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Chocolate doom error when trying to load costom map

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More info would be pretty useful, like a download link to the wad. I do agree with TheMagicMushroomMan, though. I do think it is a PNAMES or TEXTURE1/2 error. 

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I just checked the wad - seems like a node builder problem.

In Slade, the wad is missing a lot of lumps required for vanilla to run. Try using a different node builder.


In Slade, you can do this (when in the map editor part of Slade) by going to > Edit > Preferences > Node Builder and change it to ZenNode or BSP, rather than ZDBSP.

ZDBSP doesn't build some nodes required for vanilla maps to run in vanilla ports like Chocolate Doom or some limit removing ports like Crispy Doom.


This is the node structure of the wad:



This is the node structure of the wad but rebuilt with BSP:



The reason all the other map nodes are needed were to optimize the game (Doom was made in 1993, so computers were a lot less powerful)


You'll have to download the node builder and then configure Slade to use it, though. You could also use a different map editor like Ultimate Doom Builder, which has more node builders built in, and has more features than Slade, at least in terms of map editing.

Edited by Paf

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This map only has 1 sector, and the nodes have not yet been built.

Paf beat me to it ...


Edited by hawkwind

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