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[COMPLETELY closed to new submissions now, thanks for mapping!] 10 LINE MASSACRE: It's releasing 01.09.2023 guys I promise :(

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  On 1/5/2023 at 7:27 PM, Christophine Place said:

Hello, I made another map. Tried to make a full house with furniture and a family, of course I'd usually make this out of lines, but I decided to make them out of things instead. :)
Hope it's bearable lol

Author: Christophine Place
Map name: myhouse.wad2
Midi: No replacement

10line_sub2.zipFetching info...


wow, just wow

great map

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My pack of maps is done. :) 


MAP01 Title: Dark Wood

MAP01 Midi: Sweet Little Dead Bunny (Doom)


MAP02 Title: Trial By Fire

MAP02 Midi: Retro Electro by Bjorn Lynne


MAP03 Title: Crossfire

MAP03 Midi: The Ultimate Challenge (Wolfenstein/Doom 2)


MAP04 Title: Wings of Freedom

MAP04 Midi: Facing the Spider (Doom)


MAP05 Title: Demonic Cake

MAP05 Midi: Waltz of the Demons (Doom)



Duke_10lines.rarFetching info...

Edited by DukeOfDoom

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My submission:

Name: Rubber Ducky
Music: Mozart - Piano Sonata No. 16 in C Major, K.545 (1st Mvt)
Jump, Freelook, Crouch: dont care
Difficulty settings: didnt bother, so no
Build time: 20 mins
Download: RubberDucky.7z

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Edited by Ninehills42

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Made two maps in roughly 30 minutes 😉




Title: Slippery Slaughtering Ice Cave

MIDI: MIDI rendition of Undertales - Waterfall

Built time: 20 minutes


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Title: Special Stage: Lost Soul Raceway

MIDI: MIDI rendition of Sonic 3 Special Stage 

Built time: 10 minutes 


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  On 1/5/2023 at 10:28 PM, Somniac said:

This is the most triangular mapset I've ever seen!



△△△ I dare say it needs even more triangles △△△

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10 lines, hmm. I could probably make a megawad in a day with a 10 line limit.

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Another map for the pile 

Title: Otaku Convention

Midi: Rainbow road (Pentagonpath remix) by B1itz Lunar

Hurt me plenty replaces the Supercharge orbs with Megaspheres

Hey, not too rough removes three Revenants and replaces them with a Archvile

Can you survive a 3 minute elevator ride with 6 angry skeletons and 24 sleeping Archviles?


Donut ISFOC.zip



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  On 1/6/2023 at 12:16 AM, pcorf said:

10 lines, hmm. I could probably make a megawad in a day with a 10 line limit.


But could you have a megawad of maps that are distinct and different from one another is the question :D

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  On 1/5/2023 at 7:17 PM, dyshoria said:

Name: Rip ride

Midi: Bombenhagel by sodom

Note: I had a custom sky but i removed it due dsda doom not running the wad with it. So i removed the sky and the umapinfo lump and now it appears for som reason





same shit here https://www.mediafire.com/file/9esagwl1cwf7tea/10lines_dys01.wad/file

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  On 1/5/2023 at 10:31 AM, epicyolomaster420 said:

@NiGHTS108 any chance you could put my close encounters of the cybernetic kind map onto an after text intermission map (map 12 or 21 - I don't wanna take up 7 seeing as there are 2 other maps that, due to utilizing the map07 action special, should be there...) intead of the 6th slot it's in now?



Well we're targeting DSDA-Doom and using UMAPINFO so there probably won't be text screens, and also I can use MAP07 actions in maps that aren't MAP07.

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  On 1/5/2023 at 7:27 PM, Christophine Place said:

Hello, I made another map. Tried to make a full house with furniture and a family, of course I'd usually make this out of lines, but I decided to make them out of things instead. :)
Hope it's bearable lol

Author: Christophine Place
Map name: myhouse.wad2
Midi: No replacement

10line_sub2.zipFetching info...



Of 150+ maps I have received so far I think this one is my favourite, I love it so much lmfao

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Last map I'll be making for a while edit2: well, maybe 1 week isn't that long now that i think about it lol, we'll see


LVL name: Tech Maze In A Daze Survived Magnus Opus Syndrome, This Map Sucks

Mid D: The Alan Parsons Project - The Gold Bug (used random midi button lol) https://bitmidi.com/a-parson-project-the-gold-bug-mid

DL: techmazeindaze.zip

edit: 69th post, nice.

Edited by LOD42
69th post, nice.

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