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[Community Project] - Release candidate 3 available! Alphabet Doom, for Doom 2 limit-removing

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  On 1/17/2024 at 4:34 PM, aRottenKomquat said:

@Proxy-MIDI I noticed MAP02 had no MIDI submission and so it's using the stock Underhalls music which is bleh. Are you interested in composing a track for it?



Hello there. Ja, of course. Do you have a specific idea for this map or am I free to try something ? ;)

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  On 1/15/2024 at 1:01 AM, aRottenKomquat said:

would be nice if there was a source port/build that posted to the chat when an unrecognized action gets used.


Ultimate Doom Builder's "Map Analysis Mode" is good for this. Open the level in Doom format and press F4, then toggle "Check unknown actions/effects" - it'll print out a list of linedefs/sectors that have actions/effects not supported in limit removing ports.

Edited by Andromeda

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  On 1/17/2024 at 4:34 PM, aRottenKomquat said:

@Proxy-MIDI I noticed MAP02 had no MIDI submission and so it's using the stock Underhalls music which is bleh. Are you interested in composing a track for it?


Yeah...I don't remember that being an option in the rules, but maybe I just missed it. I can provide one for it...or we can see what Proxy comes up with.


@Proxy-MIDI Just play the map and see what comes out.

Edited by Death Bear

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we're going to play the wad, or at least the first half of it, for Thursday Night Survival today, first blazing through it with standard settings and then with more painful ones for the subsequent rotations.
The session starts 14 hours from the time of this post and you can expect it to be fairly active for 4+ hours.

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  On 1/28/2024 at 10:25 PM, aRottenKomquat said:

Alrighty, haven't heard anything new from anyone so I rolled in the last few changes and here is rc2! If nobody says anything, this will get posted to /idgames.


https://www.doomworld.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=283872Fetching info...


I played through some of the latter maps in the project during TNS and I gotta say I'm very pleased with the variety and quality of all the entries. Can't wait for the final /idgames release!

Edited by DoctorNuriel

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I tested the 3 maps that I mentioned and they seem to be fixed! As far as I know - everything in this wad is in order!

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@aRottenKomquat can you please not upload RC2 to idgames yet? I have a v5 of MAP30 work in progress. This version originally just another decoration enhancement but then I decided to rework the second "O" monster teleporter. now it gives me actual headache trying to work with monster teleporters. (monster telefragging each other if you play on ZDoom-based ports, and perhaps many others. I'm trying to fix this or at the very least reduced this kind of thing happening)

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  On 1/30/2024 at 1:20 PM, lokbustam257 said:

@aRottenKomquat can you please not upload RC2 to idgames yet? I have a v5 of MAP30 work in progress. This version originally just another decoration enhancement but then I decided to rework the second "O" monster teleporter. now it gives me actual headache trying to work with monster teleporters. (monster telefragging each other if you play on ZDoom-based ports, and perhaps many others. I'm trying to fix this or at the very least reduced this kind of thing happening)



Not a problem at all!


EDIT: Come to think of it, if you're having problems with monster telefrags in ZDoom, there's probably a MAPINFO flag I can set on that level to change that behavior.


Yep, https://zdoom.org/wiki/MAPINFO/Map_definition "AllowMonsterTelefrags: This indicates that monsters can telefrag each other or the player on the level. Normally, monsters will never telefrag anything."

Edited by aRottenKomquat

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You can probably also add a UMAPINFO lump into the wad to prevent the monster telefrags on non-zdoom ports as well.

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I may have found a little problem, but it's nothing major.

You know how there was one map (I think it was Map 02) that didn't have a Midi? Well, I think there might be more maps that don't have Midis. However, this is a bit hard to test out because there are like 2 maps that use Midis from the IWADs and it's intentional there (those maps being Map 05 and Map 26, at least I think that it is intentional there).

The maps that I suspect don't have chosen Midis seem to be Map 23, Map 24, Map 27 and Map 29.

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  On 1/31/2024 at 6:35 AM, EffinghamHuffnagel said:

CWILV19 is 'Trapier'; Dehacked is 'Trappier'. Not sure which was intended.


Whichever one is more grammatically correct is the right one. I think I may have originally written "Trapier", but now I realize that "Trappier" is probably the correct way to write it.

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ADCP_MAP30_v5.zipFetching info...

This one didn't have any MAPINFO or UMAPINFO, too lazy to add in. @aRottenKomquat please add a setting that prevent monster telefragging each other.


I've tried reworking the monster teleporters, and I've failed, spectacularly. Anyway, this version is just some minor decoration enhancement. I don't know if this is just me, but when I playtest the thing on LZDoom, the monster keeps telefragging each other.

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  On 1/31/2024 at 12:09 AM, Ar_e_en said:

I may have found a little problem, but it's nothing major.

You know how there was one map (I think it was Map 02) that didn't have a Midi? Well, I think there might be more maps that don't have Midis. However, this is a bit hard to test out because there are like 2 maps that use Midis from the IWADs and it's intentional there (those maps being Map 05 and Map 26, at least I think that it is intentional there).

The maps that I suspect don't have chosen Midis seem to be Map 23, Map 24, Map 27 and Map 29.



I'll have to double-check. I thought there were only 2 or 3 maps without custom music. (Map 29 was intentional, the stock Doom 2 MAP29 music fit so well that I left it as-is).

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  On 1/31/2024 at 1:26 PM, aRottenKomquat said:


I'll have to double-check. I thought there were only 2 or 3 maps without custom music. (Map 29 was intentional, the stock Doom 2 MAP29 music fit so well that I left it as-is).


In that case - you might have to ask the map authors if they intended for the maps to have stock Doom 2 music.


Also, as stated in my previous post about the name of my map submission, all instances of the word "Trapier" in my map title might have to be changed to "Trappier", which I suspect to be a more grammatically correct way to write that word.

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Hey, so the current version doesn't work in DSDA because of a playpal issue...


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  On 2/1/2024 at 3:29 AM, Hebonky said:

Hey, so the current version doesn't work in DSDA because of a playpal issue...



I tested this wad in DSDA (latest version on Linux) and it runs fine. The wad doesn't even have a custom PLAYPAL, so I don't know why this error came up for you.

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Turns out this was not the last time I'm updating the map. I noticed more issues and fucked up again for the third time. I very much hope this is the last time I've done this.



-Some lifts in the now actually used SR Lift

-The 'entryway' platform in the second O is now raised up and joined together (like it was before).

-Texture changes and misalignment fix.

-HOMs fix


ADCP_MAP30_v7.zipFetching info...


(sorry if I spam anyone's notifications)

Edited by lokbustam257

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