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How do i run any doom wad through The "Command Line" ?


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2 hours ago, Nevander said:

If it's choco doom, you may need -merge instead.


Well how do i do it on the LZSPLITDOOM Launcher ?

Someone told me in the command line but it did'nt seem to work 

any other way?

Edited by G-FORCE

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21 minutes ago, G-FORCE said:


Well how do i do it on the LZSPLITDOOM Launcher ?

Someone told me in the command line but it did'nt seem to work 

any other way?

What does "Custom Command Line" tell you?

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In general I make shortcuts but command lines use the same rules. If you're using a source port it would be


[SourcePortExecutable].exe -IWAD [IWADName].WAD -file [PWADName].wad -[any command line parameters]


If you want to load multiple files, you can just put the different file names after one another.

Make sure file names have no spaces in them, or it'll recognize them as 2 file names.

A list of command line parameters can be found here: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Parameter.

Complevel is an important one for certain source ports, in order for maps to work.


A few examples:


dsda-doom.exe -IWAD DOOM2.WAD -file btsx_e1a.wad btsx_e1b.wad -complevel 2

gzdoom.exe -IWAD DOOM2.WAD -file mapwich2_v0.9a.pk3 fullscrn_huds.pk3


For shortcuts rather than command lines, these lines go in the Target box in the shortcut's Properties, with the executable's full location in stead of just [SourcePortExecutable].exe.

Edited by Ennello

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