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dsda-doom v0.25.6 [2023-01-15]

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The new DSDA Indexed OpenGL renderer is quite the feat and I love how close it gets to software Doom lighting and even seems to pull from custom palettes and colourmaps. However, I have a question that regards how the new Indexed OpenGL renderer deals with custom colourmap areas (i.e. like deep water and the like).


I have a map (Hellcinerator) that uses a custom colourmap section, that the new renderer seems to have some odd irregularities with it (DSDA Doom v0.25.6).


For context, here is the main WAD colourmap juxtaposed from the "deep water" section colourmap:



As you can see here, the reds show more brightly in the dark, and the purples are changed to red, with the greens swapped with purple.


What's really strange is how the new Indexed OpenGL renderer deals with the colourmap:







As you can see from the above images, the Indexed OpenGL render is using the new colourmap... and it's even changing the green colour to another colour. What's really strange though, is how it's swapping it with the wrong colour (in this case, red instead of the intended purple).


I guess my question is why is it different, and would there be any way to correct it to use the right colourmap colour swap?

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Just another portion of dumb questions from slowpoked old prb+ user.



Is where any way to quickly revert prboom+ style fullscreen HUDs (with presets cycled by F5) without digging into that lump/config stuff? That one which set as default (and only??) for current dsda-doom completely dissatisfy me - I need some BIG numbers right here.




#### Data Directory
- Currently stores save files, attempts, splits

That will be cool, but for me it stores there only saves. Attempts just continue to spam root folder.



Still can't figure wtf happens with program output log, although I catch one from my earliest try-outs of dsda-doom year ago. It called out.txt and contains:


M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
 default file: d:\Downloads\doom\DSDADoom-0.24.1-win32/dsda-doom.cfg
 found d:\Downloads\doom\DSDADoom-0.24.1-win32/dsda-doom.wad

dsda-doom v0.24.1 (https://github.com/kraflab/dsda-doom/)
I_SetAffinityMask: manual affinity mask is 1
 found c:\games\doom\iwad/doom2.wad
IWAD found: c:\games\doom\iwad/doom2.wad
dsda-doom (built Feb 12 2022 09:17:43), playing: DOOM 2: Hell on Earth
dsda-doom is released under the GNU General Public license v2.0.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the file COPYING for details.
V_Init: allocate screens.
V_InitMode: using software video mode
I_CalculateRes: trying to optimize screen pitch
 test case for pitch=1024 is processed 10273 times for 100 msec
 test case for pitch=1056 is processed 10221 times for 100 msec
 optimized screen pitch is 1024
I_InitScreenResolution: Using resolution 1024x768
 found d:\Downloads\doom\DSDADoom-0.24.1-win32/dsda-doom.wad
Playing demo demo1.lmp
D_InitFakeNetGame: Checking for network game.
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
 adding c:\games\doom\iwad/doom2.wad
 adding d:\Downloads\doom\DSDADoom-0.24.1-win32/dsda-doom.wad
G_ReloadDefaults: Checking OPTIONS.

M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.
SetRatio: width/height parameters 1024x768
SetRatio: storage aspect ratio 4:3
SetRatio: assuming square pixels
SetRatio: display aspect ratio 4:3
SetRatio: gl_ratio 1.600000
SetRatio: multiplier 1/1
R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon -
R_LoadTrigTables: Endianness...ok.
R_InitData: Textures Flats Sprites
R_Init: R_InitPlanes R_InitLightTables R_InitSkyMap R_InitTranslationsTables R_InitPatches
P_Init: Init Playloop state.
I_Init: Setting up machine state.
I_InitSound:  configured audio device with 2048 samples/slice
Fluidplayer: Fluidsynth version 2.1.8
fluidsynth: error: Unknown string setting 'synth-midi-bank-select'
fl_init: Couldn't set synth-midi-bank-select
fluidsynth: error: Unknown integer parameter 'synth-polyphony'
fl_init: Couldn't set synth-polyphony
portmidiplayer device list:
  MMSystem:Устройство переназначения MIDI
  MMSystem:Программный синтезатор звуковой
portmidiplayer: Opening device MMSystem:Устройство переназначения MIDI  for output
I_InitSound: sound module ready
S_Init: Setting up sound.
S_Init: default sfx volume 8
dsda_CacheSoundLumps: 113 sounds in 2.84 ms!
HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.
I_InitGraphics: 1024x768
I_UpdateVideoMode: 0x1001, SDL buffer, direct access
SetRatio: width/height parameters 1024x768
SetRatio: storage aspect ratio 4:3
SetRatio: assuming square pixels
SetRatio: display aspect ratio 4:3
SetRatio: gl_ratio 1.600000
SetRatio: multiplier 1/1
ST_Init: Init status bar.
G_DoPlayDemo: playing demo with Doom/Doom2 v1.9 compatibility
RegisterSongEx: Music player fluidsynth midi player on preferred list but it failed to init
RegisterSongEx: Using player opl2 synth player
Timed 1205 gametics in 142 realtics = 297.0 frames per second
Exit Sequence[0]: I_EssentialQuit (0)
Exit Sequence[1]: I_ShutdownGraphics (0)
Exit Sequence[1]: I_ShutdownMusic (0)
Exit Sequence[1]: I_ShutdownSound (0)
Exit Sequence[1]: I_ShutdownSDL (0)
Exit Sequence[2]: I_Quit (0)

PS Btw had no problems with fluidsynth midi in prb+2514. Probably SDL2 issue?

Edited by Hitherto

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3 hours ago, Hitherto said:

That will be cool, but for me it stores there only saves. Attempts just continue to spam root folder.

"Attempts" here refers to attempt counter; demos are still written to wherever you specify in the -record parameter.


3 hours ago, Hitherto said:

Still can't figure wtf happens with program output log

Output goes to the standard output and error streams of the terminal, which can be redirected to files through the standard means, e.g. dsda-doom.exe > output.log 2> error.log (this is a general command prompt usage thing, not specific to dsda-doom).

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1 hour ago, Shepardus said:

"Attempts" here refers to attempt counter; demos are still written to wherever you specify in the -record parameter

Pretty confusing thing! Now I see there two separate count mechanics - directly in .lmp names and independent "counter" which is stored... where? Didn't see it.

Catch it, it is in file called like tst1_4_1_1_xxx_splits.txt


Strange behavior IMhO - manage saves, which numbers can barely exceeds few dozens, to separate folder, but leave demos, which can spam in time root directory up to few millions :-/


Btw if I specify unexisted dir (or misspell existing) in -record param, port will "failed to write demo file" on exit. So method of manual "managing" of .lmps can be quite frustrating...


1 hour ago, Shepardus said:

Output goes to the standard output and error streams of the terminal, which can be redirected to files through the standard means, e.g. dsda-doom.exe > output.log 2> error.log

OK, got it, thanks. But "always on" output to file hurts nobody I think.

Edited by Hitherto

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3 hours ago, Red Recluse said:

What is the problem in version 0.25.6 help me please

Try running dsda-doom from a latin-only path, for example E:\dsda-doom

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7 hours ago, Red Recluse said:


What is the problem in version 0.25.6 help me please

I had the same problem (I think) when my former laptop broke down and I had to reinstall everything. That particular DLL (and I think one other, too, can’t remember which) was missing from operating system, and I had to hunt those files down otherwise. I think I grabbed them from PrBoom+ package and placed them in my dsda-doom directory.

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Tell me which filesare not enough to run.Doesn't work.                                                                                                                                                     dsda-doom.PNG.adb128fc8c85979ebc3c7f692227b7d3.PNG

Edited by Red Recluse

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You shouldn't be renaming your files with "(2)" when you add them to the folder, dsda-doom won't be able to find the right version if you do. You probably should just redownload dsda-doom and extract it to a new folder, then copy over what you need (e.g. your configs, demos, WAD files, FFmpeg).

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This is arguably the best controller-friendly port I've ever tried till now. This is just awesome...


 * Does left_analog_sensitivity_x(y) affect player's maximum velocity? I tweaked it to around 40 for imitating Unity port(which I consider it the best controllers' heaven port ever)'s sensitivity and... I couldn't run over some vanilla-standard pitfalls. Over 50 makes it good, but I feel it a bit "slippery". Quite a nitpicking, but still a great port I've ever seen. Thank you!

Edited by Taey
Nitpicking :)

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1) Well, it's reinstating




again, since I haven't got any reply regarding this, not even a fuck off. : D I don't really understand why it was even removed.

2) Is it possible to give the vertical mouse movement toggle a sound effect, like in Crispy? I'd love to have this for a long time now.


3) Is it possible to revert back to the original sound effect for taking a screenshot?

4) About screenshots: it seems like a renderer thing, grabbing the whole screen as if it was a maxed out windowed application without borders instead of a proper full screen one. Or I don't know, but when I take one in 640 x 480 / 4:3, the result is a 1920 x 1080 file with black borders, instead of a real, 4:3 640 x 480 JPG. I'm not a programmer by any means, but can this be like it was before? (I suspect not really...)


Otherwise, it's a pretty awesome job, just these little nitpicks are missing.

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3 hours ago, Fluuschoen said:

4) About screenshots: it seems like a renderer thing, grabbing the whole screen as if it was a maxed out windowed application without borders instead of a proper full screen one. Or I don't know, but when I take one in 640 x 480 / 4:3, the result is a 1920 x 1080 file with black borders, instead of a real, 4:3 640 x 480 JPG. I'm not a programmer by any means, but can this be like it was before? (I suspect not really...) 

By default dsda-doom uses a windowed full-screen mode, in order to get screenshot in the selected resolution, you need to activate the *exclusive fullscreen* mode.

I agree with you that the selected resolution should be used regardless for screenshot resolution.

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Fullscreen issue is one of few things which still makes old sdl1 prb+ better port for everyday demoing use. With it, I can simply alt-tab to desktop and get <10% of cpu load while still running playdemo mode, but dsda-doom can't properly "minimized" even in non-exclusive FS mode, it always be drawn instead windows desktop behind another windows with cpu load 20+%.


Ramon_Demestre , btw, many thanks for your continuing work by sharing win32 builds!

Edited by Hitherto

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On 2/5/2023 at 11:15 PM, Shepardus said:


On 2/5/2023 at 11:15 PM, Shepardus said:

You shouldn't be renaming your files with "(2)" when you add them to the folder, dsda-doom won't be able to find the right version if you do. You probably should just redownload dsda-doom and extract it to a new folder, then copy over what you need (e.g. your configs, demos, WAD files, FFmpeg).


I reuploaded dsda-doom and extract it to anew folder then copied the necssary files but it doesn't start iwad and pwad.



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1 minute ago, Red Recluse said:

I reuploaded dsda-doom and extract it to anew folder then copied the necssary files but it doesn't start iwad and pwad.




Try this:

On 2/5/2023 at 9:27 AM, rfomin said:

Try running dsda-doom from a latin-only path, for example E:\dsda-doom


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1 hour ago, Red Recluse said:

I reuploaded dsda-doom and extract it to anew folder then copied the necssary files but it doesn't start iwad and pwad.

have you put your doom2.wad into the folder? and why the the directory has gzdoom in it?

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21 hours ago, GarrettChan said:

have you put your doom2.wad into the folder? and why the the directory has gzdoom in it?

I excpelled plutonia.wad tnt.wad and left doom2.wad heretic.wad hexen.wad and work just playDIE.PNG.873a6a521b16ff3ff2cb004ea86eb460.PNG                      

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On 2/6/2023 at 6:45 PM, Hitherto said:

Fullscreen issue is one of few things which still makes old sdl1 prb+ better port for everyday demoing use. With it, I can simply alt-tab to desktop and get <10% of cpu load while still running playdemo mode, but dsda-doom can't properly "minimized" even in non-exclusive FS mode, it always be drawn instead windows desktop behind another windows with cpu load 20+%. 


Ramon_Demestre , btw, many thanks for your continuing work by sharing win32 builds! 


I have the same problem with Alt+Tab, The trick I found is to use Alt+ENTER instead to toggle full-screen mode. dsda-doom still consumes significant CPU but at least it lets you manage your desktop.


I will have a look at the issue because there are no goods reasons for dsda-doom to behave badly when prboom-plus works just fine.

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Any chances on giving us options for partial invisibility renders? I personally prefer the shadow effect over the noise effect for specters and having options between the two would be nice

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13 hours ago, No-Man Baugh said:

Any chances on giving us options for partial invisibility renders? I personally prefer the shadow effect over the noise effect for specters and having options between the two would be nice 


I would like to add that also this fancy fuzzy effect requires good shader support, making dsda-doom GL render unusable on old graphic cards, such as my old Intel 965 integrated graphics, it is a bit dated but considering prboom-plus works perfectly fine with my much older Vodoo3 AGP, it feels strange.

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Also don't do it way of gzdoom did please) https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/133898-forced-aspect-ratio-artifact-in-gzdoom/?do=findComment&amp;comment=2605251 


bootup time is actually 11 seconds (200 ms is script parcing) vs 3.5 seconds in 2.4.0.




With all that new fancy QoL keys with He/He quick artifacts my keyboard feels way too cramped :)

Any chances for implementing keys combinations? Though I have no idea which and how many keys can be sacrificed for alt-function...

Edited by Hitherto

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On 2/6/2023 at 7:21 AM, Taey said:

This is arguably the best controller-friendly port I've ever tried till now. This is just awesome...


 * Does left_analog_sensitivity_x(y) affect player's maximum velocity? I tweaked it to around 40 for imitating Unity port(which I consider it the best controllers' heaven port ever)'s sensitivity and... I couldn't run over some vanilla-standard pitfalls. Over 50 makes it good, but I feel it a bit "slippery". Quite a nitpicking, but still a great port I've ever seen. Thank you!

You may need to adjust either acceleration or the dead zone if you want low sensitivity that still reaches max speed.


On 2/12/2023 at 12:35 AM, No-Man Baugh said:

Any chances on giving us options for partial invisibility renders? I personally prefer the shadow effect over the noise effect for specters and having options between the two would be nice

I don't have any plan to change this.


On 2/12/2023 at 4:42 PM, Hitherto said:

With all that new fancy QoL keys with He/He quick artifacts my keyboard feels way too cramped :)

Any chances for implementing keys combinations? Though I have no idea which and how many keys can be sacrificed for alt-function...

Key combinations: probably not any time soon, but eventually. Some people use the numpad (doesn't help if you don't have one) and some people use different input profiles for different games (i.e., you don't need hexen bindings while playing heretic), but otherwise it is what it is.


On 2/4/2023 at 8:16 PM, Hitherto said:

Is where any way to quickly revert prboom+ style fullscreen HUDs (with presets cycled by F5) without digging into that lump/config stuff? That one which set as default (and only??) for current dsda-doom completely dissatisfy me - I need some BIG numbers right here.

People have created configs that are similar to the prboom+ ones. There may be some in this thread, or otherwise on discord.

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Hi devs.

Any chance of "sprites_doom_order" being added back into the config file as in PrBoom+?


I get a bit of z fighting, particularly with chainguns and corpses and setting this to "2" in PrBoom seems to fix the issue.

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I love the hexen map format support. Other than what the 0.25 patch notes say, which features are planned and which are not planned to be implemented? Should I understand it more as supporting the stock hexen or also thing-over-thing with bridges, slopes, hubs through mapinfo, acs, and the whole modern feature set that is implemented in ports like odamex? 

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2 minutes ago, Sneezy McGlassFace said:

I love the hexen map format support. Other than what the 0.25 patch notes say, which features are planned and which are not planned to be implemented? Should I understand it more as supporting the stock hexen or also thing-over-thing with bridges, slopes, hubs through mapinfo, acs, and the whole modern feature set that is implemented in ports like odamex? 


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In case any other casual nitpickers out there want this, I made a Win64 build of DSDA 0.25.6 with the player sound cutoffs disabled for cl2-4 (so, no more shooting sound stopping when you pick up a gun etc.) The change was removing comp_sound on line 836 of s_sound.c. I also got rid of the fullscreen HUD "WPN" and "BULL/SHELL..." text just because. I'm not a programmer but this seems to work alright. Hope it isn't breaking any rules. Enjoy...




Edited by pantheon

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