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dsda-doom v0.25.6 [2023-01-15]

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Hello everyone.
Just started using DSDA-Doom but I am having some issues with it that I couldn't find an answer to (the post above this one prolly fixes one of them, have to try).
When I'm just playing normally everything is fine, mouse is smooth and the sound is absolutely fine.
The moment I start recording a demo, some sounds just cut-off or don't play, and my mouse becomes jittery, which makes it really hard to play the game for me.
Anything that I can do to fix any/both issues?

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Turning being jittery is a normal consequence of demo recording. Sounds cutting off may or may not be expected depending on what sounds are cutting off, and whether you're using different complevels when playing normally vs. recording a demo. If you're playing on a vanilla complevel, it's normal for the player's weapon firing sounds to be cut off by ammo pickups and other items.

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13 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

Turning being jittery is a normal consequence of demo recording. Sounds cutting off may or may not be expected depending on what sounds are cutting off, and whether you're using different complevels when playing normally vs. recording a demo. If you're playing on a vanilla complevel, it's normal for the player's weapon firing sounds to be cut off by ammo pickups and other items.

Yeah, I'm using -complevel 3.
That would make sense. I come from GZDoom, and it doesn't really have any of those issues, but struggles to play larger maps, which is why I wanted to change, but I guess I will have to make some compromises, guess no demos for me on DSDA-doom. Thanks a lot for the quick explanation.

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If you're coming from gzdoom and not worried about perfect accuracy, you can record most things with complevel 21 and using -longtics to lift the angle precision. My assumption is these are casual demos not intended for dsda submissions.

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9 minutes ago, dsda-dev said:

If you're coming from gzdoom and not worried about perfect accuracy, you can record most things with complevel 21 and using -longtics to lift the angle precision. My assumption is these are casual demos not intended for dsda submissions.

That worked like a charm, thanks a lot.
The demos are just for myself, not really intended to be posted anywhere. Just something for myself to look back on later down the line.

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EDIT: Both of these already exist. Custom fonts can wreck color coding and -pistolstart is already there! Thanks maxmanium and pantheon.

I've been using DSDA Doom as my main, non-ZDoom engine and it's fantastic, great work team!

I've got a couple of minor suggestions. The first, and probably more viable, suggestion is coloring the divider text in the General settings menu. I've attached an image as an example: I think the 'Video' and 'Sound & Music' text should be in red/anything but white as it'll make it a lot easier for to browse through the pages quickly.


I don't expect my second suggestion to be actioned but I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. Given that pistol starting is so common why not make it a option or command line arg? I don't have much modding or editing experience so I have no idea how viable it is to implement but it would a great feature and would mean the total run time for multimap wads wouldnt get reset after each map.


(image removed becuase it's pointless)


Edited by reaction

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37 minutes ago, reaction said:

I don't expect my second suggestion to be actioned but I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. Given that pistol starting is so common why not make it a option or command line arg? I don't have much modding or editing experience so I have no idea how viable it is to implement but it would a great feature and would mean the total run time for multimap wads wouldnt get reset after each map.


This was added quite a while back. Unless it got gutted in the 0.25 update and I didn't notice.

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Yeah, -pistolstart does that. And looks like you're using a WAD that replaces the text, usually it is color coded the way you want.

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Has the ability to cycle through the althud styles with F5 been restricted somehow? It only seems to work in demos or in old, old versions (0.10.0) Using it in regular sp just toggles hud on/off

*Woof also still has it. i like that Woof also has pistol starts as a settings menu option, would be nice if you could set custom resolutions tho

Edited by reaction

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3 hours ago, reaction said:

Has the ability to cycle through the althud styles with F5 been restricted somehow? It only seems to work in demos or in old, old versions (0.10.0) Using it in regular sp just toggles hud on/off

*Woof also still has it. i like that Woof also has pistol starts as a settings menu option, would be nice if you could set custom resolutions tho


I think they've said the HUD system is still pretty new and not feature complete yet. Your best bet is probably to save multiple configs that you like and switch them manually. The Woof devs are doing an amazing job adding QoL features, this port's more specialized for recording demos and so on so the priorities will probably be a bit different. I saw it's getting a new demo cleanup feature which is neat. And the rewind of course. Inter-Doom recently added a high res feature, maybe one day we'll see that pop up in a Woof fork or something...

Edited by pantheon

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Ok, that makes sense. Hopefully it won't be too hard to re-implement. I get you about the different priorities, I sorta thought this would be fairly high prio for speedrunners cause the reason Im asking is that with the new hud its hard to quickly check health. The old hud is just too big for me. Being able to use the old hud for health + armor then new smaller one for ammo keys etc was great in prboom. I'll have to check Inter-Doom out, I don't think I've heard of it before.


Here's another question/possible request down the line: it seems impossible to bind a key solely for the shotgun. I want a key that I can hit that goes straight to SG while skipping the SSG. There is a keybind for 'shotgun' however its the same as pressing '3' in that it cycles through ssg then sg. It's another small thing but it does have a direct impact on gameplay when it doesn't work. It is rare that I need to use just the sg when I have the ssg but on wads with strict ammo it's much more common. I think it should be doable since the SSG key only selects the ssg and does not cycle.

Edited by reaction

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2 hours ago, reaction said:

Here's another question/possible request down the line: it seems impossible to bind a key solely for the shotgun. I want a key that I can hit that goes straight to SG while skipping the SSG. There is a keybind for 'shotgun' however its the same as pressing '3' in that it cycles through ssg then sg. It's another small thing but it does have a direct impact on gameplay when it doesn't work. It is rare that I need to use just the sg when I have the ssg but on wads with strict ammo it's much more common. I think it should be doable since the SSG key only selects the ssg and does not cycle.

There was a setting called "enable fist/chainsaw and sg/ssg toggle," but it doesn't seem to have worked (even in PrBoom+, which is the earliest version I have on my computer) and was removed at some point. Woof, however, still has that setting (doom_weapon_toggles in the config), and there it actually does work. You can get an approximation of that by modifying the weapon preference order (options -> weapons) and putting 3 before 9. The 3 button will still cycle through SG and SSG, but it'll select SG before SSG, and 9 will select SSG directly. Note that this also affects the order in which weapons are selected when you run out of ammo.


All of the above only applies to Boom complevel and above; in vanilla there's no way to select SG directly.

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On 2/15/2023 at 12:11 AM, pantheon said:

In case any other casual nitpickers out there want this, I made a Win64 build of DSDA 0.25.6 with the player sound cutoffs disabled for cl2-4 (so, no more shooting sound stopping when you pick up a gun etc.) The change was removing comp_sound on line 836 of s_sound.c. I also got rid of the fullscreen HUD "WPN" and "BULL/SHELL..." text just because. I'm not a programmer but this seems to work alright. Hope it isn't breaking any rules. Enjoy...





I love your HUD text changes as it lets the HUD be even more minimal. Would be cool if we could get textless HUD components like them in the official version.



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Attempting to play internal demos via command line parameters gives the fatal error "Unable to find required file "[lumpname]"". Yes, most other ports and even vanilla Doom give a similar error, but it's non-fatal and demo playback works anyway. This particularly affects Hell Revealed, which has more than the standard 3 internal demos; the additional demos can only be played back via this method.

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It works in 0.24.1 so was broke somewhere in 2022.


Btw thanks for info about HR, never know about these!

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Thanks for all the info everyone. Would it be within scope to add wad names as a prefix to screenshots? It would make it a lot easier to organize and manage them.



In case any other casual nitpickers out there want this, I made a Win64 build of DSDA 0.25.6 with the player sound cutoffs disabled for cl2-4 (so, no more shooting sound stopping when you pick up a gun etc.) The change was removing comp_sound on line 836 of s_sound.c. I also got rid of the fullscreen HUD "WPN" and "BULL/SHELL..." text just because. I'm not a programmer but this seems to work alright. Hope it isn't breaking any rules. Enjoy...


I notice this happening all the time, would be awesome to have a toggle for it.

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The .cfg parameter "boom_translucent_sprites" set to 1 doesn't seem to make projectiles translucent for me. Is there any other setting that needs to be adjusted for it to work properly?

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3 hours ago, MrHellstorm17 said:

The .cfg parameter "boom_translucent_sprites" set to 1 doesn't seem to make projectiles translucent for me. Is there any other setting that needs to be adjusted for it to work properly?

I believe the parameter will only affect complevels 9 and above.

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How would I check out the Doom in Hexen support with UDB, do I have to wait for an update so there is a DSDA: Doom 2 (Hexen Format) or would I be able to use Zdoom: Doom 2 (Hexen Format)

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You can use the zdoom format - that's how I create test maps. You will just have to pay attention to the support doc to know what will actually work. I assume this is what Xyzzy did for Xerxesia.

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I am using dsda-doom v0.25.6 and noticed a strange visual bug, especially when firing the Super Shotgun while bobbing.


Using Software Renderer at 16:9


Screenshot :




Also on a off-note is there a way to turn off the translucent projectiles?




Edited by THEBaratusII

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That line on the shotgun is an old pr+ bug. I can't remember exactly what the problem is or why it hasn't been fixed yet.


Translucency: the config key is boom_translucent_sprites. You can either edit the config file or use the console to change it.

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8 hours ago, THEBaratusII said:

I am using dsda-doom v0.25.6 and noticed a strange visual bug, especially when firing the Super Shotgun while bobbing.

It's a pretty old bug from PrBoom+, my understanding is that it has to do with rounding errors when using fixed point math in sprite scaling.


8 hours ago, THEBaratusII said:

Also on a off-note is there a way to turn off the translucent projectiles?

Set "boom_translucent_sprites" in the config file to 0.

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14 hours ago, dsda-dev said:

That line on the shotgun is an old pr+ bug. I can't remember exactly what the problem is or why it hasn't been fixed yet.


Translucency: the config key is boom_translucent_sprites. You can either edit the config file or use the console to change it.


14 hours ago, Shepardus said:

It's a pretty old bug from PrBoom+, my understanding is that it has to do with rounding errors when using fixed point math in sprite scaling.


Set "boom_translucent_sprites" in the config file to 0.


Thanks! and I feel like it's a software rendering issue as I did switch to OpenGL and have yet to see the visual bug. Hopefully that can be fixed someday.

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Funny thing happened: I was playing Ancient Aliens on v0.25.6, and when I hit MAP24, the game crashes: the midi starts (and keeps) playing, but I'm kicked out of game with a message box saying: "P_CheckForZDoomNodes: compressed ZDoom nodes not supported yet".


This seems to happen on both Software and OpenGL modes, if that makes a difference -- although it sounds like it wouldn't. Strange though, I have played that particular map on an earlier version of DSDA in the past year. Maybe someone should quickly boot-up Culture Shock to see if the problem is not related to my setup? (And if it is, hazard a guess as to why on earth...)

Edited by RHhe82

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I don't have any issue with aaliens map 24 on 0.25.6. Could you try it with the default config? You can test the default config without overwriting your own by launching the port with "-config some_new_file_name".

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Nope, still gives the same error message. I also tried launching DSDA from terminal instead of DoomLauncher, but still the same result. I checked the autoload directories in case there was anything funny, but no, empty.


However, I wonder if this has got to do with aaliens wad itself; one thing that's different from last february is that I have the v1.1 version of the wad that was uploaded to idGames in Dec 2022. It's supposed to be a texture update only, so it shouldn't impact anything else, but who (umm, @skillsaw?) knows. Looking up the file in SLADE reveals nothing exceptional about map 24 or the NODES lumps as far as I can see, though, only that MAP24 is the last map lump in the list, so maybe it was touched last? I don't know.


(I also idclev'd to rest of the maps; no other map in the wad crashes with the error)


EDIT: map 24 also crashes in Eternity engine. This was probably the wrong thread to report this.


EDIT 2: Yeah, that's it. I downloaded the original release from DSDA-Archives, now map 24 loads up just fine. I'll Maybe I shold go and re-write this in the aaliens thread, and these rambling messages can then be removed to de-clutter this thread.

Edited by RHhe82
On Eternity

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