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Start level with specific weapon?


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The truth is that it worked for me to add weapons in the following way:



script 1 OPEN

    GiveInventory("ShotgunX2", 1);



script 1 OPEN

    GiveActorInventory(0, "ShotgunX2",1);



I have the game configured in "PlayerDoom" so that it starts only with the fist. Since that is the objective of the first level. But at the start of the second level I want the player to spawn with weapon drawn, but he doesn't. At the start, even though the player already has the extra weapon, they still show the fist at the start of the level.


Is there a way to achieve this?

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You want the player to have a different inventory depending on the map they start? If I recall, player inventory is set using a new Player class which replaces the old one, but I don't know if you can change the Player class based on the map.

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You have to use ENTER scripts, not OPEN, to run them in the player's context. OPEN runs in world scope, you cannot do inventory manipulation there.


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