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Im sorry admins (also in the beginning with the pinkies just dont touch the red)

alright so in this wad there's not a lot of ammo or health very closed in areas a lot of hard enemy's and a massive maze 

and cool music 

it might take you a couple hours to beat the stage 

and no im not trolling

tips: there's 2 shotguns in the beginning area that skips the 2 chain gunners and archvile 

when you find an exit sign in the beginning area you have to touch it it opens the door to the outside

don't try to fight the enemy's outside try to find a small maze be care full with your ammo 

once you enter the exit of the maze kill all the cacodemons and make sure your sourceport doesn't make all the enemies infinitely tall just run straight get lucky

and enter the big maze area there's not a lot of ammo you have to take the perfect route its kind of bad ill make a video showing the route tomorrow 

once you find a big hallway there's gonna be a teleporter enter it and good luck. 




the wrolds hardest wad.rar

Edited by that guy23442

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Hey, I took a look through some of the maps you've made and really think your talent is being overlooked here. Congrats on the release, and can't wait to see more from you!

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well apologies if I'm getting your age wrong here but the previously posted thread looked like a kid/teenager setting out to make "the hardest map," not making something especially out of the ordinary but with visibly a lot of viles and cybers and not much health, and a bunch of 40 year old doom worlders dismissing it as trolling/impossible and closing the thread. I thought that would be a shame if that's all the feedback you got so I dled to take a look at it.
I had a lot of fun with the opening area going "oh no I really did just download something where a guy dumps viles on my head as a joke" and then figuring out the blood line gimmick and going "oh no this is a good map." Really enjoyed unraveling that whole part. I did end up non berserk punching a bunch of pinkies which is probably bad I guess but I was yucking it up with some friends in voice chat and ended up having so much fun that I didn't mind it at all.
Then I got to the maze area with pretty low health and just don't have patience to figure that out atm though i'm sure its doable with 50hp with enough stubborness. Some health wouldn't go wrong though :p
I hope you keep making things with your unique approach with maybe a bit more attention to making them palettable / outside playesting

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18 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Damn, that's hardcore. It even says "FUCKY OU" at the bottom of the map. You should have drawn a little sector penis next to it for maximum comedic impact.

That's what's missing to make this even more hard core.

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Too easy; needs more archviles. Just to be safe, you should probably double up on them.

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If I had a pound for every level labelled as "The Hardest Wad Ever" or "IMPOSSIBLE LEVEL" then I'd have enough money to afford a legal team to help trademark the term.

Edited by Mr Masker

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6 hours ago, Mr Masker said:

If I had a pound for every level labelled as "The Hardest Wad Ever" or "IMPOSSIBLE LEVEL" then I'd have enough money to afford a legal team to help trademark the term.

But which one is actually the hardest?



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13 hours ago, Captain POLAND said:

But which one is actually the hardest?



The government doesn't want you to know the answer to that one...

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