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Didaskalia: Episode 1

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Playing this right now- I really like the first map! However: are the imps supposed to be invisible? They have a different death sprite so I wonder if some frames are missing or something? Also, weird texture glitch I spotted. This is using Doom Retro

Gate, The (1).png

Gate, The.png

Edited by nickxcom

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26 minutes ago, nickxcom said:

Playing this right now- I really like the first map! However: are the imps supposed to be invisible? They have a different death sprite so I wonder if some frames are missing or something? Also, weird texture glitch I spotted. This is using Doom Retro

Gate, The (1).png

Gate, The.png

Thank's! delete those old files and download the zip again, it's fixed now

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First level is definitely fixed! I do like this one so far so hopefully I get a chance to play the rest :)


Edit: I have played up through level four so far. Definitely digging the maps, Map Three is large, detailed, dense, and chock-full of Doomcute. I love the various meeting rooms and classrooms and the


waiting room for the portal to hell

Observations so far

*Map 2: The whole "poison" room seems to apply damage, standing in slime or not. Not sure if that's intended or not (ie to simulate a hazardous environment).

Edited by nickxcom

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You guys should download the file again, i have fixed a bug in map11. I hope this will be the last patch





Edited by Ordon

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I tried playing Map04 on Chocolate Doom 3.0.1, and it didn't crash like the readme said it would, though there were some drawseg overflows(which don't crash the game but instead give lots of halls of mirrors). Instead, it was Map05 that crashed.

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18 minutes ago, Nikku4211 said:

I tried playing Map04 on Chocolate Doom 3.0.1, and it didn't crash like the readme said it would, though there were some drawseg overflows(which don't crash the game but instead give lots of halls of mirrors). Instead, it was Map05 that crashed.

Oh yeah, do you know what causes it? I would really like to fix that bug in map05, but chocolate doom doesn't even say what crashed it 

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Pretty good set of levels, especially since this is your first wad.  Though, I think Map10 has too much backtracking, unless there are teleporters that I missed.  I actually started becoming frustrated with it, to be honest.

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This has pleasing oldschool feel, the first 7 maps or so played almost like stock Doom 1 maps. Difficulty is similarly low, I don't think my health ever dropped below 60%. Using the CWILVxx lumps to convey the story was a nice trick, I don't remember seeing that before. It's amazing work for your first WAD, I hope you plan to continue it (and make futher maps increasingly nastier). I played on UV in GZdoom 4.10.0 and I noticed some bugs, some of them serious:


MAP03: isn't RL closet supposed to be secret?


MAP05: pinkie 86 is stuck between the walls. In GZdoom, it's impossible to press linedef 672 and get the secret chaingun.


MAP06: not sure if intended, but texture on linedef 942 gets stuck halfway down, see the screenshot below. You can walk through it, it just looks odd. Isn't the area map closet supposed to be secret? Also, there is no visual cue for the BFG secret. And the exit text should read "shooting at you".


MAP08: Monster closet sector 355 is broken, there is no way to trigger it. Thus 100% kills is impossible. Isn't the chainsaw closet supposed to be secret?


MAP09: hanging victim 390 moves with the door.


MAP10: wrong texture on switch linedef 873. Game-breaking bug: if you walk over the bed, you can get into closet sector 670, with no way out.


MAP11: Game-breaking bug, there is no way to open door sector 150. Caco trap behind the blue door is unreliable, it didn't open fully on the first try. Also, there were HOMs, they disappeared when I went in for the second time.




Edited by Caleb13

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2 hours ago, Caleb13 said:

This has pleasing oldschool feel, the first 7 maps or so played almost like stock Doom 1 maps. Difficulty is similarly low, I don't think my health ever dropped below 60%. Using the CWILVxx lumps to convey the story was a nice trick, I don't remember seeing that before. It's amazing work for your first WAD, I hope you plan to continue it (and make futher maps increasingly nastier). I played on UV in GZdoom 4.10.0 and I noticed some bugs, some of them serious:


MAP03: isn't RL closet supposed to be secret?


MAP05: pinkie 86 is stuck between the walls. In GZdoom, it's impossible to press linedef 672 and get the secret chaingun.


MAP06: not sure if intended, but texture on linedef 942 gets stuck halfway down, see the screenshot below. You can walk through it, it just looks odd. Isn't the area map closet supposed to be secret? Also, there is no visual cue for the BFG secret. And the exit text should read "shooting at you".


MAP08: Monster closet sector 355 is broken, there is no way to trigger it. Thus 100% kills is impossible. Isn't the chainsaw closet supposed to be secret?


MAP09: hanging victim 390 moves with the door.


MAP10: wrong texture on switch linedef 873. Game-breaking bug: if you walk over the bed, you can get into closet sector 670, with no way out.


MAP11: Game-breaking bug, there is no way to open door sector 150. Caco trap behind the blue door is unreliable, it didn't open fully on the first try. Also, there were HOMs, they disappeared when I went in for the second time.




haha, i was literally posting the final update with fixes for all the above bugs, and then you commented. I just need a few minutes and i will post the update here

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On 12/23/2022 at 1:41 PM, Caleb13 said:

That's... somewhat aggravating, actually...

Oh well, it's not the first time I compiled an unnecessary bug report.


On 12/23/2022 at 1:58 PM, Ordon said:

alright everyone, delete your old Didaskalia versions and download the latest one 

Well, damn, I've got a video of map03 uploading right now haha. Will download new version for next map!




Edited by thelamp

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7 minutes ago, thelamp said:


Well, damn, I've got a video of map03 uploading right now haha. Will download new version for next map!




yeah, you should download the new version because it fixes A LOT. I hope this was the last update 

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Played in PrBoom Plus 2.6.2, didn't notice any serious bugs aside from a few vertical texture misalignments.


For a first WAD I would call this a success. It has 11 levels of varying sizes and creating 11 coherent levels is not a small deal. When it comes to detailing I think you definitely nailed the tech-base theme. Other themes look a bit more spartan, but adequate. It's on par with what I would expect when going into a vanilla WAD. I'd prefer not to see so many crates and crate rooms, however.


Gameplay is a door-room-door pattern with nearly always upfront enemies that don't pose much threat. Because of this, and because of generous provisions of spheres and armor, the difficulty is low, while the flow is interrupted by the doors being closed all the time. I think the difficulty picks up a bit in the last few maps. The "door-room-door" pattern is something I learned not to do early on, even though here it's not the worst because it's not in a straight-line. There are some off-shoots and some revisiting. Unfortunately, that last part also produces some non-obvious and lengthy backtracking, especially in map 10 as @Kor has mentioned. The vibrant detailing also helps with making the maps appear more interesting.


For a seasoned player there are definitely more substantial WADs out there, but for someone who took a break from Doom and is just coming back this is a cute and cozy little adventure.


Any tips for future WADS?

  • This kind of backtracking is not cool. Think of layouts where if you wish the player to revisit a location, ensure it's rewarding and interesting, instead of having the player navigate the labirynth in the auto-map mode.
  • The door-room-door pattern could probably be broken easily if you simply removed some of the doors and left open pathways there. It could probably even work in some places without changing anything else.
  • Monster fights could also be made more interesting by making layouts more open.
  • Feel free to steal some ideas on decorating hell from other designers.

Anyway, congratulations on your release.

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Nice map set that I spent around 3 hours to complete from start to finish, 'cause I was entertained enough by design choices and overall atmosphere.

Some maps was OK, some maps was really good. Overall quality is just nice.

Here is a set of playthroughs of every map in this campaign along with some notes that was in my head!


MAP01: "The Gate"


Good starter map with base theme.

Some crates has their alignment off. This also can be seen on later the maps.

Interesting that our starter spacecraft looks different from those that can be seen on the future levels.

That. Caco. In. Secret. Why???

Slaughter room was very atmospheric to be there.




MAP02: "Infection"


Sore rooms looked nice with their little details and I appreciate that.

Toxic are was not problem for me due to having an entire set of four protection suits!

Last secret was very tricky to find, but I did it.




MAP03: "Research Labs"


Personally, I think that this is most biggest and also complex level in that entire pack.

And, also, it is my most favorite one due to its theme and detailing.

It was a great pleasure to explore room after room and looking to various furniture that was built via sectors.

Finding here an SSG was just nice. That encounter on the open storage area was fun, I think.

I was glad to recall about one locked door, where then I obtained my plasma rifle.




MAP04: "Execution"


This map sure looks kinda different from others.

It is not that big and has funny encounter near very end.

Not sure how can I get that soulsphere secret, so... I just gave up here.




MAP05: "Generator"


That secret place outside... It is some kind of handmade burial place?

It reminded me of MAP09 from "Final Doom: TNT Evilution". I am talking about morgue.

Generator itself was nice to see. I mean, it is always good to see thing from map's title, after all.




MAP06: "UnderGround"


This map has cute places, but also this map can be really harsh. It beaten my arse few times in the different places.

Design was like a mixture of human's base and something ancient and evil. Like Hell itself is taking his control over here.

It was really nice to found here an BFG-9000. Pleasant finding, I must say.




MAP07: "Stress"


Very short arena with Mancubis and some Spiders (for using quirk with tags, of course).

Damn... I am really sorry, but I can't say much about this map...

I mean... It is very rare to see for me a something very interesting in that type of arenas.




MAP08: "UAC AirPort"


Good map and one of the my favorites here.

Crate maze was usual, but what I am really like - that "infected" map, where metal was in blood and floor was in guts. It is really contrasting with "more usual" style of entire map.

I love spaceships. They are just cute to see and explore their insides.




MAP09: "Pentagram"


This map was very complex for me. 

Like... I feel that I've spent so much time to run around one spot of the map for too long now.

Sad that pentagram itself was only in the beginning of that map, but not on its "golden middle".

Encounters was OK, detailing was on the good level, atmosphere was nice.

Can't say, that I love this map, but it was not bad at all.




MAP10: "Marine HQ"


One of the best levels in this pack, as for me. I always like bases like this.

Layout, on the other side, reminds me of classic "Ultimate Doom" levels in a way of complexity. Sure that auto-map was my best friend here.

Personal rooms and cafeteria was the best parts of that map. Detailing of these Doom cuties is astonishing.

Sorry for that, but ending was not so pleasant.

When I saw red locked door that I cannot open, sure that I recall memory about small red locked door somewhere else, but that was like "Oh... Why do I have to backtrack that long now?"




MAP11: "Land Of Mushrooms"


To be honest, this level I like the least. I mean... Design choices is very simple and resembling a big boxes with lots of enemies.

Sure, it was fun to blow them up with my rocket launcher, but... It was also kinda exhausting after few minutes straight.

Big temple looks nice outside, but this barrage of Cacos kinda scared me, but this was doable. Nothing impossible over here.

Inside there was OK detailing and some intense fights with Cybie at the end.

Last area scared me that I even forgot that everyone is dead now. I expected these red floor parts to be raised as walls or something like that.




This is not bad campaign, I must say. And, to be honest, I like base/complex levels more, where is various rooms with furniture and such.

Also, I can say that you found good use for "alpha/beta" textures of classic "Doom".

There was 1 thing, that heated me the most - doors. Oh my Gosh... I just don't like doors that can't be closed manually or opened while closing. There was few places where I feel myself betrayed by these damned doors!


Not sure, if episode 2 gonna be all about some kind of hell, but I am interested in what gonna happen next to protagonist of this story.

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Some more minor issues still need to be ironed out. I see quite a bit of tutti-frutti textures when playing in Chocolate, and there are still some drawseg overflows.

Here's one from MAP03:





Here's a tutti-frutti animated fan texture also from MAP03:




Sometimes you can see flat textures flood fill the windows if you're up enough on the staircase in MAP03:




These are minor issues though. Good episode nevertheless.

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Been playing some more of this episode and I got a visplane overflow crash in MAP08 around this red area of the map with the jets.



As shown in the visplane explorer of Ultimate Doom Builder, the red areas are the ones where you should expect to see visplane overflows.

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18 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

Been playing some more of this episode and I got a visplane overflow crash in MAP08 around this red area of the map with the jets.



As shown in the visplane explorer of Ultimate Doom Builder, the red areas are the ones where you should expect to see visplane overflows.

Do you know how to fix this? Should i delete some linedefs?

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Also, to everyone who uses GZDOOM, you should download the new patch. It fixes the gargoyle switch texture for those types of ports, and that's it.

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You should write on the doors or near the doors what you will find in the next room, what puzzle, what trap, what monsters, etc.

"Where our hero will fight a bunch of imps and a baron of hell."

"Where our hero will die in a nasty crusher trap if he does not look where he walks."

"Where our hero will find the blue key, heavy guarded by a cyberdemon."

Edited by ducon

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I had to delete the download link, i will upload it to idgames soon
so for a while there won't be a download link


sorry everyone 

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