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Have you experienced anthing paranormal?

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2 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

As for paranormal, nothing. At best i feel most of mines can be chalked to a deja vu, of experiencing a situation similar to one from your memories.

That's actually the closest thing I can think of as well (in terms of strange feelings), now that you mention it. I've had sleep paralysis maybe four times, all within a short period of time, but that just felt like an intense nightmare with physical discomfort more than anything. Deja vu is strange every time it happens, and it actually frustrates me because I'm trying to "recall" something that I can't recall. It's far from a mystical feeling, but it is a unique one.

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I struggle with sleep a lot and have experienced hearing voices, random sounds and other paranoid delusions. I've even experienced a case of Exploding Head Syndrome where you hear a massive-and very convincing-explosion in your head, which scared the shit out of me in the middle of the night. Strangely though, I haven't experienced sleep paralysis where you see spooky shadow people. As for other kinds of "paranormal" stuff, I can't say I've ever seen a ghost or a UFO or the other typical stuff. I'm a very skeptical person in general and am not convinced any of that is real and chalk people's experiences up to hallucinations, mental illness, intoxication or con-artistry.

Edited by Biodegradable

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10 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

Mr Mushroom is of the kind of telling it like it isThe direct

Strange when I decided to comment things as they are as you put it, he exploded on my face and then refused to comment further.

10 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

It is not something meant taken literally, esp when the subject is political or controversial in my experience.

So is this a case of "some issues are worthy of discussion more than others"? Bollocks.

10 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

But that's as truthful as people who claim to see UFO's, when in reality they are the communication lights of airplanes. I have seen plenty of flying objects that could be an UFO but if looked closer are just lights.

UFO literally means "Unidentified Flying Object", so in case you were unable to identify the object you saw in the sky, gratz, you saw an UFO.

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7 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:

 I've even experienced a case of Exploding Head Syndrome where you hear a massive-and very convincing-explosion in your head, which scared the shit out of me in the middle of the night.

This happened to me once at the end of sleep paralysis. It scared me shitless, but I thought it was kind of cool looking back on it. I had heard of sleep paralysis before, but never EHS. I looked up "gunshot sound while sleeping" as soon as I changed my pants. I was taking large doses of melatonin, sleeping pills, kava, and kratom, and probably other things because I hadn't slept in three days. The sleep deprivation combined with what I was taking all added up, I guess. At first, I thought my jaw cracked really hard since I have TMJ.




Strange when I decided to comment things as they are as you put it, he exploded on my face and then refused to comment further

What would you like me to comment on?

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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2 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:


What would you like me to comment on?

Not necessarily anything if you keep putting words on my mouth. I wanted to have an official debate with you in that other thread but I doubt this is beyond effort.

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6 minutes ago, Sonikkumania said:

Not necessarily anything if you keep putting words on my mouth. I wanted to have an official debate with you in that other thread but I doubt this is beyond effort.

Where did I put any words in your mouth? If you're referring to the psychic/fortune teller comment I made, it was simply to reiterate why I'm not a fan of these superstitions - they can be used to take advantage of naive and desperate people. What is an "official debate" anyway? Do we sit at a big table with uniforms on or something? I do see you misinterpreting what @Redneckerz told you, though. He simply suggested that political/controversial topics aren't too suitable for EE, not that "some issues are worthy of discussion more than others".


You created the thread, I responded. I'm not sure what kind of responses you expected when you opened up a thread by stating that you know old ladies who have the magical ability to "forecast" deaths. My stance is that I think it's naivety and nothing more. I responded the same way I would respond to a guy claiming he rode a T-Rex with Elvis and Tupac in Atlantis - it's bullshit.

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23 minutes ago, Sonikkumania said:

So is this a case of "some issues are worthy of discussion more than others"?


When it comes to topics in Everything Else, a good rule of thumb is simply to avoid any really hot-button topics that are likely to start flame wars, especially political ones. Just try to use your common sense. I'm sure you've been on the internet long enough to know what kind of discussions can get people heated. I see nothing wrong with this specific thread in general, so you're good as far as I'm concerned.

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Just now, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Where did I put any words in your mouth? If you're referring to the psychic/fortune teller comment I made, it was simply to reiterate why I'm not a fan of these superstitions - they can be used to take advantage of naive and desperate people.

There is that, and the replies regarding artists on that copyright law flame war we had on the other thread. We could've had a civil debate and you decide to bring up some wannabe Sex Pistols -tier debate on the table. And besides, so what if I knew people like that? The "Everything Else" subtitle clearly claims to be Progressive.

Just now, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

What is an "official debate" anyway? Do we sit at a big table with uniforms on or something?

If that is necessary for a civil debate, then yes.

6 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

You created the thread, I responded. I'm not sure what kind of responses you expected when you opened up a thread by stating that you know old ladies who have the magical ability to "forecast" deaths. My stance is that I think it's naivety and nothing more. I responded the same way I would respond to a guy claiming he rode a T-Rex with Elvis and Tupac in Atlantis - it's bullshit.

Yeah you did and that's good that we have varying opinions and views, but to me it looks like you're the guy who thinks he's got the right to have the last word and claim it as a fact. It's like you love your own voice very much.

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3 hours ago, Sonikkumania said:

What is it with your aggressive stance almost all the time? If that is how your output is on a regular basis, I recommend to seek professional help asap.


I get it, you're a skeptic. That's all right and you had your chance to give your view. I though "Everything else" subforum is dedicated to literally everything else so why not about paranormal aspects if people do happen to have anything to add about it . Never did I mention anything about fortune tellers, it's something you bring up in your hysteria.

I’m a skeptic too and I post in skeptics forum sometimes.

Once, I tried a paranormal believer forum: I got banned in 10 days, just for asking questions. Paranormal believers in skeptic forums behave like I could not imagine I could behave in this paranormal believer forum: they ask questions (oooooh), they SAY that they are right (aaaaaah), they shout sometimes (booooo). And sometimes, they get banned when they troll too much.

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Just now, ducon said:

I’m a skeptic too and I post in skeptics forum sometimes.

Once, I tried a paranormal believer forum: I got banned in 10 days, just for asking questions. Paranormal believers in skeptic forums behave like I could not imagine I could behave in this paranormal believer forum: they ask questions (oooooh), they SAY that they are right (aaaaaah), they shout sometimes (booooo). And sometimes, they get banned when they troll too much.

I understand. It's no secret that people who believe/want to believe in the paranormal do not wish to see opposing views to theirs. To me it's as frustating as the opposing end's practices as only through conversation we can find an agreement.

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9 minutes ago, Sonikkumania said:

Yeah you did and that's good that we have varying opinions and views, but to me it looks like you're the guy who thinks he's got the right to have the last word and claim it as a fact. It's like you love your own voice very much. 


I think you're simply misinterpreting Mushy's blunt disposition here. He's not trying to one-up you or getting high off his own farts. He's just a straight-shooter who doesn't sugarcoat his opinions and can sometimes be a bit cheeky cunt hehe. Mind you, I can understand the misinterpretation as tone can be a hard thing to convey through text sometimes.

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1 minute ago, Biodegradable said:


I think you're simply misinterpreting Mushy's blunt disposition here. He's not trying to one-up you or getting high off his own farts. He's just a straight-shooter who doesn't sugarcoat his opinions and can sometimes be a bit cheeky cunt hehe. Mind you, I can understand the misinterpretation as tone can be a hard thing to convey through text sometimes.

Dude I appreciate your explanation, but I can't appreciate the fact that when I do the same, he's coming into me. Idk I admit I could've put some statements in a better light, but so could've him.

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54 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

That's actually the closest thing I can think of as well (in terms of strange feelings), now that you mention it. I've had sleep paralysis maybe four times, all within a short period of time, but that just felt like an intense nightmare with physical discomfort more than anything. Deja vu is strange every time it happens, and it actually frustrates me because I'm trying to "recall" something that I can't recall. It's far from a mystical feeling, but it is a unique one.

I have experienced similar (Dreams that are more real than they should be) but i would not describe that as paranormal, rather, something the brain is generating.


As for a Deja Vu it is prohibitely annoying because you know it has happened before, but you can't place the when and where...


45 minutes ago, Sonikkumania said:

So is this a case of "some issues are worthy of discussion more than others"? Bollocks.

That's quite literally not what i am saying and its painful you interpret it this way. I am saying (and as others later added) that hot-button topics such as politics or less objective things like paranormal behavior (Or certain aspects of spirituality) or controversial topics tend to get heated because of the nature of said topic.


Like i said i don't know if this subject lands on a similar field, but the paranormal is really a person-per-person case.


45 minutes ago, Sonikkumania said:

UFO literally means "Unidentified Flying Object", so in case you were unable to identify the object you saw in the sky, gratz, you saw an UFO.

I suppose i should explain. A lot of UFO's describe an array of lights flying in the sky, often in a fixed position. I used to see similar things over here. I then realized that these objects are what people call UFO's.


But, if you look closely, you can see the outlines of an airplane - A lot of these UFO sightings are very much the same, except the outline of the plane is practically not noticeable. This can be in due part to the conditions there (Sunlight, hidden fog, and so on and so forth). Because video footage is often rather crappy on these sightings, any possible way of finding the outlines is nigh on impossible. Thus, people report it as an UFO when in reality its just a plane.


16 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:


When it comes to topics in Everything Else, a good rule of thumb is simply to avoid any really hot-button topics that are likely to start flame wars, especially political ones. Just try to use your common sense.

That's the gist i was trying to convey, thanks.

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24 minutes ago, ducon said:

I’m a skeptic too and I post in skeptics forum sometimes.

Once, I tried a paranormal believer forum: I got banned in 10 days, just for asking questions. Paranormal believers in skeptic forums behave like I could not imagine I could behave in this paranormal believer forum: they ask questions (oooooh), they SAY that they are right (aaaaaah), they shout sometimes (booooo). And sometimes, they get banned when they troll too much.

Probably they made up some (if not all) horror/spooky story because some people just wanted to read a horror/spooky story to spook themselves.

3 hours ago, Wyrmwood said:

As I mentioned I'm not a person for ghosts and stuff, surely there's a scientific explanation but still pretty weird. Sleep paralysis was horrible, felt strapped down with a weight on my chest and tried to call for help but couldn't make a sound, lucid dream or not, not something I would ever like to experience again.

I had a sleep paralysis where my arm make a O turn to down inside my bed like swimming. I was like "What?" while it happening.

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1 hour ago, Biodegradable said:

I've even experienced a case of Exploding Head Syndrome where you hear a massive-and very convincing-explosion in your head, which scared the shit out of me in the middle of the night

I’ve had that many times usually at the very beginning of sleep paralysis.


But in my case, it’s a male voice screaming an unintelligible syllable over and over into my head.

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I have yet to experience anything considered paranormal (un?)fortunately.


No cause to believe yet no reason to doubt.

Who truly knows how death works? Only the dead do but they ain't very chatty.

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My old car used to have so many problems I thought some malevolent force was trying to keep me from driving it. 

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I've had a handful of really weird experiences, but I don't think I'd go as far as to call them paranormal.

Edited by phoo

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When I was a kid, probably around 20 years ago, I saw a white object fly over my house at high speed. It looked a bit like a narrow blimp with no visible fins or markings, made no noise, and left no contrail, despite appearing to move at least as fast as an airliner. 7 other people who were there at the time, including my parents, witnessed it as well. I don't necessarily believe it was aliens, but it was certainly unlike anything I'd seen before or since.

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I am often pragmatic, stoic and analytical. I don't have any vice with substance abuse and often consider myself ignorant on the matter involving anything I can't explain. Leaves little room for imagination and confusion.


Makes it very hard to be true to my Catholic faith haha

Edited by Chezza

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I love mysteries, be they "paranormal", historical, or criminal. It is hardcoded into my DNA. I even have an early school report with a teacher commenting on it. So I have extensively researched a lot of so-called paranormal phenomena. I do believe, as I believe I have said before in another similar thread, that most of it can dismissed by some combination of lying for attention or to mess with people, misinterpretation, or misremembering. The combination of the unreliability of human senses and memory and the unpredictable nature of paranormal phenomena makes producing evidence good enough to convince a skeptic all but impossible. No one is likely going to change anybody's opinion here.

Eliminate the impossible before considering the improbable. I try to follow that line of thought when assessing any mystery but especially with paranormal phenomena. I have seen a few strange things in the sky over the years, what you could call a UFO. But the one must remember UFO means unidentified flying object, not alien space craft. I actually posted a video here asking for opinions. It was an odd solid light (so not an aircraft) that hovered in place under thick cloud cover before disappearing out of sight. I am inclined to think it was ball lightning which has been known to float in place and move almost as if it was intelligent. Maybe something about the area causes it as I remember seeing something similar when I was a kid here, shooting up the side of the hill. I think most UFOs are misinterpreted aircraft lights or atmospheric phenomena like ball lightning. However, when you get trained pilots reporting what seem to be actual metallic craft, that becomes harder to dismiss so simply. Not sure what the answer is because why would aliens be wasting so much time screwing with pilots and flying around Earth while doing apparently nothing? Does not make much sense to me, but I do think it would be disingenuous to hand wave away the reports of such skilled and experienced people out of hand simply because our rational sides do not want to accept the reality of what they saw. 


As for ghosts, yes suggestibility can play a part here. But there are plenty of cases of people who seemingly see ghosts who have no interest in the topic, and no beliefs that would make them inclined to it either. I know one such person, and related the story on the other paranormal thread. You will just have to take my word he has no interest in the paranormal nor any religious or spiritual beliefs. He is the the very definition of down to earth. He went to sight in his rifles on an old air strip a long distance away from any homes. He had been there many times before, and has been back many times since. But on this one occasion, he saw a male figure dressed in an old fashioned rain coat known as an "oilskin". The figure disappeared into the bushes, chased by this man's dogs. And his dogs do not chase people. They are better trained than that. They barked a couple of times before coming back out of the bush, evidently quite confused. There were no footprints around, and no vehicles parked nearby. The location is well and truly off the beaten path, not something someone would just stumble upon on a casual stroll. You have to know where the place is, and anybody familiar enough to find it would know to expect dogs and hunters, and so would have no reason to run. The area saw extensive gold mining in the early days of settlement in the area. It was a rough lifestyle that sometimes did not end well. Is it possible it was a real person? Maybe, but it seems unlikely given the circumstances. The only explanation I can think of was someone doing something nefarious in the area who panicked when he was spotted, but it would not explain why the dogs chased the figure.


Years ago, I went into a local restaurant to get some chips and watch a rugby game. I was talking to the waitress who was very cute so she had my full attention. I definitely was not thinking about ghosts. Out of the corner of my eye, the small blackboard with the day's specials on it that was leaning against a thick support post with no support for itself suddenly jerked downwards in a very sharp, deliberate fashion. Now as I said, it was just casually leaning against the support post. Even something that had been sitting like that for a while could slowly gather momentum and then fall. But I would expect something like that to move slowly, gather speed as the angle increased, before falling completely. Not suddenly jerking then stopping. I did a double take, looked at the board, back at the waitress and she said "Oh yeah the place is haunted" as casual as you please. I completed the order thinking she was joking, but then she continued on saying they heard a lot of strange sounds they could not explain late at night when packing up and various items were interfered with. Some items in the kitchen are apparently prone to launch off shelves as well. I am not willing to call what I saw paranormal, but I just can't see why it would fall sharply and stop, and not fall all the way. The weight of it and the speed should have given it enough momentum to fall completely. There was nothing on the counter surface to impede it.


Edited by Murdoch

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  • 2 months later...

i once went to get a package id seen get dropped off at the mail box and saw my dad in his signature tan cargo shorts and light gray tee shirt, when i came in i couldnt find him and my mom told me he was at work. only really spooky skeletor graveyard spiderweb bone rattler ive ever experienced.

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Yeah back in the early 90s I had a girlfriend who lived next door to a cemetery. I remember we were in bed together right when we were about to fall asleep both of us jumped because we saw something above us like a shadow with a creepy face, but as soon as we reacted it vanished. I’ve never experienced anything like that before or after and the fact she experienced it at the same time is what surprises me the most. Ghost must’ve been mad it didn’t boogasm in time and was demanding an encore. 

Edited by Fiber Wire

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I once had a bizzare experience at my part time job while I was working at bookstore.

During one of my long shifts I suddenly got a, for a lack of better word, "psychic" feeling that I would be visited by my father. Then I had a strange feeling of familiarity, like someone I know is close and lo and behold my dad just appeared around the corner to my surprise.

Now some of you would say that my brain must have seen him but didn't register him untill we met face to face, but the problem was that I was on the opposite side of the bookstore facing away from the entrance so there was no way I could see my dad especialy since the bookstore was quite crowdy that day.


The only explanation that I have is that my senses that day were slightly heightened from all the workload so I must have simply felt my father close by (remember he made no sound before he appeared).


Edited by MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai

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  • 1 year later...

The old house I grew up in was allegedly haunted, a man who was sneaking around the area back when it was being built got shot nearby and his body was placed on the terrain that later became that house (temporaly, I assume), since I was a kid back when I lived there I would hear stories of apparitions and the such, from people seeing a small ghostly child, shadows moving, and other phenomenon, one story I remember that my sister told me was one time she felt her hair pulled by a painting we have in our house (a painting of the Salome my grandfather recreated years back), I also have a vague memory that I always assumed was just a dream where I, as a little kid, was playing with my toys, and an orb of light would fly near me towards my shoulder, odd thing is I also remember it from the orb's PoV (that's why I assume this one is a dream)

Somewhere near my old house and my cousin's current home there is also this apartment complex where supossedly a murder took place, tho I was also told that the murder took place on another apartment and what this allegedly haunted appartment had was a drug addict problem, thing is, the specific floor whatever event took place in is now abandoned, it also has some rather odd paintings ON THE WALLS including a creepy monocrome clown with dark eyeshadows, when my cousin told me about that place some years ago as I was visiting him, I went with him outside that place (during daytime, ofcourse), perhaps it was my at the time sleep deprivation, but I couldn't help but feel something... BAD when I walked right in front of that building, seeing the insides through it's always open windows, specially when I first saw that clown painting in that wall...

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I'm insensitive towards supernatural things, which might be inherited from my mom. When I wasn't conceived yet, my family (with only two children until I was born) lived in a house in my old hometown, which, according to a "gifted" relative, was haunted. Fortunately, nothing bad happened at all according to my mom (and most likely everyone else).


When I was at the 2nd grade, there's this one kid who alleged she's a "gifted" one and would tell ghost stories with her friends, including me. There was this one instance in which she "secretly" (actually at the end of the class, when the teacher only recently finished the lesson) showed me her one such ability; a kinetic power of sort in which she rolled her own drinking water bottle with her own psychic power by putting her opened-up palms above it. I saw nothing suspicious on her hands or even fingers (e.g. like a magnet), and at the time, I found it actually pretty interesting. Some may say it's because the bottle was light and the fan on the class may have helped her, but despite the former being true, I remember the movement was just too deliberate and close for the fan to be the main factor of the movement.

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So here's the thing - I am atheist, highly rational, objective, with two higher degrees in sciences; I am a programmer by trade and I take great joy in working out or hearing rational explanations to events in the universe. This has held me in good stead all of my adult life, and for a good proportion of my later childhood.




When I was very young (3, 4?) we lived in a crappy terraced house in South London, and - as I recall it anyway - many evenings after I had got ready for bed, I would wait by the gas fire with a wire protective cage/grille thing around it while my mum got water in a sippy cup or whatever for my bedtime.  I often experienced a "wind" that would be trying to blow me away, and I had to hold on to the fire protective grille to stop being blown away. I also recall I had some very vivid dreams - though they may not be directly related.


I never forgot that experience, and I cannot explain it to this day. It is something I most certainly experienced, and I cannot deny it, despite my rationality and objectivity.


Speaking to other members of my family many years later, they described weird events and feelings in that house as well, and my mum in particular was convinced it was haunted and/or had a poltergeist. 


Weird shit...

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