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Doomworld Maximum Project 2023 - Uploaded!

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well this version seems to be perfectly playable with prboom only map 2 by Obsidian(cacos dont infight) and map 35 didnt seems to wok properly

these are 36 demos of my playthrough of all but 4 maps, 2 arent compatible as mention above and 2,3 seems ultra hard

these are kinda fda and bugs reporting demos are also in it  beautiful map by lubba127 got a game breaking bug and some are minor like 1 monster miss in map 15 etc

very enjoyable mapset


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On 2/2/2024 at 1:11 AM, Obsidian said:

Alright, so I managed to address the problems people reported, but now DSDA-Doom gives me a generic Signal 11 error when I try to run the compilation. Here's the updated version if anyone thinks they can figure this out: my best hypothesis is that DSDA-Doom (much like Eternity) doesn't like the presence of PNGs in the wad, but at this moment in time I can't find any documentation that would confirm it.

I am using this version for recording....


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Didn't fix it.  


Edit: Okay, figured it out.  DSDA-doom version 0.27.5 runs them with the wad version 1.05.  In the future, please put this information in your post.  

Edited by General Rainbow Bacon

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By any chance anyone could tell me if is possible to fix this error? 
I still only use LZDoom ahahha since my computer is kind of old :\ 


If not, there is okay :) 


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7 minutes ago, Flower_XD said:

By any chance anyone could tell me if is possible to fix this error? 
I still only use LZDoom ahahha since my computer is kind of old :\ 


If not, there is okay :) 



I also received that error when running it with GZDoom v4.6.1.

Installing v4.11.3 resolved it, so try updating if you can.

Edited by stochastic

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I watched the demo that Zahid made of my map and it revealed to me that there was apparently an oversight that provides an unintentional shortcut in this room where you can activate the switch on top of the vat without actually getting up there:


Is it okay if I get this fixed and post a new version of my map?

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Always have to be aware of switches being infinitely tall, as well as that some players will try to skip stuff by jumping, even when you don't allow it.

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When in the wad, there's all kinds of stuff messed up with my level (map52: meltdown) the sky is different, there's no music, and the button the activates the escape sequence with a script doesn't do anything, could i please get this fixed?

Edited by Retro_Roy132

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On 12/31/2023 at 6:36 PM, DoomRevolver said:

@Obsidian I have a new update for Grotesque Demonic Lair (V.2.0) I fixed and improved some stuff. Also happy new year to everyone.



Hi @Obsidian I tested the current version of the project. Just wanted to say that the featured version of my map is the old one. I sent you an update (V.2.0) in the quoted post. Could you please change it if there's a new update to the project? Also nice work on the main hub and the level selection, really cool design.

Edited by DoomRevolver

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Well, here's version 4 of my map, which fixes the bug mentioned in a previous post by moving the switch a bit further in, and now it's actually required to get up to where it is instead of being activatable from below. I also changed its map number to be consistent with its assigned map slot in the compiled WAD. @Obsidian can feel free to replace the version of my map in the compiled WAD with this one if he wants.


Download: TribulationFacilityV4.zip

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Alright, new update! This one also includes the textfile, which is currently unfinished due to some missing music credits. As of writing this post I need credits from:

3 hours ago, Retro_Roy132 said:

Could I please have my map fixed if possible?


Your map has been fixed in this update. I would ask that you specify the characteristics of your submissions in the future though, as both the music and sky were default and I have no way of knowing how intentional their presence in any given submission is.

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On 2/3/2024 at 11:39 AM, Zahid said:

1 monster miss in map 15 etc

That's because you consistently avoided shooting the vines near the red key and backtracked through the hallway instead c:

Although this got me to look at the map again and I noticed two wall textures were wrongly textured; at least they are very tucked away. I fixed this without affecting the demo playthrough. Please accept this, Obsidian!

Edited by Χyzzy

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8 hours ago, Obsidian said:

Alright, new update! This one also includes the textfile, which is currently unfinished due to some missing music credits. As of writing this post I need credits from:


Your map has been fixed in this update. I would ask that you specify the characteristics of your submissions in the future though, as both the music and sky were default and I have no way of knowing how intentional their presence in any given submission is.

Sorry about that, this is my first one of these.

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20 hours ago, Obsidian said:

Alright, new update! This one also includes the textfile, which is currently unfinished due to some missing music credits. As of writing this post I need credits from:


Your map has been fixed in this update. I would ask that you specify the characteristics of your submissions in the future though, as both the music and sky were default and I have no way of knowing how intentional their presence in any given submission is.

My track is Daisy Circuit from Mario Kart Wii, sequenced by JexuBandicoot527 from vgmusic.com :)

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Walkthrough for RSK in MAP51 please. nevermind got it, god the scripting in this confused me.

Edited by NuMetalManiak

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Alright, I'm gonna see about uploading this to the archives at the end of the week: I still need music credits from @eltiolavara9 and @Xybear, but I don't want to let this thing languish while my time is taken up by studying in the near future. Please let me know if there's anything that needs fixing in the latest compilation before then. 👍

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On 11/26/2023 at 4:14 AM, Dewzan said:

@Li'l devil 

  Hide contents


I played your level several times until I could master it. Did a UV-Max in 1:03, and it was fun to do. I think that some more health would be nice, just in case some idiot shoots a barrel behind you (which did happen).


I also cannot get over how it is just BARELY not possible to jump onto the green crate by the blue key door. Tried for 10 minutes, and no luck. You can get it with jumping, but that feels like cheating. You can do it using a rocket jump, but there's no rocket launcher. You can even get it with just crouching, which is something I've never seen. It still feels like you can make the jump without either of those options, but I have lost all hope. (if only the ceiling was raised by just 4 units...)



Wow, somehow I completely missed your comment from November, what the hell. I guess it was lost in the stream of notifications. Usually I always respond at least with a reaction to any posts of people playing my maps, and missing one such post makes me sad.


Anyway, you're not meant to jump on the crate, there's nothing there, heh. There is a secret, but it's elsewhere (the first version didn't even have any secrets).


As for "idiots shooting barrels behind you", YES, it did happen to me too and it killed me, and I personally think it's hilarious if it does happen (it's not like you need to replay much).

Edited by Li'l devil

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On 2/18/2024 at 1:32 AM, Obsidian said:

Righto, one last update before I throw this into Incoming! Still need music credits from @eltiolavara9 and @Xybear, would very much appreciate getting those in the next 24 hours.



Hey.  I didn't want you to be waiting on this stuff, so I went ahead and sourced the music for their maps:

MAP23 (Dreamer by eltiolavara9) - Streets of Rage 2 OST, song name "Dreamer", midi sequenced by Johnnyz, originally composed by Yuzo Koshiro -


MAP49 (Flipside by Xyber) - "Day of Mourning" by Stuart Rynn, Possibly composed for "Resurgence" -


Edited by Sesamia

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7 hours ago, Sesamia said:


Hey.  I didn't want you to be waiting on this stuff, so I went ahead and sourced the music for their maps:



Absolute legend, thank you very much.

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my uvmax demo pack

3. Standing Stones by Salmon at 6m 49s
5. Cliffside Assault by Yousuf Anik at 7m 4s 
6. Tribulation Facility by Melodic Spaceship at 16m 23s 
7. Royal Rear Ripper by Finnisher at 15m 45s
8. Bunker of Death by Li'l devil at 1m 34s
9. A mysterious pattern by Walter confetti at 2m 23s
10. Dominatrix by DoctorNuriel at 3m 57s
11. Pirate Bay by Mr795 at 43s
12. Sailing! by Bagellio at 1m 26s
13. Hour and a Half by oo.va 2m 19s
14. Return to Hangar by E.M. at 50s
15. Sticky Burr by Xyzzy at 1m 47s
16. A Bad Day at the UAC Training Grounds by Sesamia at 2m 06s
17. Cementine by Optimus 1m 32s its a uv speed
18. Shadows of the Dead by Scorpius at 4m 57s
19. Hitting Up the Mapping Gym on New Year's Eve by NoisyVelvet at 2m 09s
21. The forgotten Wilds by Silhouette at 5m 57s
23. dreamer by eltiolavara9 at 1m 42s uvspeed
26. Waste Treatment by minimedals at 1m 55s
27. SNES Cyberdemon's Castle by Dewzan 1m 59 uvspeed 
28. Undaunted by WindbagJacket  at 17m 04s
29. Paradise Up Above by lubba127 9m 28s
34. Hell's Paradise by Starspun5000  at 7m 56s
36. Vermilion Vestry by cannonball at 3m 42s
38. Sanguinem Sol by russsin at 2m 23s
39. Hellspital by EagerBeaver at 5m 14s
40. Ideology Clash by Worm318 at 4m 47s

maps by lonealpha and rorix are among best but i cant found all secrets from it....will upload to archive when id games link will be live.....

latest prboom was used along 1.3(id games uploaded) version 


Edit: just noticed map 29 Paradise Up Above by lubba127 demo desync here's correct file



Edited by Zahid
new demo file

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  • 2 weeks later...

EMAPINFO typos: MAP15 Sticky Burrr -r; MAP31 Gneral Rainbow Bacon +e

MAPINFO copy/paste UTF8 BOM into MAP46 Russ<feff>ell

EMAPINFO/UMAPINFO inconsistency: MAP30 Dance with the Devil, whereas MAPINFO/CWILV29/dmax2023.txt use: Dance with the Demon


Edited by Xymph

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Alright, it's finally on the archives! I'll submit an update if there's any game-breaking bugs that slipped the net, but otherwise I'm ready to call this done.


/me flops

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