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[Community Project] - Release candidate 3 available! Alphabet Doom, for Doom 2 limit-removing

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On 1/13/2023 at 4:51 PM, RED77 said:


I generated a PNG for each line and put them together on a single PNG on clip studio.
Doom Writer works fine. 
there's also this page that I think works a little better:

Let me know if that helps. 
If you need I can make the files for you once all maps are done.


Hey @RED77, are you still open to making the CWILV images? Most of the WAD is ready, so we could get a head start on this.

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On 4/9/2023 at 5:00 AM, lokbustam257 said:


Didn't quite make it in time, but it did release so that's count for something isn't it?

Please report any bugs/glitches/oversight you found, and perhaps post any criticism you have on the map (yes the combat is pretty meh i'll admit)



Map name: Malapetaka

MAP slot: 30

Music: Doom 2 MIDI Mashup by stewboy (Placeholder, perhaps) 


IDBEHOLDA screenshot (taken in LZDoom):

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That is a seriously cool map. I like how it explores all the visual themes of the classic IWADs. It's almost like a history lesson or survey of Doom, a perfect fit for it being the Doom logo. 


I assume the Icon of Sin is supposed to be inactive at the end? 

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46 minutes ago, aRottenKomquat said:


Hey @RED77, are you still open to making the CWILV images? Most of the WAD is ready, so we could get a head start on this.

Sure! No problem. Just send me a list with the name of the maps and mappers and I'll do it

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16 minutes ago, RED77 said:

Sure! No problem. Just send me a list with the name of the maps and mappers and I'll do it


Here's what I have so far. There are six maps not yet submitted. If anyone notices an issue with the crediting, please let me know.


* Map List & Credits *
MAP01: "Arachnophobia" by aRottenKomquat. 
MAP02: "Baby Beelzebub's Bastion" by Death Bear.
MAP03: "Cuckoo for Cacodemons" by aRottenKomquat. 
MAP04: "Destined to Die in the Distilling Plant of Doom" by spineapple tea.
MAP05: "Emergency Explosive Entitlement" by Andrea Rovenski.
MAP06: "Fear Factory" by RED77.
MAP07: "Bowl of Dead Simple Gruel" by openxt. 
MAP08: "Half & Half" by ChippiHeppu. 
MAP09: "Ignited Irony" by Engired.
MAP10: "Juxtaposition" by D0M0
MAP11: "'Kay, Then" by BedrockCastle. 
MAP12: "Lowly Limbo" by Vladguy.
MAP13: "Military Complex" by RileyXY1.
MAP14: "Nothing Special" by Norb. 
MAP15: "Out of Order" by EagerBeaver. 
MAP16: "Powering Up" by Bochnik Chleba. 
MAP17: "Qaverns and Qorridors" by Lorcav. 
MAP18: "Rocket Frenzy" by RastaManGames.
MAP19: "Silent Castle" by RileyXY1
MAP20: "Trickier and Trapier" by Ar_e_en.


MAP23: "Wit's Wicked Doom" by bunnytummy.

MAP25: "Yesteryear" by DoctorNuriel.
MAP26: "Zerburk" by Andrea Rovenski.
MAP27: "El Ñoño Va y Viene" by Cacodemon187

MAP30: "Malapetaka" by lokbustam257

MAP32: "How Did You Get Here?" by PRO-RC.

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1 hour ago, aRottenKomquat said:


Here's what I have so far. There are six maps not yet submitted. If anyone notices an issue with the crediting, please let me know.


* Map List & Credits *
MAP01: "Arachnophobia" by aRottenKomquat
MAP02: "Baby Beelzebub's Bastion" by Death Bear.
MAP03: "Cuckoo for Cacodemons" by aRottenKomquat
MAP04: "Destined to Die in the Distilling Plant of Doom" by spineapple tea.
MAP05: "Emergency Explosive Entitlement" by Andrea Rovenski.
MAP06: "Fear Factory" by RED77.
MAP07: "Bowl of Dead Simple Gruel" by openxt
MAP08: "Half & Half" by ChippiHeppu
MAP09: "Ignited Irony" by Engired.
MAP10: "Juxtaposition" by D0M0
MAP11: "'Kay, Then" by BedrockCastle
MAP12: "Lowly Limbo" by Vladguy.
MAP13: "Military Complex" by RileyXY1.
MAP14: "Nothing Special" by Norb
MAP15: "Out of Order" by EagerBeaver
MAP16: "Powering Up" by Bochnik Chleba
MAP17: "Qaverns and Qorridors" by Lorcav
MAP18: "Rocket Frenzy" by RastaManGames.
MAP19: "Silent Castle" by RileyXY1
MAP20: "Trickier and Trapier" by Ar_e_en.


MAP23: "Wit's Wicked Doom" by bunnytummy.

MAP25: "Yesteryear" by DoctorNuriel.
MAP26: "Zerburk" by Andrea Rovenski.
MAP27: "El Ñoño Va y Viene" by Cacodemon187

MAP30: "Malapetaka" by lokbustam257

MAP32: "How Did You Get Here?" by PRO-RC.

ok @aRottenKomquat. Here it is.
Let me know if it works well, and when you have the remaining maps

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20 hours ago, aRottenKomquat said:

assume the Icon of Sin is supposed to be inactive at the end? 

Yep, IoS was meant to be inactive and not respawning any monsters


working as intended™

Edited by lokbustam257

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I decided to test the first 7 maps (might test a few more later), an I have found some bugs! I tested most of these maps in Woof 10.5.0 in complevel 2 (I also did a few brief tests in Crispy 5.11.1).



MAP 01:

  1.  The secret chainsaw lift causes a lot of the surrounding sectors to act as lifts as well. This is due to the fact that the switch line is tagged as 0 and it causes all other 0 tagged sectors to act as lifts as well. GZDoom probably allows the lift switch to act normal, but other ports are more strict about the use of untagged or 0-tagged action lines (S1, SR, W1, WR, G1 and GR tagged lines need a set tag to activate appropriately tagged sectors, D1 and DR don't need to be tagged - they always activate the sector it is attached to). Fix here is simple - add a new unique tag to the action line and the specific sector.
  2.  This wall has a weird rendering error.



MAP 02:

  •  This wall (and a few other walls like it) eats projectiles (tested with rockets, plasma and BFG shots).



MAP 03:

  1.  This room has a similar problem to the secret from MAP 01 - untagged sectors cause other sectors to act up.
  2.  This platform has a weird rendering quirk.
  3.  This door is a 0-tagged S1 door that breaks most of the map. The tags need to be set up.
  4.  This switch is supposed to lower a key and an enemy - it doesn't, it's stuck on UV. Weird thing is that it works fine on HMP and HNTR, but the enemy on the platform is stuck inside another enemy (probably forget to set the right difficulty flags). Maybe the platform on which the enemy stands on needs to be made slightly bigger, plus the enemy flags need to be set correctly.
  5.  Also, the same platform has a rendering error.
  6. z_mp3.png.7e24b76eed20e34105844125196181cd.png


MAP 05:

  •  This sector or line has a weird rendering error.




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1 hour ago, Ar_e_en said:

I decided to test the first 7 maps (might test a few more later), an I have found some bugs! I tested most of these maps in Woof 10.5.0 in complevel 2 (I also did a few brief tests in Crispy 5.11.1).

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MAP 01:

  1.  The secret chainsaw lift causes a lot of the surrounding sectors to act as lifts as well. This is due to the fact that the switch line is tagged as 0 and it causes all other 0 tagged sectors to act as lifts as well. GZDoom probably allows the lift switch to act normal, but other ports are more strict about the use of untagged or 0-tagged action lines (S1, SR, W1, WR, G1 and GR tagged lines need a set tag to activate appropriately tagged sectors, D1 and DR don't need to be tagged - they always activate the sector it is attached to). Fix here is simple - add a new unique tag to the action line and the specific sector.
  2.  This wall has a weird rendering error.



MAP 02:

  •  This wall (and a few other walls like it) eats projectiles (tested with rockets, plasma and BFG shots).



MAP 03:

  1.  This room has a similar problem to the secret from MAP 01 - untagged sectors cause other sectors to act up.
  2.  This platform has a weird rendering quirk.
  3.  This door is a 0-tagged S1 door that breaks most of the map. The tags need to be set up.
  4.  This switch is supposed to lower a key and an enemy - it doesn't, it's stuck on UV. Weird thing is that it works fine on HMP and HNTR, but the enemy on the platform is stuck inside another enemy (probably forget to set the right difficulty flags). Maybe the platform on which the enemy stands on needs to be made slightly bigger, plus the enemy flags need to be set correctly.
  5.  Also, the same platform has a rendering error.
  6. z_mp3.png.7e24b76eed20e34105844125196181cd.png


MAP 05:

  •  This sector or line has a weird rendering error.





GZDoom bites me again. Doh!


Here are some quick fixes based on that feedback. Nothing I could do for the Map2 issues; that's just Doom being Doom.


Those rendering issues are interesting. They appear to be nodebuilder errors. Adding random lines and vertices around the problem areas makes them go away.


Also, collisions in Crispy Doom are painful...



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20 hours ago, aRottenKomquat said:

Here are some quick fixes based on that feedback. Nothing I could do for the Map2 issues; that's just Doom being Doom.

Hmm maybe it has something to do with the linedef facing the sector with the sky flat? Try flipping it over if possible.

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1 hour ago, Norb said:

Hmm maybe it has something to do with the linedef facing the sector with the sky flat? Try flipping it over if possible.


I'll have to re-watch Decino's analysis video about disappearing projectiles. I'm sure it's that issue, I just don't recall why it happens or how to reduce/prevent it.

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32 minutes ago, Eon Toad said:

I shared this earlier and have updated it since. All difficulties and co-op added. Might still a few tweaks but it's more or less done. 


Like I mentioned, if this is too small and simple, I don't mind starting from scratch.


Map 24: Exterminator





Ah, okay. I must have misread, thought you had posted a work-in-progress that wasn't ready yet. I will check it out, thanks!

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Well, this project is momentarily on hold on my end. My only Windows PC just died. I didn't lose any data, but last I knew UDB had serious issues on Linux so I won't be able to do any testing or compilation until I get my PC situation squared away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE 06/12/2023:


I've reopened 5 mapslots for new submissions. These are MAP21 (U), MAP22 (V), MAP28 (wildcard), MAP29 (id logo), and MAP31 (wildcard secret level with super-secret exit). If you want a slot, post to claim.


I still don't have a Windows computer. I got UDB up and running on Linux but it's...problematic...Hopefully by the end of this week my new system will be in and I can continue testing/compiling.

Edited by aRottenKomquat

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Okay, can I take 28 for &


Err, okay, I take it back. I'm not gonna do MAP28. MAP28 is free for someone else.


I was playing through the other levels and noticed that the idea I ended up settling on was a similar to (and the exact same name) as someone else's (Half & Half). And that map is excellent.


Just ignore this post, I'm gonna just keep working on my RAMP level some more. Also, yeah, Boom is kinda frustrating to map for when you're used to UDMFing it up.


This was my appropriately half-baked and half-finished level: image.png.736e493ed0f02b2fd473c586359f01cf.png

I also think the scale I was working on was probably too small - especially to make an appropriately challenging level for map slot 28

Edited by BeachThunder

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Yeah, to give a status update: I can't do it. Anyone can take my slot, and if whoever takes U wants to complete my map scraps then just DM me.

Edited by dac

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I am very sorry to say this but I don't think I can get my other map finished. This therefore means i'm gonna have to leave that slot open for someone else since I've been really busy lately with other things and i've gotten so carried away to the point I have ran out of ideas on how to progress forward with the map.


With that out of the way, I will leave you with the nerfed version of Juxtaposition (Map 10). It's been nerfed significantly (There is no longer a cyberdemon in the map), so hopefully it'll be slightly easier to complete! Let me know if you have any problems with it and I can nerf it even further.


On 4/5/2023 at 12:43 AM, D0M0 said:

Map Slot: Map10

Map Name: Juxtaposition

Mapper Name: D0M0

Download: JuxtapositionV2.zip

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I'm thinking about getting a MAP29.

The only thing, I understand that you need the actions of the map itself take place only directly within the symbol itself. It would not be critical if I do something like an introductory part outside of the symbol itself? Where the player will just go from a starting point to the object on the map, which will be this very symbol and where directly and will start the action itself level.

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On 6/18/2023 at 8:47 PM, quakis said:

May I claim MAP21: (U), assuming the slot is still available?


It's yours, have fun!


19 hours ago, DRON12261 said:

I'm thinking about getting a MAP29.

The only thing, I understand that you need the actions of the map itself take place only directly within the symbol itself. It would not be critical if I do something like an introductory part outside of the symbol itself? Where the player will just go from a starting point to the object on the map, which will be this very symbol and where directly and will start the action itself level.


What you're suggesting sounds okay to me.

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Hi there, I would love to join in and submit something for Alphabet Doom's MAP28, if it's still available and not too late :)

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