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[Community Project] - Release candidate 3 available! Alphabet Doom, for Doom 2 limit-removing

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7 hours ago, Proxy-MIDI said:


Hmmm, do you think this person needs someone to make the MIDI track for his/her map ? :wink: :wink:


Go for it! I'd suggest something heavy-metalish with a lot of Megadeth influence.

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1 minute ago, aRottenKomquat said:


V is currently taken. I expect it'll come in early next month at this rate.

ah ok. u listed the spot as open tho

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, here is LadyNims' submission for MAP22 (V), titled "Violent Varicocelectomy." See what you think and I'll work on updating my compilation over the next week or so. Also, don't look that word up in the dictionary...



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Alright, I checked out the V map and here are some findings (mostly issues with lines appearing or not on the auto-map):


    Lines #2451, #2450, #2449 and #2448 need to have the "Not appearing on map" flag turned on. 
    Most of the lines of the tiny exit room have the "Not appearing on map" flag turned on, although the lines around both exit signs do not have that flag turned on and therefor appear on the auto-map. Either all the exit room lines need to have that flag turned on or off.
    Lines #1559, #1551, #1498 and #2234 don't appear on the auto-map, despite being set as being able to appear on the auto-map. This is due to the fact that the floors and ceilings that touch these lines are at the same level, which causes the auto-map ignore these lines, despite the fact that the lines are set as being able to appear. These lines share sectors that act as ceiling lights and all the lines hugging those sectors have lines that are set to be able to appear on the auto-map, however - it might be a good idea to set those lines to not appear. These lines belong to the following Sectors: #465, #679, #821 and #755. 
    When you go through the yellow door - you drop down into the Revenant room and are unable to get out and backtrack. This in and of itself isn't a problem, but once the fight is done - backtracking becomes an issue (you can still backtrack by running off the platform on the right side of the room however, but it's really janky to preform). It might be a good idea to find a better way to backtrack after the fight is done.
    Line #1057 has texture alignment issues
    Are the Archviles (Things #183, #184, #187 and #189) supposed to be able to rush into the Revenant room once you make a noise? I'm not sure if that was intentional or not.



--- Issues I found

??? Things I'm not sure about

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LadyNims' general feedback was that it's playing the way she wanted it to play. Will do some more automap cleanup and testing in a few source ports on the other issues, and I suspect there are still some mid-texture errors (she's very used to mapping for GZDoom/UDMF with the hardware renderer so I think this format really frustrated her).


@RED77 I have one more CWILV request, I need MAP22 "Violent Varicocelectomy" by LadyNims.


I've had some things come up this week and doubt I'll get a release candidate ready. I'll try again next week, need to get the latest updates in and compiled together. But we're getting close!



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Alpha 5 compilation WAD is available now! It has the 1.4 version of Out of Order, I finished up some texture alignment on MAP29, and MAP22 has a bit of automap cleanup plus a new switch to raise a step and make it easier to backtrack out of the yellow key revenant room.




Still need one more CWILV before I can move this to a Release Candidate phase, but otherwise this is essentially complete. Any testing and feedback is appreciated!

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19 minutes ago, aRottenKomquat said:

Alpha 5 compilation WAD is available now! It has the 1.4 version of Out of Order, I finished up some texture alignment on MAP29, and MAP22 has a bit of automap cleanup plus a new switch to raise a step and make it easier to backtrack out of the yellow key revenant room.




Still need one more CWILV before I can move this to a Release Candidate phase, but otherwise this is essentially complete. Any testing and feedback is appreciated!

Thanks for all the effort!

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On 1/4/2024 at 12:43 PM, aRottenKomquat said:

LadyNims' general feedback was that it's playing the way she wanted it to play. Will do some more automap cleanup and testing in a few source ports on the other issues, and I suspect there are still some mid-texture errors (she's very used to mapping for GZDoom/UDMF with the hardware renderer so I think this format really frustrated her).


@RED77 I have one more CWILV request, I need MAP22 "Violent Varicocelectomy" by LadyNims.


I've had some things come up this week and doubt I'll get a release candidate ready. I'll try again next week, need to get the latest updates in and compiled together. But we're getting close!




no problem. I'll prepare it ASAP


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I'll check the new alpha soon, but I have a feeling that this project is practically complete already!

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2 minutes ago, Ar_e_en said:

I'll check the new alpha soon, but I have a feeling that this project is practically complete already!


Yeah, most of the WAD has already been playtested while waiting for the last few maps, so there really shouldn't be much left to do. Hopefully.

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Okay, I did a very quick run through the maps! Some issues have been fixed, others still remain and there are a few new ones that I found!

Here are my notes:


    Map 16 
            Lines #213 and #219 need to be changed to be repeatable teleport lines (sometimes the Revs don't spawn in)
    Map 17 
            Sector #69 still doesn't lower due to the stuck monsters (the ceiling height needs to be changed)
    Map 22 
            Sector #317 has been accidentally set as a secret 
            Most of the auto-map lines have been fixed (there are still a handful of oddities, but it has gotten cleaner now)
    Map 28 
            10 Cacos (Things #72, #73, #74, #75, #76, #77, #78, #79, #80 and #81) can never be killed (they never exit their monster closets)
            When Sector #579 raises, it changes the floor flat texture to a grey crate flat texture (The flat of Sector #0 which touches Line #2767). It looks out of place, it might be a good idea to change the flat of Sector #0.

    Map 29 
            Line #2257 is missing an upper texture.
            The Lines #110, #111 and #112 still have some texture alignment issues
            The Lines #1492, #1491, #389, #387, #1489 and #1493 also have the same texture alignment issues
            Line #838 and #593 still have the 128 long crate texture (instead of the 64 long one)

    Map 30 
            Textures for Lines #1685 and #1673 don't look that well (32 unit wide Lite textures on 48 unit wide walls)

    Map 31 
            These monsters are inactive in the out of bounds area




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7 hours ago, Ar_e_en said:

Map 16 
            Lines #213 and #219 need to be changed to be repeatable teleport lines (sometimes the Revs don't spawn in)

Thanks for noticing!


Here it is fixed: poweringup_v2.wad

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On 1/4/2024 at 12:43 PM, aRottenKomquat said:

LadyNims' general feedback was that it's playing the way she wanted it to play. Will do some more automap cleanup and testing in a few source ports on the other issues, and I suspect there are still some mid-texture errors (she's very used to mapping for GZDoom/UDMF with the hardware renderer so I think this format really frustrated her).


@RED77 I have one more CWILV request, I need MAP22 "Violent Varicocelectomy" by LadyNims.


I've had some things come up this week and doubt I'll get a release candidate ready. I'll try again next week, need to get the latest updates in and compiled together. But we're getting close!





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Okay, with that latest round of feedback, bugfixes, and the final CWILV, here's a release candidate! Hopefully the next version will be final and I can submit to idgames!




I think I fixed all of @Ar_e_en's issues this time. Thanks for the note about monster heights on Qaverns and Qorridors, I've been trying to fix that failed lift for ages and just could not figure out what's wrong. It actually works now.


I also added in coop starts on all maps that were missing them, and fixed a softlock on MAP29 that occurred if you jumped down from the secret BFG before opening the nearby door.

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Good news to see we've hit RC1, I still need to check out MAP22 though. Out of curiousity will you be creating a new release thread separate from this dev thread eventually?

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10 minutes ago, quakis said:

Good news to see we've hit RC1, I still need to check out MAP22 though. Out of curiousity will you be creating a new release thread separate from this dev thread eventually?


Yeah, I'll make a new thread that's clean and organized with nice screenshots for the release.

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Did a really quick run through the release candidate! Most of the issues seem to be resolved, but there was one issue that still remained as well as 2 very minor visual issues.


    Map 24 
            Very minor thing, but there are two floor flats that might look better if they had different floor textures. Sector #54 and #125 would look better with "RROCK20"


    Map 26 
            Very minor thing, but Line #356 would look better if its texture offset was move left by 8 units



    Map 28 
            The 10 Cacos are still stuck in their monster closets and I think I figured out why. Line #2239 is made with a boom action and it targets the rooms that contain the Cacos. Its Action type should probably be changed to 38 or 82 (either one will lower the walls).




It's nice to see one of the projects that I contributed to finally get to the point where it could be uploaded to idgames very soon!

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1 hour ago, Ar_e_en said:

Did a really quick run through the release candidate! Most of the issues seem to be resolved, but there was one issue that still remained as well as 2 very minor visual issues.

  Hide contents

    Map 24 
            Very minor thing, but there are two floor flats that might look better if they had different floor textures. Sector #54 and #125 would look better with "RROCK20"


    Map 26 
            Very minor thing, but Line #356 would look better if its texture offset was move left by 8 units



    Map 28 
            The 10 Cacos are still stuck in their monster closets and I think I figured out why. Line #2239 is made with a boom action and it targets the rooms that contain the Cacos. Its Action type should probably be changed to 38 or 82 (either one will lower the walls).




It's nice to see one of the projects that I contributed to finally get to the point where it could be uploaded to idgames very soon!


Easy fixes/changes, done and done. I'll wait for more potential feedback before posting a new download.


Those Boom actions keep killing me because I use GZDoom 99% of the time. I forced myself to switch to Crispy Doom to finish this project, but I don't necessarily notice when things don't happen...would be nice if there was a source port/build that posted to the chat when an unrecognized action gets used.

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Hey there, it's been almost a year since I last checked up on this project, looks like I made it just in time to submit the final revision of MAP27 lol



- Added difficulty settings

- Added a serif on the left side of the ñ, as requested by @RED77

- Miniscule texture tweaks

- Removed the impassable flag on lines #909, #914 and #905. The player can now jump on to the small cave-in west of the starting position. There's nothing there but it doesn't feel right to just block the player for no reason.

- Added a new secret that goes outside the ñ boundaries and provides a secret route to beat the map. Hopefully it's not much of a problem since it's out of the boundaries and all.




Glad to see this project is finally about to release!

Edited by Cacodemon187

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