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WAD Collections


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Snap1.png.753996553830448395047fb128b9789d.pngDoes anybody have any collections of WADs and other DOOM mods that they are willing to share? I am trying to make a huge collection of WADs if I ever lose internet or the archival websites get taken down.

Edited by Machinerto
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31 minutes ago, Nefelibeta said:

You can simply try and download the entirety of /idgames archive, it's huge enough.


Is there a way you can bulk download the folders? The only way I have gotten my WADs is by browsing or clicking the "Random file" button on the idgames website.


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4 hours ago, Machinerto said:

Does anybody have any collections of WADs and other DOOM mods that they are willing to share? I am trying to make a huge collection of WADs if I ever lose internet or the archival websites get taken down.

If you're considering starting off with something a little more sensible, Maximum Doom the way 'Kid Did is a pretty good place to start. It's limited to vanilla-compatible and limit-raising\ removing PWADs but, even so, it's a pretty sizable collection already, that's constantly being updated.

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I’ve got a huge collection of wads downloaded from the internet since 1998 ! They are for doom, doom2, heretic and Hexen. Most were downloaded from the idgames archive. 
Does anyone know Is there an up to date list of all the wads included in the zips on the idgames archive because the one on here is from 13/9/11? @Doomlover77  

Edited by Doomlover77

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  • 1 month later...

I’ve downloaded the entire idgames archive as a backup. 

The backup on archive.org is from February 2020 but i think it would be nice to have a more up to date one. I’ve uploaded all the files. They are as follows and can be downloaded directly here :-  

Combos - https://archive.org/download/Combos/Combos.zip
Deathmatch - https://archive.org/download/deathmatch_202303/Deathmatch.zip
Doom - https://archive.org/download/doom_20230305/Doom.zip
Doom2 - https://archive.org/download/doom-2_202303/Doom2.zip
Doom2 Deathmatch - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-deathmatch/Doom2 Deathmatch.zip
Doom2 Ports 0-9 - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-ports-0-9/Doom2 Ports - 0-9.zip
Doom2 Ports A-C - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-ports-a-c/Doom2 Ports - A-C.zip

Doom2 Ports D-F - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-ports-d-f/Doom2 Ports - D-F.zip

Doom2 Ports G-I - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-ports-g-i/Doom2 Ports - G-I.zip
Doom2 Ports J-L - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-ports-j-l/Doom2 Ports - J-L.zip

Doom2 Ports Megawads pt 1 & 2 - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-ports-megawads-pt-1/Doom2 Ports - Megawads pt 1.zip & https://archive.org/download/doom-2-ports-megawads-pt-2/Doom2 Ports - Megawads pt 2.zip

Doom2 Ports M-O - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-ports-m-o/Doom2 Ports - M-O.zip

Doom2 Ports P-R - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-ports-p-r/Doom2 Ports - P-R.zip

Doom2 Ports S-U - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-ports-s-u/Doom2 Ports - S-U.zip

Doom2 Ports V-Z - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-ports-v-z/Doom2 Ports - V-Z.zip
Graphics - https://archive.org/download/graphics_202303/Graphics.zip
Hacx - https://archive.org/download/hacx_20230305/Hacx.zip
Heretic - https://archive.org/download/heretic_202303/Heretic.zip
Hexen - https://archive.org/download/hexen_202303/Hexen.zip
Historic - https://archive.org/download/historic_202303/Historic.zip
Idstuff - https://archive.org/download/Idstuff/Idstuff.zip
Lmps - https://archive.org/download/lmps_20230305/Lmps.zip
Misc - https://archive.org/download/misc_20230305/Misc.zip
Music - https://archive.org/download/music_20230305/Music.zip
Prefabs - https://archive.org/download/prefabs_202303/Prefabs.zip
Skins - https://archive.org/download/skins_202303/Skins.zip
Sounds - https://archive.org/download/sounds_202303/Sounds.zip
Strife - https://archive.org/download/strife_202303/Strife.zip
Themes - https://archive.org/download/themes_202303/Themes.zip
Utils - https://archive.org/download/utils_202303/Utils.zip


Edited by Doomlover77

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I made this a while back to crawl and harvest Wads.




It has configs for about six sites.


Also grab the zip files of the WADArchive on archive org:




There's a terabyte of them...


I also reverse engineered a front end for these if you want a pretty UI:





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Sure, I'll share.

First, I have the aforementioned 2020 idgames snapshot, DTWKD, many shovelware cd images, and now thanks to @Shepardus, the WadArchive.
With those in hand, and faith that at some point the idgames snapshot will be updated in the future, I really don't keep many wads on hand.
From there, I have a series of scripts I use, and my layout is roughly in service of them. Additionally, I have a kind of "idgames-addendum" that includes stuff that isn't on idgames, such as iwads and numerous gameplay mods.

Here is the main directory.


├── 0-crispy-doom1.sh
├── 0-crispy-doom2.sh
├── 0-crispy-phase1.sh
├── 0-crispy-phase2.sh
├── 0-gzdoom-testing.sh
├── 0-gzdoom-vanilla.sh
├── 1-guncaster.sh
├── 1-hideous-destructor.sh
├── fav/
├── idgames-addendum/
├── other/
├── projects/
├── scriptDir/
├── to_play/
├── wad-scorecard.ods
└── wad-shovelware.ods

Here is a breakdown of how things are organized.


These are the main scripts

├── 0-crispy-doom1.sh
├── 0-crispy-doom2.sh
├── 0-crispy-phase1.sh
├── 0-crispy-phase2.sh
├── 0-gzdoom-testing.sh
├── 0-gzdoom-vanilla.sh
├── 1-guncaster.sh
├── 1-hideous-destructor.sh


├── fav
│   ├── DoomZero3.0.pk3
│   ├── pleiades.zip
│   ├── sstruggle.zip
│   └── templeofthelizardmen/


That addendum I talked about. Structure mimics idgames ('cuz I like it)
├── idgames-addendum
│   ├── docs/
│   ├── graphics/
│   ├── iwads/
│   ├── levels/ (archives and compilations go here)
│   ├── mods/
│   ├── skins/
│   ├── sounds/
│   ├── total conversions/
│   └── utils/


Just what is says on the tin. Also where I keep a preconfigured 'clean' version of my configs.

├── other

│   ├── blasphemer/
│   ├── chocolate-doom.cfg
│   ├── crispy-doom.cfg
│   ├── doom_legionsOfHell/
│   ├── doomseeker.ini
│   ├── engines-portable/
│   ├── floppy-ver
│   ├── gzdoom.ini.clean
│   ├── kinstest.zip
│   ├── server_instructions.txt
│   ├── SSGL-2.0.0-devpreview.24.AppImage
│   ├── the-peoples-doom/
│   └── zandronum.ini


My projects (such as they are)

├── projects
│   ├── doom-art/

│   ├── start-mapping/
│   └── wad-scorecard/


The main directory for my scripts. Partly mirrors a modified version of my addendum. Includes my working gzdoom ini files, and the storage directory for wadseeker.
├── scriptDir
│   ├── DOOM2.WAD
│   ├── doomseeker-ws/
│   ├── DOOM.WAD
│   ├── final_doomer+/
│   ├── freedoom1.wad
│   ├── freedoom2.wad
│   ├── gameplay/
│   ├── gzdoom.ini.dirty
│   ├── gzdoom.ini.hd
│   ├── gzdoom.ini.mods
│   ├── gzdoom.ini.vanilla
│   ├── huds/
│   ├── levels/
│   └── sound/


All the wads and mods I've been meaning to get around to playing, staged and ready to be called from a script.
├── to_play
│   └── an embarassing number of wads I'll get to one day, I swear!
├── wad-scorecard.ods
└── wad-shovelware.ods


Definitely plenty of room for improvement. As with so many things, it's a thing I'm working on improving.


edit: I'll have to get wadarchive later. My storage can't handle it's... Girth, yet.

Edited by Xerenogan
1tb compressed

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  • 4 weeks later...

From Liquid Doom I’ve downloaded the unsorted Doom, Doom2, Heretic and Hexen wads and can be found here in four zip files from my archive.org account. 

Doom - https://archive.org/download/doom-unsorted/Doom-unsorted.zip
Doom 2 - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-unsorted/Doom2-Unsorted.zip
Heretic - https://archive.org/download/heretic-unsorted/Heretic-unsorted.zip
Hexen - https://archive.org/download/hexen-unsorted/Hexen unsorted.zip.


Most of these wads were on the Wad Archive ! 


You need to Download the files listed above and, then once you downloaded them, open the zip files using WinRar and then copy the Doom/Doom2/Heretic/Hexen unsorted folders which contain the wad files to a folder on your hard drive. Enjoy. ! @Doomlover77  

Edited by Doomlover77

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Here’s as promised my wad collection.  It’s in four parts. 

Newwads_081115 - https://archive.org/download/newwads_081115/newwads_081115.zip
Game_wad_files - https://archive.org/download/game_wad_files/game_wad_files.zip
Misc Doom Wads 2 - https://archive.org/download/misc-doom-wads-2/Misc Doom Wads 2.zip
Doom Addons - https://archive.org/download/doom-addons_202303/Doom_Addons.zip.  
Enjoy. @Doomlover77  

Edited by Doomlover77

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  • 2 weeks later...

Outdated idgames mirror


I uploaded on Archive.org the complete collection of files for Doom and Doom 2 available on the obsolete idgames mirror Crydee.sai.msu.ru .The last update dates back to 2005 (with a handful of files updated in 2011).Since in the collection it is present the original and unaltered version of Kansam's Trial Nine (Kansam9.wad) it is possible, perhaps, that there are other files no longer available on the current idgames site.


Archive.org page


Thanks and enjoy!

Edited by thestarrover

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  • 1 year later...
On 3/12/2023 at 8:23 AM, Doomlover77 said:

From Liquid Doom I’ve downloaded the unsorted Doom, Doom2, Heretic and Hexen wads and can be found here in four zip files from my archive.org account. 

Doom - https://archive.org/download/doom-unsorted/Doom-unsorted.zip
Doom 2 - https://archive.org/download/doom-2-unsorted/Doom2-Unsorted.zip
Heretic - https://archive.org/download/heretic-unsorted/Heretic-unsorted.zip
Hexen - https://archive.org/download/hexen-unsorted/Hexen unsorted.zip.


Most of these wads were on the Wad Archive ! 


You need to Download the files listed above and, then once you downloaded them, open the zip files using WinRar and then copy the Doom/Doom2/Heretic/Hexen unsorted folders which contain the wad files to a folder on your hard drive. Enjoy. ! @Doomlover77  nice mate thanks


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I have a couple curated collections.


I gathered all the Cacoward winners into a free Mega account. Includes Doomworld's "Top 100 WADs of All Time" from 2003 and all of the "Cacoward" winners from 2004 to 2023. Also includes the community MIDI packs for the following (in the WAD's respective folder): Alien Vendetta, Double Impact, Harmony, and Revolution. Most (if not all) things should be their latest version as of May 1, 2024. I did NOT include things like "Worst WADs", "Mockawards", certain "Codeawards", etc. I also did NOT include winners based on Heretic, Hexen, Strife, etc.


I also have an additional archive of about 600 other notable WADs and mods that includes Doomworld's "Cacoward" runners-up, honorable mentions, and 2018's "Our Top 25 Missed Cacowards". Includes most of the "doomworld.com/idgames/" archive's "Top Rated" entries that have about 3.5 stars or more using the "Find up to 200, 100, 50, 25, and 10 WADs" search parameters alongside the "at least 200, 100, 50, 25, 10, and 5 votes" parameters. And a bunch of other stuff is also included (Sigil 1 and 2, Minor Sprite Fixing Project, Widescreen Statusbars, Sound Bulb, etc.). Most (if not all) things should be their latest version as of May 1, 2024.


(I didn't bother to compress them; I will if I ever get close to the 20 GB limit.)


Thread is here:


Edited by OnymynO

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