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How many games do you have installed currently?

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I currently went through a bit of a clear out of installed games, to only focus on specific ones. It got me thinking on how many games people usually have installed at one time. I currently now have 25 on steam (3 are demos), but I'm curious about other people. Can be on steam or other launchers or whatever really.


Use this opportunity to talk about your 100 TB super hard drive that you use to contain 1000 games if you want to. You may not get the chance again...

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Borderlands 3 clocks in at 138gb with all DLC so despite a 1tb hard drive and 500gb ssd you really can't fit too many modern games on at once. Modern games really need to be on ssd too, so I only install a few games I'm currently playing. Doom and Quake are of course permanently installed on my hard-drive though, in their own custom folders.

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~70 on Steam currently with each averaging maybe five or so gigabytes (the largest is Elden Ring and the smallest is Heretic). I'll often be hesitant to buy a game if it's more than 70 or so just because I don't have that kind of money that's an "unreasonable" amount for a game in my mind, although I did just install an extra terabyte a few days ago. Then again, games around that 100 gigabyte range are often also around the range where my PC struggles to play them comfortably on high settings, so maybe that's a factor in that too. Praise the fact that Doom WADs are merely a few kilobytes and will run on anything (my PWADS folder is just eight gigabytes).

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seven through gog, that's it \o/ and three of them are called doom, doom 2 and final doom :))))) trying to rein in my absent-minded expansion

i don't buy aaa games unless they're on sale and tend to stick to turn-based things anyway

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25 minutes ago, Spineapple tea said:

I'll often be hesitant to buy a game if it's more than 70 or so just because I don't have that kind of money that's an "unreasonable" amount for a game in my mind

A lot of the $70/£60 AAA games recently have been unfinished overpriced messes anyway. So that's not really missing out on much

Edited by Mr Masker

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On steam: 56, the smallest being INK and the biggest Portal 2 and Shadow Warrior '13 (more or less the same size)

On GOG: none lol

On Retroarch: Hundreds to Thousands lol

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GOG Galaxy allows you to put everything (Steam, Xbox/Microsoft Store, Epic ect) in one place, add games manually and actually see what is installed so it's my choice of platform.


124 sounds like a lot but I have catalogued everything from standard "AAA" games all the way to separate games running through emulators.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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Right now these are the ones I have installed:




I am currently playing Life is Strange and once I'm done with it, I'll likely uninstall it and continue with the other games until the list is down to zero. Afterwards I'll install a different batch of games to slowly play over time.

Edited by MrFroz

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Less than the disk can hold. Unless I want to wank to complicated storage it's not such a bad thing. Having your thousands GOG and Steam on your home cache server because home server make PP hard is silly. Unless you're home lab is career helper thing or you just like that sorta thing.

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> ls /usr/local/share/games/
actioncube     doom             heretic2_demo  openarena             quake2     tenebrae  wine
arx            doom3            hexen2         openarena.old         quake4     unreal    wolfenstein
braid          DreamCatcher     Incredipede    openquartz            sin        ut        wop
build          duke3d           kingpin        penumbracollection    ssam2beta  ut2003    WorldOfGoo
d1x-rebirth    enemy-territory  legends        penumbraoverturedemo  ssamtfe    ut2004    WorldOfGoo1.51
d2x-rebirth    etqw             Loki_Demos     postal2               ssamtse    ut436     WorldOfGooDemo
descent3_demo  farcry           napali         prey                  stalker    ut451
dnmp           hcraft_demo      oblige         quake                 sw         ut469

The cacodemon is GZDoom and the eyed goo bubble is World of goo.


I don’t count what’s in the Jeux (Games) menu that’s installed with apt.


Edited by ducon

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All my current, installed, native PC games (excluding extra mods, wads and native PC games i have but not installed)



And my current Roms count based on curated (but mostly complete libraries) lists:




System count is about 80 (actual systems, not random playlists of random game collections), it covers consoles, arcades and home computers. I only include systems that are decently emulated or i'm familiar with. So, systems like the original XBOX, or some obscure Russian computers are out. My collection is also about systems my PC can emulate full speed, so no PS3 or 360 emulation atm (but 3DS, WiiU and Switch are fine).


The missing roms are mostly CDs/DVD ISOs. My current Roms/Isos HDD is a 99% filled 4TB disk. If i wanted all the missing isos i would need at least 3x as much as that. If i also wanted all PS3 or 360 isos i would need 10x as much or something, i don't know. I already have about 12TB worth of disks and SSDs in my current PC, (excluding the same amount worth of external backups). But eventually, i will complete those lists when i replace some of my smaller 1TB HDDs with larger ones (my mobo 6x and additional 2x sata ports are all filled, lol)


Btw, every single one of these 34.378 roms have their associated boxart, video preview and logo for use in various frontends (i use Hyperspin, Launchbox and Emulationstation). There are no gaps or missing files AFAIK. There are also some manuals but not enough exist to cover more than 30% of this collection. It's a heavily curated list, without duplicates, multiple different regions (unless there are huge differences between them) different dumps, public domain stuff (other than the handful of fan-made games i'm interested in) and such. Took me years to build (about 15-ish) and it's still an on going, ever growing project that probably will never get finished.


So yeah, i'm a data hoarder, lol

Edited by TasAcri

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Gog says 271 and i've connected steam, ubisoft and that ea thing to it.
But there are more, that aren't handled by an Launcher, on Dosbox are about 20, some windows games from discs and emulators.
So i would say it could be 400 Games ready to go.

Why i am keeping it on the hard disk?
Often because of Fan Patches to keep them running, Mods, Craks to use them without disc, Config Files, because Companies remove Content.
Example GTA San Andreas, they removed Music, so i cracked before it and disconnected it from Steam.
Black and White was a Pain in the Ass to get it run.
Dragon Age has that Mass Effect Armor.
I've dumped my own SNES Roms with save games from the 90s.

Games i delete?
Mostly the newer ones with 50-100+ GB...

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Here's my of games that I have either installed on PC or through emulation though only count most of the stuff that's on this PC...



Arcade: 22
Atari 2600: 16
NES: 38
SNES: 84
N64: 6
GameCube: 9
Wii: 4 (Disc), 18 (Wiiware)
Sega Genesis: 82 (Genesis), 10 (32X), 12 (Sega CD)
Saturn: 20
Dreamcast: 25
Turbo Grafx-16:  18 (HuCard), 11 (PCE CD)
Game Boy: 15
Game Boy Color: 17
Game Boy Advance: 47
DS: 10
3DS: 2
DOS: 8
Windows: 90 (Steam), 18 (GOG.com), 4 (Epic Games Store), 2 (Xbox Play Anywhere), 84 (doujin games), 64 (misc. Windows games)

Total:  ~734 Games installed (Yes I'm a data hoarder too)
This figure may not be accurate; I didn't count the duplicates of some games I have installed, others I'm trying to re-install or update, or games that don't play well with certain setups I'm using. I also didn't count certain mods or extra data files for certain games that can run off source ports (e.g. Doom, Cave Story, Sonic the Hedgehog decompilations).

Largest WIndows game I have currently installed: PAYDAY 2 (at 82 GB)
Smallest Windows game I have currently installed: You Have to Win the Game (9.2 MB)

Edited by AmethystViper

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44 in Steam, and another 64 outside of Steam (not including original Doom games).  I dunno the count of emulated ROMs, except that my "Emulators" folder is 242gb on a network drive.

Steam list (installed only):




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Counter strike GO, Doom Eternal, doom 1, 2 , 3, 64, tekken, soul calibur, dead or alive, escape from tarkov, cod, sims, wow, ffxiv, lol, quake, battlefield, tomb raider, metal hellsinger, GTA V, life is strange, I have almost 400 games on steam also but no more space , will have to start unninstaling :O 

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Currently, I have 12 games that are installed in portable source port folders (the Id games from Doom to Quake 2, and Heretic+Hexen, the Build Trio as well), and also Doom 64 CE.


And the rest are on Steam numbering 15 for the moment. I generally prefer not to have a tonne installed so I can focus. 

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  • 5 months later...

Currently got my games installed on three drives, between 50-60 games from Steam, 5 games from GOG & a dozen or so games downloaded from miscellaneous sources. Not counting my emulation library which is just a bunch of PS1 & PS2 games.

Most games are small in size so I can have a lot downloaded and ready to play at once.

Edited by DoomPlayer00

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As an old-school player, I mostly have my games installed from CDs or to the DOSBox's VirtualHD folder. Thus, 8 games on Steam + 6 on GOG + 1 on Epic Games Launcher + 22 Windows games + 6 Linux games + 33 DOS games + 7 Android games = 83 games in total. Although some of the Doom games and Quake games are counted several times here, as they have different versions in different places; this is also a number without counting any mods and I might have forgotten something. Yeah, there is a lot of games that worked on Windows XP and are incompatible with today's systems, that's a huge shame.

Edited by Geniraul

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  • 3 weeks later...

Majority of the games I have installed are indie games lol. That folder consists of about... 79? I really need to do some cleaning haha. As for big commercial games, I have about... 9? That's for my PC.


On my phone, I have about... 23. 

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