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Cut Doom levels?


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There probably exists a thread begging a similar question already but I had zero luck finding any, mostly stuff pertaining to Doom 64's titled "Lost Levels" or something related to the PSX release of the game. Any known scrapped levels for Classic Doom as a whole? Whether it's Doom 1, 2, or Plutonia/TNT. Would love to see what comes up here!

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There is a few for Doom 2 that can be found in the beta of sorts that Romero released, Entryway had an entirely different start, Crusher is almost an entire new map, Dead Simple is entirely different (and unfinished), Downtown has docks at one side instead of deadend alleyways, and the most important one is that instead of The Catacombs, there is an entirely new map with slight shades of Spirit World, but the geometry itself is almost totally unique, its the highlight of that entire old map dump for me.

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The alpha versions of Doom have quite a few levels that were either cut or modified to become maps in the retail version. The DoomWiki page for alpha 0.5 has a section that shows many map layouts including my personal favorite, an early E2M1 that flips you off.


Honestly, most of the maps from this alpha don't look fun at all judging by the images. Most of them are confusing, sprawling mazes with no semblance of a comprehensive layout.

Edited by Spineapple tea

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You can find a ton of info on earlier / cut Doom levels at the TCRF pages for both Doom 1 and 2, it's very interesting stuff:






I also have a pack of every known alpha, as well as the Doom 2 beta, set up and ready to "play" (in quotes since much of it contains no gameplay or outright crashes). All requires DosBox to work, of course:



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41 minutes ago, Xaser said:

My favorite "lost maps" have always been the two unused maps from the Doom alphas, particularly the "devoid of real levelness" E1M11:


One of these days I'd like to see someone do a TWID-like "what if Sandy had finished it?" sort of thing to this and the old Doom 0.5 E1M1. Sure, there's Lost Episode, but my own interpretations are very "out there" and I'm wondering what someone actually good at getting in the TWID headspace could do with 'em. :P


Funnily enough before this thread popped up, I was imagining a Lost Episode 2 with the Doom 2 cut stuff I mentioned, and a neat map with the void gimmick where the little fragments of maps in the alphas and betas all got assembled together, like they were torn apart and left floating in the void. 'Extramap' from the 3DO source has a small piece of E2M5 floating off to the side, so kinda like that I guess. Ive always had a huge soft spot for lost alpha/beta maps in games.

Edited by Devalaous

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11 hours ago, Devalaous said:

There is a few for Doom 2 that can be found in the beta of sorts that Romero released, Entryway had an entirely different start, Crusher is almost an entire new map, Dead Simple is entirely different (and unfinished), Downtown has docks at one side instead of deadend alleyways, and the most important one is that instead of The Catacombs, there is an entirely new map with slight shades of Spirit World, but the geometry itself is almost totally unique, its the highlight of that entire old map dump for me.

That's amazing! I had not idea :O Thanks for bringing this up, I'll look for the beta and play these scrapped maps, that's gonna be super interesting :)

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On 12/26/2022 at 8:44 PM, Devalaous said:

There is a few for Doom 2 that can be found in the beta of sorts that Romero released, Entryway had an entirely different start, Crusher is almost an entire new map, Dead Simple is entirely different (and unfinished), Downtown has docks at one side instead of deadend alleyways, and the most important one is that instead of The Catacombs, there is an entirely new map with slight shades of Spirit World, but the geometry itself is almost totally unique, its the highlight of that entire old map dump for me.


Do you have a link to this? It's surprisingly hard to Google, and neither DoomWiki or TCRF mention these maps. I'd love to play them.

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15 hours ago, Fernito said:


That's amazing! I had not idea :O Thanks for bringing this up, I'll look for the beta and play these scrapped maps, that's gonna be super interesting :)

It's linked just above. You'll surely love it, it's so interesting.

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When I read the topic title, I thought that it was about cutting maps and removing parts of them.

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On 12/27/2022 at 6:04 AM, Xaser said:

One of these days I'd like to see someone do a TWID-like "what if Sandy had finished it?" sort of thing to this and the old Doom 0.5 E1M1.


I think the latter has already been done.


The map on the right is E1M6: Tesla/Ohm Labs from No Sleep for the Dead.

Strangely the text file does not mention this explicitly, only giving general credit to id Software. On the other hand, there is that anagram in the map title.

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12 hours ago, RjY said:


I think the latter has already been done.


The map on the right is E1M6: Tesla/Ohm Labs from No Sleep for the Dead.

Strangely the text file does not mention this explicitly, only giving general credit to id Software. On the other hand, there is that anagram in the map title.

I didn’t know about this one! Just tried it out, and it’s an awesome rendition of how that map could’ve been had it been finished and included.

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On 12/27/2022 at 8:47 AM, Somniac said:


Hah, so there was a waterfall texture originally! And it looks a bit more natural than the slime and lava fall textures, too.

The waterfall texture looks neat. Have any wads used these yet?

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11 hours ago, Lizardcommando said:

The waterfall texture looks neat. Have any wads used these yet?

Personally i used them in Deadly Standards 4 and 64 kb challenge community projects, i think it was used in Mayhem 2020 as well...

It's also compiled into the Lostres texture pack by @Xaser and NaturalTwenty

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On 12/27/2022 at 1:04 AM, Xaser said:

a TWID-like "what if Sandy had finished it?" sort of thing to this and the old Doom 0.5 E1M1.

Here's my own interpretation, vanilla compatible and as close to IWAD style as I could do. Had this sitting on my hard drive for a while, this thread inspired me to finish it.

E1M1 is the 0.5 E1M1 and E2M1 is the 0.4 E1M11


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5 hours ago, LoneAlpha2401 said:

Here's my own interpretation, vanilla compatible and as close to IWAD style as I could do. Had this sitting on my hard drive for a while, this thread inspired me to finish it.

E1M1 is the 0.5 E1M1 and E2M1 is the 0.4 E1M11



Eeeey, these are nice! Exactly what I was hoping to see -- definitely worth tossing up on /idgames or somewhere permanent-like, I'd wager.

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On jeudi 29 décembre 2022 at 3:01 AM, Lizardcommando said:

The waterfall texture looks neat. Have any wads used these yet?

I know my waterfall texture mashup has been used, but I don't recall where.


However, I found this which credits me but, judging from the screenshots, actually use the vanilla cut waterfall texture from id.


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