPack' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 173:
Tried to define class 'gntpuff' more than once. Renaming class to 'gntpuff@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.vknife'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 199:
Tried to define class 'gauntHealthGiver' more than once. Renaming class to 'gauntHealthGiver@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.vknife'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 223:
Tried to define class 'Knifing' more than once. Renaming class to 'Knifing@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.vknife'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.zspawnerpowerups" line 39:
Tried to define class 'DeathMask' more than once. Renaming class to 'DeathMask@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.zspawnerpowerups'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.zspawnerweapons" line 2:
Tried to define class 'BloodRandomSpawner1' more than once. Renaming class to 'BloodRandomSpawner1@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.zspawnerweapons'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 94:
Unknown class name 'DSFX3' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 100:
Unknown class name 'DSFX3' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 39:
Unknown class name 'DSFX3' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 48:
Unknown class name 'DSFX3' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 56:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 57:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 58:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 59:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 60:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 67:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot2' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 70:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot2' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 73:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot2' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 147:
Unknown class name 'DSFX1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 175:
Unknown class name 'DSFX2' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 177:
Unknown class name 'DSFX2' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.ackolyte" line 189:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.ackolyte" line 258:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.ackolyte" line 356:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.axezombie" line 211:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.axezombie" line 284:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.axezombie" line 480:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.axezombie" line 536:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.colt" line 383:
Unknown class name 'Tracer' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.colt" line 425:
Unknown class name 'Tracer' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.cultist" line 276:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.cultist" line 594:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fanatic" line 265:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fanatic" line 333:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fanatic" line 398:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fatzombie" line 163:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fatzombie" line 229:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fatzombie" line 362:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.friendlycaleb" line 171:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.harpoongun" line 143:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.innocent" line 115:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.knife" line 63:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.m1" line 360:
Unknown class name '' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.priest" line 213:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.priest" line 274:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.priest" line 342:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.props" line 69:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.railgun" line 55:
Unknown class name 'waiting' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.railgun" line 85:
Unknown class name 'RailgunThunderPuff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.railgun" line 91:
Unknown class name 'RailgunThunder2Puff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.railgun" line 139:
Unknown class name 'waiting' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.railgun" line 173:
Unknown class name 'RailgunThunder2Puff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.rivetgun" line 39:
Truncation of floating point constant -2.200000
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.rivetgun" line 39:
Truncation of floating point constant 3.600000
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.rivetgun" line 50:
Truncation of floating point constant -2.200000
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.rivetgun" line 50:
Truncation of floating point constant 3.600000
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.scythe star" line 89:
Unknown class name 'ShovelPuff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.scythe star" line 89:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.scythe star" line 97:
Unknown class name 'ShovelPuff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.scythe star" line 97:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.scythe star" line 207:
Unknown class name 'morningstarx' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.starwarsblaster" line 31:
Unknown class name 'BasicSmokeTrail' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.starwarsblaster" line 44:
Unknown class name 'ShotSmokeTrail' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 69:
Unknown class name 'GasCloudMissile' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 100:
Unknown class name 'GrenadePuff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 184:
Unknown class name 'CalebWannaCool' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 185:
Unknown class name 'FirstTimeWP9' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 189:
Unknown class name 'FirstTimeWP9' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 190:
Unknown class name 'CalebWannaCool' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 194:
Unknown class name 'CalebWannaCool' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 198:
Unknown class name 'CalebWannaCool' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 201:
Unknown class name 'CalebWannaCool' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 223:
Unknown class name 'Bullet_Puff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 224:
Unknown class name 'CBSmokeSpawner' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 292:
Unknown class name 'CBSmokeSpawner' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.undeadhunter" line 132:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.undeadhunter" line 299:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 95:
Unknown class name 'darkxx' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 105:
Truncation of floating point constant 0.020000
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 105:
Unknown class name '200' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 86:
Unknown class name 'ColtAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 88:
Unknown class name 'ColtAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 120:
Unknown class name 'SawedOffAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 127:
Unknown class name 'SawedOffAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 129:
Unknown class name 'SawedOffAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 134:
Unknown class name 'SawedOffAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 166:
Unknown class name 'TommyGunAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 173:
Unknown class name 'TommyGunAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 205:
Unknown class name 'NapalmLauncherAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 211:
Unknown class name 'NapalmLauncherAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 394:
Unknown class name 'TeslaCannonAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 401:
Unknown class name 'TeslaCannonAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.zealot" line 244:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.zealot" line 317:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.zealot" line 444:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
How to fix them?

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1 hour ago, WasanianPartisan said:

Hey have you ever thought on about making the tutorial on how to install the mod correcly bc it says like this: 

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate" line 24:
Tried to define class 'Nothing' more than once. Renaming class to 'Nothing@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.deadeye" line 9:
Icon 'POWRE0' for 'NecroTime' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.deadeye" line 18:
Icon 'BOTDA0' for 'NecroItem' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.handcannon" line 5:
Icon 'M1GAA0' for 'cannons' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.handcannon" line 20:
Icon 'M1GAA0' for 'grapeshot' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.health" line 32:
Tried to define class 'bloodmegasphere' more than once. Renaming class to 'bloodmegasphere@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.health'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.m1" line 24:
Icon 'M1GPA0' for 'M1Clip' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.m1" line 31:
Icon 'M1GPA0' for 'M1ClipEXP' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.m1" line 166:
Icon 'M1GAA0' for 'OughtSixAmmo' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.m1" line 304:
Tried to define class 'M1Clip' more than once. Renaming class to 'M1Clip@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.m1'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.starwarsblaster" line 68:
Icon 'NRGYA0' for 'BlasterPack' not found

Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 173:
Tried to define class 'gntpuff' more than once. Renaming class to 'gntpuff@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.vknife'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 199:
Tried to define class 'gauntHealthGiver' more than once. Renaming class to 'gauntHealthGiver@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.vknife'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 223:
Tried to define class 'Knifing' more than once. Renaming class to 'Knifing@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.vknife'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.zspawnerpowerups" line 39:
Tried to define class 'DeathMask' more than once. Renaming class to 'DeathMask@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.zspawnerpowerups'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.zspawnerweapons" line 2:
Tried to define class 'BloodRandomSpawner1' more than once. Renaming class to 'BloodRandomSpawner1@blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3@decorate.zspawnerweapons'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 94:
Unknown class name 'DSFX3' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 100:
Unknown class name 'DSFX3' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 39:
Unknown class name 'DSFX3' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 48:
Unknown class name 'DSFX3' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 56:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 57:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 58:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 59:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 60:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 67:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot2' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 70:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot2' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 73:
Unknown class name 'DiscipleShot2' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 147:
Unknown class name 'DSFX1' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 175:
Unknown class name 'DSFX2' of type 'Actor'
Script error, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:zscript/disciple.zc" line 177:
Unknown class name 'DSFX2' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.ackolyte" line 189:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.ackolyte" line 258:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.ackolyte" line 356:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.axezombie" line 211:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.axezombie" line 284:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.axezombie" line 480:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.axezombie" line 536:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.colt" line 383:
Unknown class name 'Tracer' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.colt" line 425:
Unknown class name 'Tracer' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.cultist" line 276:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.cultist" line 594:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fanatic" line 265:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fanatic" line 333:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fanatic" line 398:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fatzombie" line 163:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fatzombie" line 229:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.fatzombie" line 362:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.friendlycaleb" line 171:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.harpoongun" line 143:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.innocent" line 115:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.knife" line 63:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.m1" line 360:
Unknown class name '' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.priest" line 213:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.priest" line 274:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.priest" line 342:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.props" line 69:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.railgun" line 55:
Unknown class name 'waiting' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.railgun" line 85:
Unknown class name 'RailgunThunderPuff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.railgun" line 91:
Unknown class name 'RailgunThunder2Puff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.railgun" line 139:
Unknown class name 'waiting' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.railgun" line 173:
Unknown class name 'RailgunThunder2Puff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.rivetgun" line 39:
Truncation of floating point constant -2.200000
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.rivetgun" line 39:
Truncation of floating point constant 3.600000
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.rivetgun" line 50:
Truncation of floating point constant -2.200000
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.rivetgun" line 50:
Truncation of floating point constant 3.600000
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.scythe star" line 89:
Unknown class name 'ShovelPuff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.scythe star" line 89:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.scythe star" line 97:
Unknown class name 'ShovelPuff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.scythe star" line 97:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.scythe star" line 207:
Unknown class name 'morningstarx' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.starwarsblaster" line 31:
Unknown class name 'BasicSmokeTrail' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.starwarsblaster" line 44:
Unknown class name 'ShotSmokeTrail' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 69:
Unknown class name 'GasCloudMissile' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 100:
Unknown class name 'GrenadePuff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 184:
Unknown class name 'CalebWannaCool' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 185:
Unknown class name 'FirstTimeWP9' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 189:
Unknown class name 'FirstTimeWP9' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 190:
Unknown class name 'CalebWannaCool' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 194:
Unknown class name 'CalebWannaCool' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 198:
Unknown class name 'CalebWannaCool' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 201:
Unknown class name 'CalebWannaCool' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 223:
Unknown class name 'Bullet_Puff' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 224:
Unknown class name 'CBSmokeSpawner' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.trenchgun" line 292:
Unknown class name 'CBSmokeSpawner' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.undeadhunter" line 132:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.undeadhunter" line 299:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 95:
Unknown class name 'darkxx' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 105:
Truncation of floating point constant 0.020000
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.vknife" line 105:
Unknown class name '200' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 86:
Unknown class name 'ColtAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 88:
Unknown class name 'ColtAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 120:
Unknown class name 'SawedOffAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 127:
Unknown class name 'SawedOffAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 129:
Unknown class name 'SawedOffAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 134:
Unknown class name 'SawedOffAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 166:
Unknown class name 'TommyGunAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 173:
Unknown class name 'TommyGunAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 205:
Unknown class name 'NapalmLauncherAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 211:
Unknown class name 'NapalmLauncherAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 394:
Unknown class name 'TeslaCannonAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.weapons" line 401:
Unknown class name 'TeslaCannonAkimbo' of type 'Inventory'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.zealot" line 244:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.zealot" line 317:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "blood dead redemption v2.1.pk3:decorate.zealot" line 444:
Unknown class name 'Arm11' of type 'Actor'
How to fix them?

That version is usper old. 

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19 minutes ago, retrogamer97 said:

That version is usper old. 

Then the version I downloaded is old that comes from the google drive download then when are you gonna realease the version that will be available to play?

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  • 7 months later...
On 12/9/2022 at 4:47 PM, retrogamer97 said:

ttps://www.doomworld.com/profile/34169-kalensar/ asked him for advice



Always nice to get a credit that I dont remember. HAHA. Rock on.

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