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my first doom wad release

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this is the first time I have ever released a map for anyone to play


there are 5 maps in this wad

map format is boom

maps tested with pistol start, so that means you can also pistol start if you want an extra challenge

recommended difficulty is hmp/uv

no custom textures, sounds, or other weird stuff


-- source ports --

dsda doom is the recommended source port

gzdoom also works perfectly so which one you use is up to you


freelook/jumping are optional but are not required


the fights are designed to be somewhat cramped with decent monster counts. the first few maps are much easier compared to the rest, so skip around the levels if you feel the need to. (there are a couple of archviles, and a somewhat cramped cyberdemon fight through out these maps)

the maps are designed to be short, so beating them should not take too long

also note that some levels don't have secrets because I have a hard time deciding where to place them, so I end up not placing them at all (but most of them do)


I have tested all the maps and have beaten them without saves on ultra violence with pistol start. par times where calculated by me playing them on hmp and going reasonably fast


here are some beautiful screenies (at least I hope they are):








I am still a mapping noob, so please leave feedback!

(also forgive me if the difficulty is bs or too easy, I have no friends and thus no frame of reference to as of what is too easy or too hard)

lmk which maps are ur fav (mine are map1, map3, map4, map2, map5)


also, if for some reason you can't figure out how to beat the first level, read the spoiler bellow (though this should not be an issue, because I tried to make that level as strait forwards as possible, so please don't get scared and run away after reading the above)



this is an actual spoiler and not where the screenshots are, do not read this if you though that this is where the screenshots where


to beat the 2nd room in map 1

you need to wake up the mank at the right time so that he doesn't get crushed, and so that he reaches the pressure plate



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Not bad at all for your first maps! Some interesting stuff here for sure with some fun and spicy mini combat puzzles. After all these decades of playing doom, I do still appreciate a good old archville teleport trap! I played the first four maps so far in DSDA as suggested. Everything seemed to work fine.


I am going to go try and finish these tonight or tomorrow morning.


That puzzle with the mancubus was honestly kind of neat. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before. A little touchy just because he didn't want to go forward and kept spinning around for whatever reason lol


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36 minutes ago, nickxcom said:

Not bad at all for your first maps! Some interesting stuff here for sure with some fun and spicy mini combat puzzles. After all these decades of playing doom, I do still appreciate a good old archville teleport trap! I played the first four maps so far in DSDA as suggested. Everything seemed to work fine.


I am going to go try and finish these tonight or tomorrow morning.

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That puzzle with the mancubus was honestly kind of neat. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before. A little touchy just because he didn't want to go forward and kept spinning around for whatever reason lol


thanks so much for playing. if you don't like map 5 (and beyond), then skip them because honestly they are not that good and deviate from the style from the first 4 maps. (on 2nd though, I think I should not have included them to begin with). but its up to you.

feel free to give any feedback/ideas on how I can improve

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hey first maps always interesting - you def have doom experience with that opening map - surprised to see ideas like this - experimental quite mean but fun and interesting and not boring - you should check out Baron Door but especially Bonus Door map 24 "helping hand" by @Dubium


really liked cyber hn fight white rock stuff


overall very surprising set with surprises cognrats first maps night



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1 hour ago, Clippy said:

hey first maps always interesting - you def have doom experience with that opening map - surprised to see ideas like this - experimental quite mean but fun and interesting and not boring - you should check out Baron Door but especially Bonus Door map 24 "helping hand" by @Dubium


really liked cyber hn fight white rock stuff


overall very surprising set with surprises cognrats first maps night



thanks for the play through, I enjoyed watching.

I think that I have learned a few things that I am going to implement into my next map (which is probably going to be much longer)


(and I got a few more devious ideas)

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Cool maps! The first bit was very strange, until it became clear the Arch-vile would open the nearby door if awoken and it was like "ohhhhhh" And don't beat yourself up over Map 05. The first rushing bit was nice and overall, slaughter maps aren't entirely a bad thing and is probably an ok thing to end this on.


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I enjoyed it, played on UV with pistol start on all maps (played all 7 in the wad). Nice bite-sized levels; especially for your first release. Struggled with the BFG section on level 5 with the baron of hells and revenants as you'll see in my playthrough.



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i finished the wad right now. I came to the slaughter part with 12 HP, yeah im above average player so i needed some few attempts. 

The design show's me that you took the correct lessons from Romero's designing(full of traps and tricky moves.

Nice wad, hope you keep maping.

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12 hours ago, xolso said:

I enjoyed it, played on UV with pistol start on all maps (played all 7 in the wad). Nice bite-sized levels; especially for your first release. Struggled with the BFG section on level 5 with the baron of hells and revenants as you'll see in my playthrough.



thanks for the play through. seems like my attempts to push players out of map 3's start with chain gunners has failed. I am also probably going to supply players with more health/armour in my next set.


11 hours ago, Axe666 said:

i finished the wad right now. I came to the slaughter part with 12 HP, yeah im above average player so i needed some few attempts. 

The design show's me that you took the correct lessons from Romero's designing(full of traps and tricky moves.

Nice wad, hope you keep maping.

I am currently working on my next map set. map 2 looks like its going to be the best looking map that I have ever made so far.

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map 06 it is actually a decently challenging map. I just am not that good of a player so I Iddq'd it.
And map07: just finish them with bugfixes, health, armor and detailing. they're good concepts, just not finished.

video soon(tm). did cheat 06 and 07 to see what the intermission was all about. great concepts, just map07 feels unfinished, and map06 definetly needs more health on HMP. 


rest of the maps look great, play a bit stingy, but still good. I do love cramped fights, but that cyber den at map03 was a bit too cramped.


edit: it turned out to be quite long, so I'll post the video to your pm's once it's finished uploading.

Edited by IcarusOfDaggers

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posted in wrong thread sorry. too many tabs open with "first" in the title haha







Edited by thelamp
careless posting

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