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I don't like dogs. Is there anything I can do with that?


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Nobody should force you interact with an animal that makes you feel uncomfortable and although I think perhaps a majority of humans do enjoy their company, there are many who share your feelings. My sister used to flinch every time one came near. Now she loves my mums golden retriever, as she's a calm, gentle and quiet creature.


With that said, disliking them all is a little like disliking all people, dogs personality's are just as varied. Some can be aggressive but almost always that's because they were treated badly or in some cases even encouraged to be that way. Most though are loving and loyal, that's why so many of us love them.


Again though nobody can force you, but if you genuinely want to change your attitude towards them I doubt it will take you long to find a dog you do like and many don't bark or if they do its only to tell you someone's at the door.

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Well. I don't really have a problem with dogs personally. I get along with them just fine. I respect them but i don't care very much about them. My mother has a dog, and although he's cute and gentle, and i often play with him in the garden when i visit, i just find it ridiculous how much she loves him, treating him like a real child. The love of a dog means very little to me since they don't really have a choice. Their just stupid animals that follow their genetic programming and think you're wolf. They can't reflect on their situation. As long as you don't mistreat it, your dog will love you. This might come across a bit strong, but whenever i see a dog i basically see a slave that is kept as a toy by their owner so they can feel good about themselves. I kinda look down on their obedience. And the idea of buying yourself a dog with the right look and characteristics you prefer just reeks to me of designer babies and the whole twisted dystopian morality attached to that.


Again, i'm not denying they can be cute and fun, but in the end of the day they are just dogs, not children. In a way i pity them that they are so dependent on humans and were turned into these weird slave pets. Unsurprisingly, i like cats much better, just because they do their own thing and you kinda have to earn their love and respect. But i'm generally not a pet person.


Edited by Gregor

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I have a love-hate relationship with dogs.  Some have mentioned early bad experiences with dogs being a factor - I had one of those, as when I was a toddler I stayed at a great-aunt's house and got knocked over by her dog.  I continue to be afraid of dogs that I don't know well, and exposure doesn't help with that, particularly when I have continued experiences of dogs being territorial and standing in front of me growling and barking.  However, once I know a dog is harmless I can get on very well with them.  I really love my sister's dog.

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On 12/22/2022 at 7:33 AM, Hisymak said:

Since my early childhood, I perceive dogs as aggressive, dangerous and annoying animals, which I try to avoid, or at least ignore.

So did my mom, and after three weeks with a dog (after 30 years of extreme fear towards them), she almost became a completely different person; as long as they're educated and healthy, they're not likely to attack a human unless it's for self defense, you can especially notice this with traumatized dogs. I've come across lots of street dogs and none of them get aggressive. Just domestic dogs that are defending their territory have a tendency to be that way (and dogs that have been trained to be aggressive), the same way a human would yell at a robber if they were found in their house.

On 12/22/2022 at 7:33 AM, Hisymak said:

One of the main problem is, that I absolutely HATE dog's barking. This is so aggressive, intrusive and disturbing loud sound, which is very uncomfortable to my ears. Whenever I'm somewhere, like walk around street, sit in the garden etc and feel relaxed and comfortable, a barking dog always spoils my mood and breaks feeling of the place.

Quoting myself, they're defending their owners and territory. Usually they (as most living beings) are aggressive towards threats or something that makes them uncomfortable. That's their way to do it, similar to cats changing their posture and remaining alert when they're afraid.

 Their breed also influences, obviously a Chihuahua won't behave the same way as , say a Golden Retriever or a German Sheppard dog, some are easier to educate, some are harder.

On 12/22/2022 at 7:33 AM, Hisymak said:

Sometimes I experience such situations, when I for example walk a street, and a person with a dog walks in the opposite direction. Then suddenly, without me doing anything wrong, the dogs runs towards me, comes into my close proximity and furiously barks on me. I feel extremely uncomfortable in that situation, because the dog intrudes my personal space and makes a real threat to me

Animals react to your mental state, the best way to prevent this is of course getting away from the dog, because if you feel uncomfortable, the dog will find you vulnerable and take this opportunity to actually harm you, because as everyone knows, it's way easier to harm a vulnerable being rather than a stronger one. If you have no choice but to walk towards the dog remain always calmed and don't show yourself as weak, show dominance and that you're not afraid of him, you know, be the alpha. In my experience with both street and domestic dogs this has always worked for me. If the dog launches at you, obviously avoid it and if it has his owner nearby, tell them to correct the animal.

On 12/22/2022 at 7:33 AM, Hisymak said:

"Nope, I'll keep barking on you until I see you, to make sure you won't turn around and come back!".

Tell me, if you catch a robber attempting to break into your house, would you do the same thing?

On 12/22/2022 at 7:33 AM, Hisymak said:

I feel like dogs need to be trained by their owners not to do this, and only not well-trained dogs do that, as this is their natural beahavior they're taught to suppress.

Blame the owner, not the dog, and again, the breed matters.

On 12/22/2022 at 7:33 AM, Hisymak said:

Whereas, according to human laws, it's perfectly fine and legal to walk at public space, and no human would even shout on me or dislike me because of me walking on a public space near their house. So I feel like the dog is denying my basic human right.

Try explaining these concepts of human rights and legality and whatnot to dogs, a species that doesn't have the same level of rationalization as human beings. The closest you can do is teach them to properly behave with strangers, or get them used to certain habits, but a dog will never adopt these concepts as it's out of it's mental capabilities. And don't get it wrong, dogs can be (and are) smart animals, they however don't posses the same level of thinking as humans, they act by their instincts, not rationalization.

On 12/22/2022 at 7:33 AM, Hisymak said:

It causes a sh I feel like the dog is trolling me and has an actual pleasure in causing a shock to me.

They don't feel things the same way as human beings, I can tell you because I've experienced this with my own dog. They don't distinct the good and the bad, and as such they don't do it with malicious intent, even when the dog kills something, it usually is to eat it, u know, out of necessity, not pleasure, I myself hadn't heard of any case of a dog killing for pleasure or sport. I agree it's annoying when they do it, but that leads me to my other point.


they act by their instincts, not rationalization.


On 12/22/2022 at 7:33 AM, Hisymak said:

Unfortunately, I feel like this is pretty much wrong and don't like such attitude and feelings. I'd like to get along better with dogs generally, and find a way to achieve that. Is there any advice you can give me?

I cannot influence on your perception towards dogs, at the end of the day you have the last word. The best advice I can give you is to actually to be around dogs, of course not with a street gang of 5 wild dogs you don't know, but maybe in a friend's or relative's house, and ask them for help to properly get along with the animal. If you don't want to be around dogs that's fine, nobody can force you to love something or do something you don't like. Just try what I told you and what many other have said, who knows, maybe you'll change your perception completely and end up with a little puppy at home (which btw is the best period of their lives to educate them)

Now of course I don't want this to sound like I'm trashing on you because I love dogs (I mean I do love dogs, but that's not my point), you have the freedom to do what you think it's best for you.

Edited by xX_Lol6_Xx

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3 hours ago, Gez said:

Dogs love sticks.


What you can do is use something like a beer can filled with bolts (as in nuts and bolts). Give it a shake or two when the dog comes close. Usually they hate the noise and will get back.


That's something a professional dog trainer told me they use to discipline their dogs. When the dog does something they shouldn't, they make that noise with the can and the dog is startled and stops.

sorry that I might have not made myself clear enough, by stick I meant like a 1-1.5m long stick that can be used for self defense. If dogs loves that too then I'm surprised & it's clear that I don't really know what I was talking about...

Either way a beer can seems like a much better solution.

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12 minutes ago, snotface said:

sorry that I might have not made myself clear enough, by stick I meant like a 1-1.5m long stick that can be used for self defense. If dogs loves that too then I'm surprised & it's clear that I don't really know what I was talking about...

Just like your stone example, this is something that'll work if the dog has learned to be afraid of sticks and stones -- because it's been hurt by people. A well-treated dog will not see this as a threat. My personal experience of puppies and sticks is that they think it's a game. Just impossible to sweep a room with a young dog in it without the dog trying to grab the broom's head.

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3 minutes ago, El juancho said:

dogs are man's greatest creation :)


100% agreed. They have provided us with millennia of love, loyalty, support and have even saved lives, sometimes with no training to do so at all. While I respect people's decisions not to like them for various personal reasons, I will never, ever understand it. It is a concept so utterly alien I can barely comprehend it. You do get the occasional dog who, due to either poor training or medical issues is either ill-behaved or outright dangerous but that's no different to people. But most of them know only love and loyalty.


10 minutes ago, snotface said:

by stick I meant like a 1-1.5m long stick that can be used for self defense.


One of my dogs loves big sticks. Throw them in the water and she loses her mind, drags it out then goes off to chew on it.


Noisy dogs are seldom the dangerous ones. They are either bored, excited, or if they are barking at you they are perceiving you as a threat to their territory. If they are on a lead or otherwise restrained, back off. You're not likely to win that one. If they are loose and barking at you, leave the area. If they follow you, sometimes if you approach them right you can get them to calm down. If you are wearing sunglasses, remove them. Get low and extend your hand. Let them sniff your hand and figure out you are no threat. The truly dangerous ones are calmer - low growl or maybe no noise at all. Stalking you, basically. Getting aggressive with such a dog is unlikely to end well. You might be able to push/fight them off with a stick if they do attack, but getting actively aggressive with a stick is probably going to be like putting out a forest fire by dousing it in napalm. Get one for defense if you can and must but do not be aggressive back.

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I saw this in a couple replies, but NEVER EVER let your dog off-leash. I could never do that with a secure conscience no matter how friendly my own dog is. They are animals, not people, no matter how much you may want to think otherwise. It should honestly be a federal law in the states. 


I also encourage carrying pepper spray if an off-leash dog tries to attack your dog. It could seriously save their life while not being lethal or permanently harmful to the offending animal.

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I don't dislike dogs, actually had a couple of them and loved them, but my introvert personality gets along more with cats, they are kinda like me I guess, quiet, anti social (well some of them aren't, had cats that would sleep with me all the time, it's good in the winter, summer not so much... xD) also they don't smell like some dogs do, even if you wash them everyday, cats are never smelly ♡ and they don't need me to get up in the middle of the night to take them out ... for them to go... poopidie poopie, welp cats for me ♡ but love all animals ( I even like crocodiles). 

Edited by HadleyFlame

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City living ruined dogs for me. You will just hear dogs in some other apartment or house barking for hours. Also, so many people don't pick up after their dog so you just spend half your time walking around dodging dog shit. There is just this implicit rudeness that I feel comes from the personality of city-dwelling dog owners; its very much driven by this narcissistic need to have something that "welcomes" you home with unconditional love (which really means the dog finally stops having an 8 hour long barking panic attack in a tiny room wondering where their owner went).


Plus dog owners (at least here in NYC or maybe US in general) seem to think you will love their dog jumping all over you and walk their dogs on a mile-long leash that takes up the whole sidewalk.


I also think my generation (millennials) in yuppie, urban environments have replaced having children with having dogs due to the shift upward in age of both marriage and parenthood. So on top of that you have dogs getting treated like spoiled children at places like restaurants.


All that, combined with the internet dog culture and the creepy infantilization it brings ("doggo", "corgi butts", etc.), really just makes me viscerally uncomfortable. Like I cannot read that kind of Tumblry baby-speak about dogs without wanting to dry heave.


And yeah, all this comes down to people sucking, not dogs, but frankly I don't care about "fixing" my reactionary perception of dogs even if it is technically not their fault.


I very much feel an affinity to cats, which brings me to another point, why is it that someone can say "I hate cats" and everyone laughs and says "omg yessss cats are evil and weird" but if you say "I hate dogs" people flip out about it? Another reason why I don't care about reprogramming myself on this; maybe "cat haters" should reprogram themselves and recognize feline superiority lol.

Funny side story: Me and my gf were in Central Park a month or two ago and we saw two young kids get approached by a dog. Both kids got all cagey and tried to navigate around the dog looking very concerned. One of the kids asked the other "do you like dogs?" and the other kid responded "no, they bite people" and the first kid said "yeah I don't like them either I'm also afraid". It was funny because maybe I'm not around kids enough to know what they sound like but to me it sounds like a very articulate conversation between little kids which is always kind of funny to hear.

Oh that reminds me of another thing you will see on places like Reddit: the idea that dogs are more wholesome than people. Eventually you get to the end of a comment thread where it has regressed to someone basically inventing a trolley problem scenario in their weird little brains between humans and dogs and then saying they would save the dogs. That's way more antisocial to me than not liking dogs very much.


All that said, some dogs are cool, usually ones like Golden Retrievers or other chill lab-like dogs. I saw some street dogs in Turkey who were just wandering around and seemed friendly. Same with street cats there though. Just all wandering around the streets like they own the place lol.

Edited by insertwackynamehere

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a dog isn't the best pet for everyone, but all animals deserve compassion regardless. disgraceful that many humans don't give that love and go out of their way to hurt and/or neglect their animal companions, even those who may claim that a dog is "human's best friend" can be guilty of mistreatment of animals. as said, the behavior of a dog is more often than not reflection of those who care for them, and if they are "cared" for by a careless shithead i can immediately tell. in my observation, the smaller a dog is, the more barkative they tend to be, but that might also be due to humans treating a living animal as a fashion accessory rather than a living animal, as is far too often the case with small dogs. the mindest of being an "owner" rather than the caretaker of a pet is also likely to influence the status of "animal as accessory". i feel that many folks get dogs as pets due to peer pressure, but that could be said for so many of the things humans do.

the last dog that i had a familial bond with, as far as we could tell, was thrown out of a moving vehicle and left on the side of the road before rescue. when i went with my parents to adopt a dog, we saw her, and noticed that she was the only dog there that wasn't constantly barking, which struck us as odd. we had no idea what the first year of her life was like before that, but as far as we could tell, none of it was good. similar to us humans, horrors of any kind that other animals may experience at the hands of others will permanently change the way the mind works. like a human, that shit stays with them for life. various seemingly innocuous items would send her running away the moment she saw a human pick it up, for the entire 14 years we cared for her. humans with hats or certain hairstyles of both the head and the face would similarly incite a fearful defense. she only ever barked repeatedly in fear, and would bark sparingly at our rodent, avian and marsupial neighbors that she loved to chase. the happy barks were a rare occasion, and would be just one or two as she smiled, and would continue to smile. she, at 50 pounds, was more inclined to hop up on a lap than most cats i've ever met. she was incredibly well behaved to the point where she could be left unattended indoors for hours at a time without having to worry about her getting into or making any sort of mess. unlike any other dog i've ever met before or since, which makes sense, as no two animals are ever alike. we did the best to give her a good life to make up for that first year and then some, but nothing we could do would ever shake the ramifications of the terror that was the first year of her life. i miss her dearly. i don't think i will ever be able to care for a dog again, at least not for another decade or 2. to consider any animal as some brainless, emotionless flesh is the mark of a fool.

(IMPORTANT) re: walking your dog off leash
folks who do this, fuck you. sincerely. on multiple occasions id just be hiking thru the woods and someone's dog, off leash, would just be running around and would jump up on me, scratch the shit out of my chest and proceed to start licking me as if i were about to be their next meal. of course the owners immediately went on that "oh don't worry they're friendly" bullshit as my chest or arms started bleeding from their claws. my grandparents, who really liked tiny dogs, have had 2 of their dogs nearly killed due to other larger dogs running around off-leash. put your fucking dog on a leash.

i will add, that i have been bitten by more cats, more frequently than i have dogs, and if my current cat were even 2-3 times as large, she would have definitely ended my life at some point, either intentionally or unintentionally. i have only been bitten by 2 dogs, one was a tiny pekingese, the other a german shepard (which are unfortunately the most weaponized of animals throughout human history, another form of abuse).

i'm still more of a "goat person" in many, many ways, but them rascals are uhhh not the most plausible pet outside of rural areas. cats, rodents, and rabbits are more my vibe, but that doesn't make me dislike dogs, or any animal in particular.

Edited by heliumlamb

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It's a good thing that a dog barks when the stranger is in the proximity of the house. I'd rather have a dog who would actually protect the house and scare off the potential burglar instead a dog who doesn't do anything and is completely passive. I used to have a friend who's house I walked past every time I would go home or school. He had two bernese mountain dogs and let me tell you, they barked the same way before we became friends.

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On 12/24/2022 at 6:18 AM, insertwackynamehere said:

I very much feel an affinity to cats, which brings me to another point, why is it that someone can say "I hate cats" and everyone laughs and says "omg yessss cats are evil and weird" but if you say "I hate dogs" people flip out about it? Another reason why I don't care about reprogramming myself on this; maybe "cat haters" should reprogram themselves and recognize feline superiority lol.


THIS THIS so much. I am not a pet person, but I have much more affinity with cats (though I don't hate dogs either) and it really annoys me that while people filp out when they say bad about dogs, yet hating cats is considered "cool" :P

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1 hour ago, june gloom said:

This thread is depressing.

It is, and here's a picture of why I could never understand how people could dislike dogs:



Dogs are wonderful and perfect, unless they're not. But given the right owners, they can be so wonderful and perfect and beautiful and adorable and full of all the love in the world that it makes me wonder how such greatness can exist inside of a little pupper. 

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Dogs evolved alongside us. For over 10,000 years they've learned to read our emotions and body language. They have only ever been a reflection of humanity. I get having trauma around a dog, like say one bit you as a child, but the way some people talk about dogs in this thread and in general is hard to read as anything other than a personal failing.


Same goes for cats -- cats are a lesson in boundaries, and the kind of people who think cats are mean or aloof are so often in my experience the kind of people who will not respect other peoples' boundaries.

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  • 1 month later...

You dont have to like dogs as much as you like your dog.


If you get the right combination of dog traits and you train them well, its going to stand out and be the very best of all animals, even other dogs wont compare.


The actual problem with dogs is they dont live long enough.

Edited by Dreamskull

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1 hour ago, Dreamskull said:

The actual problem with dogs is they dont live long enough.

This is very, very true. Every year you get with them is such a wonderful reminder of how great they are, but in the back of your mind you know it's another year closer to them being gone. But then I remind myself "Hey, at least my dog is fucking happy about being alive, and they're over the moon when I get out of bed. Who's a good boy/girl? You are, yes you are! Do you want some scratchies? Yes you do! Do you want to go for a walk? Okay, let's go and see what's out there!", and that makes it better.


The only other problem with dogs is they like finding pieces of shit and dead animals to lick. They really need to stop that.

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1 hour ago, Murdoch said:

However many years you get with a dog is better than the same years without them.

This is also true. And I think dogs who have loving, caring owners feel the same. They're not dumb, and I think they realize when things are good for them.


Every time my giant goofball Daisy decides to take over the couch, or jump on me, or falls asleep in my bed and refuses to move, or get swatted by Lilly for being annoying and intrusive, or chases after a rabbit on a walk, or picks up a random piece of shit, or starts wagging her tail when she sees a neighbor, I think back to that scared dog in the shelter that barked when I walked by. And when I stopped and looked at her, she stopped barking, and walked back to her little cot with a thin cloth on it and tried to avoid eye contact. So I asked if I could take her out in the yard for a bit to see how she behaved, and she was lovely, an absolute sweetheart who really needed affection. It's been about 10 months since then, but she's grown into this wonderful, outgoing, confident lovebug. 


Looking at the early pictures of her:


It's hard to recognize her as the same dog, but she certainly seems happier now:


So yeah, dogs are really great.

Edited by Jello

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On 12/27/2022 at 1:57 AM, dasho said:

Dogs can be companions; cats are only ever pets at best.


I realize its an old post but still - this isn't true at all. My cat's been my companion and best friend for 15 years. Never met a more affectionate animal. Knows my moods, always trying to cheer me up if I'm down. I wouldn't trade him for anything. 

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35 minutes ago, RandoBust said:


I realize its an old post but still - this isn't true at all. My cat's been my companion and best friend for 15 years. Never met a more affectionate animal. Knows my

moods, always trying to cheer me up if I'm down. I wouldn't trade him for anything. 


As they say, there is an exception for every rule.

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On 12/23/2022 at 11:32 AM, Wyrmwood said:

Nobody should force you interact with an animal that makes you feel uncomfortable and although I think perhaps a majority of humans do enjoy their company, there are many who share your feelings. My sister used to flinch every time one came near. Now she loves my mums golden retriever, as she's a calm, gentle and quiet creature.


With that said, disliking them all is a little like disliking all people, dogs personality's are just as varied. Some can be aggressive but almost always that's because they were treated badly or in some cases even encouraged to be that way. Most though are loving and loyal, that's why so many of us love them.


Again though nobody can force you, but if you genuinely want to change your attitude towards them I doubt it will take you long to find a dog you do like and many don't bark or if they do its only to tell you someone's at the door.


I agree with this. It's not a requirement to love dogs, and I say that as someone with two of them. It's totally okay to not get it.

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MBF isn't your go-to source port I assume.



I was never a big fan of dogs either especially as a kid when I found them quite scary because of how erratically they behave and how loud they are. I'm indifferent to them now but still prefer cats and probably wouldn't have a dog as a pet.

Edited by Individualised

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I despise dogs with a passion. They've very dirty, obnoxious, stupid, rowdy, smelly and aggressive. My solution to that problem is very simple. A loaded shotgun.

Basically. Dogs are like pinkies. Chainsaw them. Unless they have rabies. Then just shotgun them because they'll bite you through the chainsaw stun. And if that still doesn't work ... Purchase a fully automatic HK 416 assault rifle. You'll be able to solve up to 700 problems a minute with that thing. Including dog problems.

Edited by CFWMagic

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