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Who's the (unused) voice actor for Doomguy in Quake 3?


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Who did Doomguy for the unused voice clips for Quake 3?

And where can I find the seperate clips online?


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15 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:

Whoa those clips are criiiiiinge

How? I feel this is the best personification we got until "raging demon slayer" in 2016/Eternal

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10 hours ago, jmpt16 said:

How? I feel this is the best personification we got until "raging demon slayer" in 2016/Eternal

This version is less "raging demon slayer" and more "17-year-old wannabe school shooter".

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Honestly, culling those sounds was a fantastic decision - these voicelines make Doomguy sound as "hardcore" as a wet blanket.


Seriously, go listen to 1:33 in the above video... Or, well, any of the other voice lines honestly; and tell me with a straight face that you didn't cringe so hard you almost involuntarily shit.

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It sounds like a melange of Build engine superstars, like if budget Caleb downed a fistful of muscle relaxants and attempted to do a Duke impersonation. I wonder what direction the VA got.

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1 hour ago, Dragonfly said:

 and tell me with a straight face that you didn't cringe so hard you almost involuntarily shit.

Oh, I thought that only happened to me. Well I guess I don't need to go see a doctor.

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1 minute ago, Dusty_Rhodes said:

Oh, I thought that only happened to me. Well I guess I don't need to go see a doctor.

Happened to me too, must be a new epidemic D:

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1 hour ago, Shepardus said:

I still like "where's the freakin' red key card" though.


Yes, it is spoken differently, i think some of the others could be received better if spoken similiar.


But most Lines are bad written.

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The dullest attempt at being edgy imaginable. 


"Your momma slaps harder than that" sums up this version of Doomteen perfectly. It isn't even edgy in an entertaining way. It's more like listening to some dad rock band in their 50's still singing about cutting themselves while beating up bullies over a breakup.

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I have always hated these lines and I will always be grateful they were unused.


I'm not against voicing Doomguy or the protagonist in general but this ain't it king, man sounds like he is one rawr XD from unsheathing his blade for a mall ninja massacre.


My guy makes Virgil sound reserved.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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