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[Community Project] - Release candidate 3 available! Alphabet Doom, for Doom 2 limit-removing

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Alright, here's my submission :




Map Slot: 28

Map Name: The European Onion

Mapper Name: Origamyde








Additional info: Used Gradius 4's Stage 3 - Oceanus for D_TENSE

Edited by Origamyde

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1 hour ago, Emperor S P O O N said:

I'll take MAP31, please and thank you.

Has anyone used the "Ohm" symbol yet? If not, I'll try my hand at making something with that.


Nobody has used the Ohm symbol yet. Great idea!


Just remember that MAP31 needs the super-secret exit.

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Okay, finally got a Windows machine up and running. I'm all caught up on playtesting and compiling, going to wait for the last submissions to trickle in before I update the alpha download.

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18 hours ago, aRottenKomquat said:

Okay, finally got a Windows machine up and running. I'm all caught up on playtesting and compiling, going to wait for the last submissions to trickle in before I update the alpha download.

Good to hear! I have played a few more maps from the alpha2 version. I'll compile a list of bugs from my experience a bit later!

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Here are some more bug / mistake reports from me (tested in Woof with complevel 2):


 Still has the visual bug on the blue key sector (all other faults seem to be gone, including the other visual bug) 



 The door that leads to the secret doesn't have lower unpegged side textures 
 Also - the monsters in the secret area can escape the secret area, might need to set some monster blocking lines around there



 There is an incorrect crate texture in the 2nd room 
 The 3rd secret (that is unlocked by a shootable switch) is unreachable (or maybe it is and I just don't know how)



 Map can be skipped on the right side of house (ignore the fullbright)



 Map has 2 possible missing or glitched textures near the start 
 There's a lowering platform that never lowers (monsters get stuck inside)



 In the slime pit: 2 of the 3 teleporters are visually glitched
 The wall between you and Cybie that is supposed to lower - doesn't due to the barrels inside of the sector

 The barrels around the lowering sector also float when you activate the lowering floor for some reason
 The secret is inaccessible - unless you destroy the nearby barrels



 Map has 3 listed secrets, but only one seems to actually exist





 20 (AKA my map)
 If you unlock the final door and go back to the Archvile room - you can hear the sound of a door opening (I will upload a fix later)



 Map has a softlock in the blue section if you don't unlock a specific area first and use the pit teleporters 



 Crashes due to no node builder being used (I however did a map test with the ajbsp node builder)
 There is a room with specters that doesn't lower when activated (ignore the fullbright)



 Map has a possible misaligned switch texture (ignore the fullbright)



 Has some midtextures that aren't set as impassible: 2 in a slime room, The parking has this 1 fence, One of the blood rooms has 2
 In the icon room - the right side lava escape lift has no textures
 Also - the same lift can be used to bypass one of the red skull doors by running across the lava floor to the right side, then you can go onto the lift and softlock yourself.



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Here's the update to my map: map_fixes_03_20_25.zip


I also decided to add fixed AJBSP versions of map 03 and 25, because I suspect that some of the problems with those maps could be fixed with the use of a different node builder. I ran both through AJBSP to try and fix the visual bug in map 03 (AJBSP seems to have fixed the visual bug), and to give map 25 the nodes that it originally lacked (I also fixed the map 25 specter problem). I'm shipping these fixed maps together with my fixed map as individual .wad files.


I unfortunately won't be able to do any more playtesting for the time being, because I'm working on other projects, once I'm finished with them - I might be able to do more playtesting!

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Alright, I've got a 4-day weekend coming up and my sister's coming to town to visit. Doom's kind of our thing...so if she's up for it, we'll go through the entire WAD in coop mode (in Crispy Doom since that reveals so many more errors than my usual GZDoom), do some testing and bugfixing, and try to get a new alpha WAD out. Might be fun to stream it, too, assuming I can get all my recording stuff to work right on the new Windows laptop.


Currently grabbing the latest updates and I'll do some testing. Thanks for the huge list of bug reports, @Ar_e_en!

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21 hours ago, Ar_e_en said:

Here's the update to my map: map_fixes_03_20_25.zip


I also decided to add fixed AJBSP versions of map 03 and 25, because I suspect that some of the problems with those maps could be fixed with the use of a different node builder. I ran both through AJBSP to try and fix the visual bug in map 03 (AJBSP seems to have fixed the visual bug), and to give map 25 the nodes that it originally lacked (I also fixed the map 25 specter problem). I'm shipping these fixed maps together with my fixed map as individual .wad files.


I unfortunately won't be able to do any more playtesting for the time being, because I'm working on other projects, once I'm finished with them - I might be able to do more playtesting!


Question about nodes: I've been opening the maps in UDB and "saving into" my compile WAD, which is potentially editing/rebuilding nodes, right? Any advice on what nodebuilder I should configure in UDB? There aren't many options, so I assume there are downloads/plugins to add additional ones.


I am still 99% a GZDoom/UDMF mapper so worrying about nodes is new to me.


EDIT: Actually, AJBSP is pretty self-explanatory. And yes it does seem to fix the weird visual glitches. Thanks!

Edited by aRottenKomquat

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On 6/30/2023 at 10:58 PM, aRottenKomquat said:


Question about nodes: I've been opening the maps in UDB and "saving into" my compile WAD, which is potentially editing/rebuilding nodes, right? Any advice on what nodebuilder I should configure in UDB? There aren't many options, so I assume there are downloads/plugins to add additional ones.


I am still 99% a GZDoom/UDMF mapper so worrying about nodes is new to me.


EDIT: Actually, AJBSP is pretty self-explanatory. And yes it does seem to fix the weird visual glitches. Thanks!

I usually make my maps without any node builders in a solitary .wad file. I then make a copy of the file (so I have a backup), which I manually plug into AJBSP (through terminal commands), and then (specifically if I'm working on a bigger project) I place the new map with nodes into a master .wad file with the help of SLADE.



That's how I usually do it, but It seems that you found your own way on how to do it, which is nice!


On 6/30/2023 at 10:40 PM, aRottenKomquat said:

Alright, I've got a 4-day weekend coming up and my sister's coming to town to visit. Doom's kind of our thing...so if she's up for it, we'll go through the entire WAD in coop mode (in Crispy Doom since that reveals so many more errors than my usual GZDoom), do some testing and bugfixing, and try to get a new alpha WAD out. Might be fun to stream it, too, assuming I can get all my recording stuff to work right on the new Windows laptop.


Currently grabbing the latest updates and I'll do some testing. Thanks for the huge list of bug reports, @Ar_e_en!


A testing stream? I'm looking forward to this! Will it be on Youtube, Twitch or somewhere else?


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On 7/2/2023 at 10:38 AM, Ar_e_en said:

I usually make my maps without any node builders in a solitary .wad file. I then make a copy of the file (so I have a backup), which I manually plug into AJBSP (through terminal commands), and then (specifically if I'm working on a bigger project) I place the new map with nodes into a master .wad file with the help of SLADE.



That's how I usually do it, but It seems that you found your own way on how to do it, which is nice!



A testing stream? I'm looking forward to this! Will it be on Youtube, Twitch or somewhere else?



It would be on Twitch, with a replay posted to YouTube and Rumble.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hello, version two of the map released, don't know what should I say here. Oh wait, I do know what should I say, thanks @Ar_e_en for pointing out all of the bugs and oversights, hopefully this version fix all of them. A bit late I know.



-Fixed a medusa effect in the slime waste area

-Fixed some texture misalignment (not all of them btw)
-Fixed some tutti-fruttis on stairs (the classic)
-Fixed the Icon of Sin didn't have any targets (by outright removing the monster spawner), since the game crashes on vanilla if he didn't have any targets. I know some source port fixed this issue, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Edited by lokbustam257
uploaded the wrong file for 3 times now

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Thanks, will take a look when I have a chance.


Real life is going to be super-busy for me these next two weeks. So if I don't respond to much here until August, that's why.

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For some mysterious reason, the player start for MAP04 has moved slightly behind where it should be in the alpha resulting in an awkward start where you drop down from a usually inaccessible area. Here's a minuscule update that fixes that.

MAP04 update

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still working on my entry, had a few hiccups figuring out the gameplay but should have something solid to work with now. Hoping to get more work done on it this weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I ran through alpha 3 in Woof (cl2), here are some things to note!


Corrections on my part:



  • I figured out how to get the final secret on map 14! Shooting the switch was only the first part, the second part involves running from one crate to the other crate in the next room! The secret has no faults!
  • Turns out that map 19 actually has 3 secrets! The first one (which I found in the previous test run) is in the bloodfall, and the remaining two are in the final room - all you have to di is press "use" on both of the square marble pillars. The map has no faults.



Bug / faults report:



Map 04 - I found a spot with 2 misaligned textures.



Map 13 - The doortracks at the exit need to be set as lower unpegged.



Map 14 - I found another crate with an incorrect crate texture (must be set to gray).



Map 15 - After the first lift - there is a crate with incorrect textures.



Map 32 - The original gap between the house and the trees is fixed, however - I found another place where you can bypass the red key requirement (you can walk past this specific tree in two ways).



Map 17 - All the other faults with the map seem to be fixed, however - the lowering platform with the trapped monsters still gets stuck.



Map 20 (my map) - The version of the map in the Alpha 3 release seems to be the 2nd version of my map and not the 3rd one that I posted before.


Map 24 - There are two bookshelves whose outer textures seem to be misaligned. Also, there are two lowering platforms (with monsters inside) that get stuck.



Map 28 - The map can't be beat, because the shootable switch that lowers the bars near the exit is made with the Boom generalised action feature (they don't work in vanilla / limit removing ports or in game sessions with the "-complevel 2" parameter). There needs to be another (vanilla friendly) way to lower the bars at the end.



Map 30 - There is a visual glitch in one of the rooms (this one is new, it didn't appear in alpha 2). Also, there is one very minor mistake in the area where you get the blue skull key - you can use an Archvile to jump past the bars above the arena (they should probably be set as impassible).


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there is a crate with incorrect textures.


@Ar_e_en, I don't know how such a small flaw escaped my eyes, but thanks for highlighting.


I also made some other changes to my map:


* Deleted a lot of decorations or moved them to other places.

* Made monster closets much, much smaller and compact.

* Moved the soulsphere to the pedestal in the center of "flesh" section and added invulnerability bonus to the top of the column, which you can lower with an eye switch.


@aRottenKomquat, please, don't forget to change my level with this newer version.

OUT OF ORDER v1.2.rar

Edited by EagerBeaver

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2 hours ago, aRottenKomquat said:

Still waiting on 4 maps. Any updates? If I don't hear back by September 8 (one week) I will re-open those mapslots for other mappers.


Map21: @quakis

Map22: @Zari

Map29: @DRON12261

Map31: @Emperor S P O O N

I think I should free up a slot (I haven't made any progress), given that there are more people who want to participate.

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9 hours ago, aRottenKomquat said:

Still waiting on 4 maps. Any updates? If I don't hear back by September 8 (one week) I will re-open those mapslots for other mappers.


Map21: @quakis


Been working on it on and off when I do find the time, have a good concept with where to take the map and have even opted to end the map sooner than intended to not drag this out too much. Right now I'm trying to reinterpret the hodge-podge mess of ideas into something more coherent and cutting out what doesn't work, which involves redesigning large sections to fit within my current scope. Once the core set pieces are properly in motion it should be smooth sailing going forward. I have barely touched on the visuals besides a few tests so that's still on the todo list once gameplay is good to go. Here's a screenshot of the current layout which will likely change overtime, primarily the right portion and central route:





Mapping has been slower than desired with a lot of other things getting in the way of that. Having a clear deadline to work toward would also help considerably in managing my time and making this more of a priority. I'd still like to submit my work for this project, however, if you're looking to wrap up the project soon and want to reallocate my slot to someone else who can push out a map in a faster timeframe then I won't complain, just let me know how you feel.

Edited by quakis

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