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JAMAL JONES TRILOGY - Version 1.1 RELEASED! May 12, 2023 - [Doomkid's Mapping Contest]

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E1M19: can't pass through this bridge + visual artifacts 




Playing on Eternity 4.03.

Same in latest Woof!



Edited by s4f3s3x

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I've been playing episode 1, and reached map 04. Enjoying it so far. But ran into what seems to be an issue, unless I have missed something.




I'm presuming that this teleporter which I lowered by stepping on a raised panel is the intended way forward but it's not teleporting or doing anything when I step on it. 


I'm on GZdoom 4.10.0

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21 hours ago, s4f3s3x said:

E1M19: can't pass through this bridge + visual artifacts 


Yeah it's the same problem with all the 3D bridges in the level

Thanks! the issues have been fixed. I don't know when a new update will be uploaded.

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Okay I looked into the level using GZdoombuilder myself and it appears to me that the problem is two fold. The red key is flagged only to appear on hard mode, I was playing on medium, and the same issue also is the case with the teleporter destination, which was also only flagged for hard. flagging them both for all difficulties appears to have restored the intended progression of the level unless there was a wildly different intend for the Easy and Medium modes. 


I mean, guys, when someone is playing on a lesser difficulty than hard, it's kinda mean to make the level unfinishable ;)


*edit* okay I should have looked first, someone else has already brought it up. I'll try to pay more attention in future, I'll maybe wait for the next update to play more but I like what you guys have done quite a bit based on what I've played. 



Edited by hybridial

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/25/2023 at 3:56 AM, TheShep said:

P.S. @Peccatum Mihzamiz here is your map replayed, from the fresh fixed one in this thread: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1778958690.

Thank you shep, that was a lovely video to watch!


Mappers make maps that are then, hopefully, played and enjoyed by others. Seeing somebody go back to a map to give it a second shot is lovely. This whole project has been one of good vibes and also lots of hard work by so many people. Always heartwarming to see passion all around like this happen!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It’s like you read my mind, Mark. Just earlier today I compiled the 4 map fixes I’ve been sent since the initial January release, on top of having gone though by hand and fixed about 1/3rd of the bugs reported (over a month ago). There’s still a bunch of finnicky stuff left that needs doing.. and I was simply unable to fix some maps because the node builder I use just doesn’t seem to be compatible with some others - some maps get bugged/HOM’d to hell if I make even a minor change..


Once I’m at my PC, I’ll upload the latest version which is further along, as well as a list of not-yet-addressed issues. Your help will seriously make this go down a lot smoother :)

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On 1/9/2023 at 9:37 AM, Doomkid said:

LOL. Fuck. I think when I popped the extra multiplayer starts in the map, my node builder completely mangled this area of the map, and I didn't notice (beyond a bit of visual bleeding) when zipping through.


@Rykz is there any chance you have the latest build you ever made of To The Site, that also has 4 coop and DM starts (just to be 100% sure)? I have a feeling this was all introduced through node conflicts.

Sorry for late reply, I have a lot of notification when I open DW again so I didn't check those notifications. I still have all my map backups and progress in my harddisk so don't worry.

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On 1/9/2023 at 9:30 AM, stevegohome said:

Congrats on the release doomkid, but I am pretty sure this is not suppose to happen in the outside area of the first level of episode 1 lol 

Base Profile Screenshot 2023.01.08 -

Did you use IDCLIP to go there? Those +1 HP shouldn't be visible unless you found the secret.

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On 4/13/2023 at 8:27 PM, Doomkid said:

It’s like you read my mind, Mark. Just earlier today I compiled the 4 map fixes I’ve been sent since the initial January release, on top of having gone though by hand and fixed about 1/3rd of the bugs reported (over a month ago). There’s still a bunch of finnicky stuff left that needs doing.. and I was simply unable to fix some maps because the node builder I use just doesn’t seem to be compatible with some others - some maps get bugged/HOM’d to hell if I make even a minor change..


Once I’m at my PC, I’ll upload the latest version which is further along, as well as a list of not-yet-addressed issues. Your help will seriously make this go down a lot smoother :)

I'll wait :)


I assume HOMs are from all the 3D bridges? It is pain to make one so I always avoid them

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  • 4 weeks later...

Me and my friend Sapare streamed this mappack, he tried to do no-save runs of the maps but he isn't always very good, we give harsh feedback and rank them all. Here's the first vid in the playlist:

There's timestamp chapters for the maps in each vid.


Some context for this and more details:

I had planned to join this competition but didn't manage to finish my map in time, me and my friend had also decided to do this ranking thing without looking at the actual winners beforehand. My map is played in the last vid in the playlist.


I wrote his notes and rankings for all the maps including mine, it also has a relative point ranking for map slots in the eps (which maps in which eps did better for a given slot):


1. E1 map11 ¹ +5 for non-linearity, no archvile, annoying angles for hitscanners, good open design, multiple ways to get to certain locations, bonus point for OoB-feeling area, ability to ambush enemies before they ambush you, too many drops with enemies but can be avoided, sniping barely visible revenant hitting ceiling is bad, railing corridor not good, balanced pickups, enemies in blackness is bad, unclear importance of suit pickup, epic truck at end.
2. E1 map16 ¹ fair encounter design, fine pacing, very good rocket nascar room, good use of secret "cause I found them", lava at the end.
3. E1 map17 ¹ * great gauntlet, inspired unique designs, too little ammo, questionable encounter design, pinkie room is p. bad, a serious cyberdemon, connects well, makes you work for basic guns (interesting and good), good alternate routes, p. much everything that is bad has an alternative way to do it, most memorable so far, epic truck.
4. E2 map16 ² brown not-town, chill map, good detailing, unobvious radioactive room but still interesting idea, radioactive room is big difficulty spike, well connected, final fight is fair, kinda OP secrets.
5. E3 map13 ¹ confusing layout, floor lowering trap is very annoying every time you pass it, something suddenly opens near the start (there was an attempt at signposting though), cohesive visual theming, fine combat, really good mix of bullshit in last big fight (shotgunners mixing with other enemies).
6. E3 map16 ³ $ weird, multiple fights that are not nearly as bad as they look, map is very funny many laughs were had, very very funny, teleport run to escape 4 cyberdemon fight is bad.
7. E1 map15 ¹ rocket launcher section that is rocket friendly, nostalgic jedi knights visual design, nascar arena sucks, second nascar fight sucks
8. E1 map14 ¹ -1 point for adjacent big ammo that can be wasted, chillaxing mowing down experience, fun combat encounters, some door-fighting, "my style of doom", very pretty, only one archvile, last big fight ambush not that good, lots of ammo.
9. E3 map08 ¹ hot starts are always bad, nice castle with crenelations, red wall is fugly, encounters are fair, cool looking map, not much weapon variety, nice connecty
10. E1 map05 ¹ mall map, cool enemies coming from rooftops, bonus point for alternate route, -half point for uninspired backtracking, well connected.
11. E3 map31 ¹ map got balls, best slaughter so far, half track nascar, good amount of resources, short and sweet, teleport fight is ok.
12. E2 map07 ¹ good and fair, ok visuals, trap on goop not very nice, revenant corridor fight sucks, p. good nascar room
13. E1 map01 ¹ good presentation and fair, train map.
14. E3 map12 ¹ best city style map, relatively pretty, fair combat, ok car, short and sweet.
15. E2 map15 ² can't see shit in this darkness, map is weird, blindsides you a lot, big wide open room shouldn't have hitscanners, enemies in blackness sucks but interesting that light amp goggles help with that, water teleport is confusing, unnecessary fights that don't lead anywhere.
16. E1 map32 ¹ nice visual design, is ok, enemies in pitch darkness, beginning kinda cool how you enter facility but kinda lame how it's waste of time, exploring for extra guns is best part, too much goop, strange music choice, square nascar with pit stop (not good), oven is cool, actual round nascar that is horrible, wasted tons of ammo on statis revenant, -1 point for bad invuln area
17. E2 map12 ² repetitive ambushes, good barrel usage, stupid blue armor ambush, combat is fine, usually enough ammo, only way to end is not to play (bad ending room).
18. E3 map01 ² looks nice, somewhat open ended, gimmicky lava room wastes too much time, teleports are good but relies too much on them, combat is fine, should not have been map01, not enough ammo at the ending fight and seems swingy depending on ammo you start it with
19. _L1pE_ map \ nice outdoor areas, too long, middling difficulty curve, too many corners to get stuck on, second half not as good, two final fights are a big spike, final fight sucks cause space is too tight
20. E1 map12 ³ box room, way too many pinkies, painless and p. w/e, fine pacing, no bullshit, found secret by archvile jump.
21. E3 map04 ¹ too much darkness, neat contrast visual effect around red door when it's opened, an okay cyberdemon fight where you have to be aggressive unless you take teleport which undermines it, short and sweet, bonus point for totally intentional dark messiah reference (jumping in middle of bookshelves).
22. E3 map02 ¹ p. chill and fun, nice mug, pulsing light corridor not good to look at, ugly hell room
23. E3 map14 ² innoffensive, easy, medium ugly, basic.
24. E3 map09 ¹ enemies in blackness is bad, not too ugly, very squarey, too much darkness and blinkness strains the eyes, teleport with possibly unnavoidable hit depending on RNG on green imps, they weren't there the second time wtf (greens imps can walk into the teleport prob), extra negative point for using both bosses, fair difficulty.
25. E2 map09 ² rocket launcher trap is shit, "my kind of doom 2.0", mowing down zombiemen is nice, medium visuals, ok combat, relies on douche traps, lots of no going back.
26. E2 map08 ² transparent wall blocking bullets is shit, requiring to go through goop to get key is bad, secrets are lame, negative point for easy softlock in lift stair, positive point for loop to start, gimmicking too much, button spaghetti bridge bad, opaque wall you can shoot through with enemy in it, combat encounters are fine.
27. E2 map06 ¹ minus point for enemies in blackness, imp spam, really likes imps, simple but innoffensive combat design.
28. E2 map02 ² nice you get ssg early, nice encounters, chill ambushes, short and sweet.
29. E3 map03 ¹ bonus point for lowest enemy count as far as we know, too easy, minus point for softlock besides stairs, fine looking, baby's first doom.
30. E1 map03 ² container in beginning, sections too dark, stupid secrets that are easy to find.
31. E1 map06 ² science complex, confusing layout, bonus point for ssg, too many ambushes, too many revenants, innoffensive, need to melee pinkies for ammo management.
32. E3 map19 ¹ \ hot starts are bad as usual, it's annoying to fight on top of the curved staircase, kinda cool visuals, big, repetitive, cool how it connects back together, lots of supplies, went back to blue armor and didn't need it cause you get a brown ball before last fight, minus points for no way out of lava pit in last fight.
33. E1 map09 ³ beginning sucks, fun combat encounters through out, a serious cyberdemon should be illegal to put in any map, where you find rocket launcher/fight revenants ruins the map, doom platforming is terrible don't do it, visuals are ok, cool that there's alternate way into trap room, map better in a non-obvious order/route
34. E3 map06 ³ too little ammo, ledge fight bad not gonna jump down there, intentional(?) sequence break skips 10% of the map, fine combat, repeats its tricks, pointless nightvision goggles, innoffensive.
35. E2 map19 ² hot starts are bad, why is this map in this slot, ok balance, relatively painless, short
36. E3 map32 ² already sucks, fastest suckage, at least it's short, funny invuln archvile bouncing, funny hold down M1 in corridor with invuln, can cheese big fight by dropping down into lower area.
37. E2 map17 ² \ lots of hp but very little ammo, arenas are an interesting idea, double negative points for having to melee arachnotrons to save ammo, chaingunner can walk behind opaque midtexture, bad arena fight that's unlike the rest of the map and worse enemy spawns after that are just a door fight with a cyberdemon that can't hit you, neat that exit door is at the beginning.
38. E2 map05 ² \ revenant room sucks, archvile tower sucks, slit fight is bad, nice visuals, bonus point for secret avoiding trap, second half not as good, should end sooner.
39. E2 map03 ³ unobvious signposting, good use of barrel, ugly
40. E3 map15 ³ chainsaw and berserk in same map is bad, a little bit annoying, lots of enemies around corners, tedious clean up at beginning, unnavoidable damage is bad, worst insta enemy pop in yet (p. much a jumpscare), bs chaingunner spawn behind you with no warning, swingy difficulty, dark room sucks, corner peeking room with archvile is annoying.
41. E2 map10 ¹ tedious design that encourages staying back plinking cause if you rush in you get attacked from every angle, lots of hitscanners, chainsaw bad, predictable constant enemies around corners, enemies in darkness, well connected, revenant in long range bad, too long for a cyberdemon at end with no cover + revenants that might or might not join depending how far in you run.
42. E1 map04 ² pentagram start, way too many pinkies, too many revenants, nice presentation with how big things are, ending part with far away enemies sucks.
43. E1 map02 ³ stupid bullshit spawns near end in box, swingy balance
44. E3 map20 ¹ prob new worst hot start, inconsinstency with damaging floors, almost no armor until the end, can accidentally trigger two ambushes on top of each other, shootable second player bad, very confusing last arena, switch sequence is very annoying with having to go to tiny platforms and constant spawning enemies that make it worse with time, the lore is cool.
45. E1 map20 ² does not make you fight for weapons, nice open area, many serious cyberdemons, minus point for ledge fight, negative point for jinxing (dumb trap that if you run away to elevator you're fucked), dumb hallway cyberdemon fight, awkward pacing, go from 100 to 0 constantly, soup vats, really likes surprise teleporters, a fucksuck map, bad trigger placement, some okay sections, can skip bullshit (good), sucks near end.
46. E1 map10 ² too little ammo, archville in dumb spot, negative point for useless revenant, enemies in blackness, arch vile in lower part fucking teleports behind you (inconsistent).
47. E1 map18 ¹ streets of archvile, too many archviles, too much hallway fighting, can do things in different order, no trap for keycards, can bypass final fight and turn it into a combined door and ledge fight (bad), two serious cyberdemons.
48. E2 map04 ³ zoo, bonus point for seeing exit from beginning, weird quiet start, visual obscurity bad, ball ambush bad, well connected, lift area sucks.
49. E2 map13 ² \ # nice exploratory layout, very easy until it isn't (difficulty spike), awkward pit fight, bad that blue ball secret is right before a brown ball, cyberdemon corridor interesting idea but why rocket launcher (own rockets blocks view) and why two and having to worry about being far enough from the back wall, last fight sucks.
50. E2 map01 ³ hitscan room sucks, too many hitscanners, combat encounters suck, uninspired design, generic map.
51. E3 map07 ² newest lowest enemy count, bad gimmicky platforming don't do it, knockback is very annoying, unique idea bad execution, last enemy teleport trigger is terrible, archvile ruins the map, very luck based, "your map makes me sick", "I beat it".
52. E3 map10 ³ nice visual theming, terrible second arena fight, very unclear on how to progress second arena fight, worst nascar yet, best way to win is not to play (run past everything).
53. E3 map11 \ ² hot starts are bad, too little ammo, openness would be nice if all choices weren't painful, tedious mandatory chaingunner sniping,  openness eventually helps get around the shitness, layout is good combat isn't, last fight made it terrible again.
54. E3 map17 ³ most unfitting music award, vines after drop down obscure view a lot, teleport back to start is quite RNG dependant if you get fucked or not, one of a kind insta pop in cyberdemon, every part of the map sucks.
55. E3 map05 ³ worst hot start so far, minus point for inconsistent switch texture door that doesn't open like the first one, negative point for terrible red door marking that looks just like a wall, bad drop right in front of archvile with no cover, minus point for softlock in drop which has non-damaging floors for some reason, minus points for drop into lava with no way out, shootable second player bad cause it looks like a plasma guy from a distance and can kill you, too much darkness.
56. E2 map14 ³ \ first big ambush cheesable by going back to cave and turning it into a door fight, terrible cyberdemon fights, confusing elevator, nice fireplace, it's pretty, cohesive structure where you can look where you've been before, corridor fight after lift is lame, big fight after teleport is just corner peeking, almost every fight is corner peeking, too many cyberdemons.
57. E1 map08 ³ bonus points for ssg but minus for dumb placement, bonus points for well marked goal, minus points for accidental secrets, minus point for dumb rocket placement, dumb constant ambushes, layout is fine.
58. E3 map18 ² \ teleport on lava drop as far away as possible from island jump (douchey), revenant cliff is second worst part of the map, mancubus + archvile fight is dumb and worst part of map, jumpscared by cyberdemon, cybercringe labyrinth is confusing but kinda cool idea, hallway simulator, ammo in blackness, journey into cancertown, how does the cyberdemon teleport everytime you shoot? Kinda impressive, map kinda funny sometimes, kinda pretty in a map map way (automap looks nice), some interesting gimmicks.
59. E2 map18 ³ \ hot starts are bad, gives too many guns too fast, stupid that altar damages, blue door key is not signed, too dark, stupid cyberdemon blindside spawn that's also cheesable, bad red key button, last fight is horrible, windmill of friendship on automap.
60. E2 map11 ³ nice nostalgic thief 1 visuals, cool door bridge, first 30% are fine then nose dives, imp spam requires previous knowledge to switch to RL immediately, teleporters feel tacked on to connect areas, pinkie spam is dumb, imp spam 2.0, imp spam with cyberdemon fight is really bad, hunt the switch section is confusing and annoying, baron/revenant corridor fight sucks, last fight sucks too.
61. E1 map07 ³ brown town, way too confusing layout, negative point for pointless secret switch.
62. E2 map31 ² nonsense layout, looks like AI generated design.
63. E1 map13 ³ map is ok once you get through the shitty beginning, visuals are ok, way way too little ammo shouldn't have to melee cacodemons, heavy reliance on rockets, too many balls, map got bad again with way too many balls, in theory you can do stuff in different order, no concept of enemy placement.
64. E1 map31 ³ \ DNF low, unique map idea, ball clusterfuck, mazes suck, blinking red area sucks. Sucks.
65. E2 map20 ³ \ hot starts are bad, combat is fine, pinkie drop-off is terrible, kinda "my style of doom" with lots of moving forward without hiding around, having to pick out 3 archviles behind a bunch of enemies is annoying but at least you can skip it, last fight is a fucking horrible slog, still managed to do the last fight on its own at least with on one life.
[dq, would be over map01] E1 map19 negative point for softlock on bridge, bonus points for destructible geometry, very chill, too much law of physics breakage, was gonna softlock again but sequence broke, eeeeeeeeh, softlock again because 3d bridge broke, bridges all broke.
[not-vanilla] E2 map32


\ = not no-death/no-save
13 maps not no-death/no-save


* = most memorable, "won my heart"

$ = funniest


episode relative placement:
E1: ¹:9 ²:6
E2: ¹:3 ²:10
E3: ¹:10 ²:6
¹ = 3p
² = 1p


1. E3: 36p
2. E1: 33p
3. E2: 19p

3 maps in a row with berserk in beginning


I had played a beta ver with fast monsters and saves a while back, and had a much simpler file of my own just listing my personal contenders, final top 3 and honorable mentions:


UMRK - very cool lab with massive muffins I never noticed. lots of fights in corridors. slime arena.
Caustic canyon - toxic base with radioactive core room.
Sewage city - weird going down room at start with midtexture walls. Lots of detailed buildings but dumb ambushes, specially on double shotgun.
Slime infestation - varied interiors, lots of ambushes, vehicles flipped on their sides, had 512 monsters and I don't even remember that.
Basilica - big brown castle with neat tricks, with little cool sewer area, kinda samey layout, not too linear.
Shopping Spree - big mall, well connected layout, cool rooftop enemies, alternate route with blue key, basic backtracking.
Inner city evil - start on apartments with pseudo-room-over-room, wall gets destroyed, underground lab with some interesting room geometry. -points for insta-pop-in enemies.
Corporate secret - start on water, go into tech base with big detailed rooms with lots of height variation and lava pits, lift with baron fight, kinda dumb dip into lava for big fight, teleports for interconnection, ends in hell palace.
The Escapist - intricate map with varied room layouts interconected with slime paths. Hidden cacos in fire pillars kinda dumb. Non-linear. Epic truck at the end.


1. "Corporate Secret" by Sectrslayr
2. "The Escapist" by Valkiforce
3. "Shopping Spree" by Majipantsu


honorable mentions:
"UMRK" by Big Ol' Billy > "Inner city evil" by Peccatum Mihzamiz > "Basilica" by Joe-ilya


Edited by _L1pE_

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9 hours ago, _L1pE_ said:

E1 map07 ³ brown town, way too confusing layout, negative point for pointless secret switch.

Thanks for the feedback! Harsh criticism, but fair (most of it). Good points about key sequences and door placement, and about the overall challenge level. I disagree about the secret switch thing - as you or your mate say in the video, it's there "so you pay attention to your surroundings" ;) What's "rewarding exploration" to me is "I got lost" to others. I'll keep this in mind when working on open layout maps.


Oh and I laughed out loud when you said "it's like Jedi Knight... but the bad parts", that's a throwback to my childhood.

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So if I understand this correctly, you rated my map 4th overall? That's high praise, thanks. I watched the video as well; Don't necessarily disagree with you about any of the issues you pointed out. Did put a smile on my face when you figured out the SSG secret, though (I know its kinda goofy but I like it). Not sure which secrets are "kinda OP"; Maybe the triple soulspheres in the reactor area which I guess I'd agree on (Were originally just going to be decorative, but I figured people would go nuts trying to figure out how to get in there). As long as the map was mostly enjoyable that's good enough for me.


Also enjoyed your notes about the rest of the maps, too. Honestly I found them pretty funny. The ones were you were being especially savage got a few good laughs out of me. I even liked a lot of the maps which you trashed, so I guess it was in how you worded it. Thanks for the chuckles.

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@_L1pE_ Can I have, very please, an link to exact video with playthrough of MAP12 from Episode 3?

I mean... Naming of videos in this playlist is kinda messed up, since I see things like "Episode 15" and "MAP56", which are confusing as Hell to navigate thru.

If only you can have something like "Jamal Jones: Episode 2 - MAP05-MAP07" (as example), it can be a lot more nice'n'easy to traverse.

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23 hours ago, _L1pE_ said:

60. E2 map11 ³ nice nostalgic thief 1 visuals, cool door bridge, first 30% are fine then nose dives, imp spam requires previous knowledge to switch to RL immediately, teleporters feel tacked on to connect areas, pinkie spam is dumb, imp spam 2.0, imp spam with cyberdemon fight is really bad, hunt the switch section is confusing and annoying, baron/revenant corridor fight sucks, last fight sucks too.

Thanks for the feedback, I pretty much agree with most of your criticism; this was my first full map I created. I've since grown out of my compulsion to make encounters overly excessive. I do cringe a little looking back on some of the map's sections.

Regarding the Cyberdemon bridge fight with the rev turrets and imps, It's nothing special, but I don't think it's as horrible as you say. I think you'd enjoy it a bit more if you had an ounce of game sense and didn't miss so many of your shots with your mouselook :)

As to the switch hunt, I'm not too sure I get what you mean (could be that I might've just forgotten a part; it's been a while), The map's progression is very linear. I can however think of one switch that should have stood out more early in the map.

Also for the imp corridor with RL: that should have been fixed in the newer version I submitted where you need to get rockets before the switch is revealed. The switch being revealed before you get rockets was a bug (I was testing and forgot to re-raise a sector's floor height, lol). Yeah... that one was a little overkill, lol

Edited by phoo

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Can I get the phrase " Fastest suckage" engraved on a medal? 
On a more serious note, I am sorry that it wasn't a pleasant experience, I will defend this by saying that it was deliberately made for the secret slot and as such I decided to go for something a little different, in this case it was something similar to Sunlust map32. As such I did expect the map to rub some up the wrong way.

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Hey, thanks for the absolute truckload of gameplay videos - useful and entertaining stuff so far, I've had the first one playing in the background while doing some mapping! I don't think there'll be enough time to listen to them all, but I'm very grateful you guys recorded these.


On the whole, I think I prefer this kind of overly-harsh criticism, half of which is perfectly valid and the other half of which is pretty impractical, bluntly speaking. I'd rather this than someone too keen to praise stuff while shying away from critiquing things, because the result is that issues get missed.


Having someone not enjoy part of the map means the author will question their decisions, and even if they decide to keep things as they are, it is always better to reevaluate this stuff than to just assume it was all done right!


The city map you guys wanted to submit but didn't have time at the very end there was a pretty interesting concept. Reminded me a lot of Joe-ilya's earlier work..!


This has inspired me to post the latest build, which I meant to do a month ago.


Here it is: https://doomshack.org/uploads/JM_JONES.zip


A decent handful of the issues pointed out by Arsinikk in this post (and the ones shortly after) and galileo31dos01 in this post (and the ones shortly after) have NOT been addressed. I'm really hoping some of the mappers or other contributors can help to get the remaining stuff sorted out so we can get this bad boy on /idgames already. I really should have kept a changelog...


The new build is really just a series of minor fixes, the world's smallest DEH touch-up, and adding U, Z, L P and TMAPINFO... but, ENJOY!

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Glad people appreciate the feedback, we honestly didn't expect to see this much interest in it, it's quite cool.



I didn't mind the switch myself, btw my friend is the one with the deeper voice.



I did tell him that was a stupid way to list the maps but he didn't listen for some reason, but he also had forgotten to timestamp your map cause it was very short, sorry about that, here you go:




That's right, although that's Sapare's rankings, his list is the way bigger one, he's also the one playing the maps in the stream. I did also think your map was one of the best though and had it as one of my contenders (from when I played it a while back, with fast monsters).


Main OP secrets were plasma gun and ssg, as they really help with the radioactive room fight, he never found the soulsphere secret.



For what it's worth I play better than my friend and also really didn't like the cyberdemon fight.


As for the switch, it's later on, inside a closet in a column a lone revenant comes out of, we didn't find it for a long time.



Thanks for inspiring me to map for Doom, even if I didn't end up liking it too much in the end and failed in every way, it was an interesting experience nonetheless and I don't regret trying, and I will make something of the map eventually. The stream was also fun to do although we think we went too far sometimes.

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Does anybody know of a way to contact @TVdinnermasterchef? They haven't been online in a couple months, but I think it'd be a fun weekend project to try and vanilla-fy their map. I played it just now and I could definitely pull it off with a little bit of hackery and some adjustments.

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2 hours ago, _L1pE_ said:


Thanks for inspiring me to map for Doom, even if I didn't end up liking it too much in the end and failed in every way, it was an interesting experience nonetheless and I don't regret trying, and I will make something of the map eventually. The stream was also fun to do although we think we went too far sometimes.

I'm glad you gave it a solid attempt, and I'm really glad to hear you plan to eventually make something more of that map! Thanks again for the post and the recordings.


1 hour ago, Cammy said:

Does anybody know of a way to contact @TVdinnermasterchef? They haven't been online in a couple months, but I think it'd be a fun weekend project to try and vanilla-fy their map. I played it just now and I could definitely pull it off with a little bit of hackery and some adjustments.

He's on YouTube, specifically I have a remaster of one of his MIDIs on my channel where he has commented multiple times - I have a feeling if you get in touch with him there, he'll be more likely to respond!

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@_L1pE_ Thanks for the feedback! I'll make sure to add revenant cliffs to every map from now on and every start will be at least as hot as core of the Sun. :)


I was expecting some of these reactions to my maps as I still reflect on how to balance the map and I've surely went overboard in some places trying to make it challenging. Said cliff was on the edge of being cut, but I couldn't delete the scenery. But it's not like I make more than 1 map in 5 years anyway.


@Doomkid I guess that's it for now? All good except a few minor bugs? If so - thanks again for a chance to participate in this project!

Edit: I'm blind, just saw the issue list. I'll have a look and see what I can do. Although it would be nice to know what's have been adressed.

Edited by Mark Bloom

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16 hours ago, _L1pE_ said:



For what it's worth I play better than my friend and also really didn't like the cyberdemon fight.


As for the switch, it's later on, inside a closet in a column a lone revenant comes out of, we didn't find it for a long time.

Oh yeah, that part. I honestly forgot I put that in lol. Looking back, that part is unnecessary and quite a stinker lol.

Edited by phoo

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7 hours ago, Mark Bloom said:

@_L1pE_ Thanks for the feedback! I'll make sure to add revenant cliffs to every map from now on and every start will be at least as hot as core of the Sun. :)


I was expecting some of these reactions to my maps as I still reflect on how to balance the map and I've surely went overboard in some places trying to make it challenging. Said cliff was on the edge of being cut, but I couldn't delete the scenery. But it's not like I make more than 1 map in 5 years anyway.


@Doomkid I guess that's it for now? All good except a few minor bugs? If so - thanks again for a chance to participate in this project!

Edit: I'm blind, just saw the issue list. I'll have a look and see what I can do. Although it would be nice to know what's have been adressed.

Hey Mark, don’t feel compelled to dive right in - I really should have noted what was and wasn’t addressed, I can go through later today (not at PC presently) and try to leave behind only the notes that haven’t been addressed.

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On 1/15/2023 at 8:40 AM, Arsinikk said:

MAP05 ( @mgr_inz_rafal - Techbase Damaged by Hell ) - Not sure why, but an imp in sector 75, got stuck in the floor making 100% kill impossible. Sometimes monsters can do that because of the nodes messing up. I usually fix it by moving some of the vertices a bit or simply adding more verticies to fix the nodes that can sometimes break. 

@Doomkid I opened the map (E2M5) and saved it in Eureka without any changes and it works just fine. Arsinikk was right, it's node builder shenanigans. Here's the new NODES lump.


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Thanks, Sneezy! I don’t know what it is, but when I was still using GZDoomBuilder from 2017 (so, March this year and back) the node builder hated some maps and would fuck them right up. It made me weary of ever trying to do this, but now that I’m on UDB maybe the included node builder won’t do that anymore. Good fix!

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57 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Thanks, Sneezy! I don’t know what it is, but when I was still using GZDoomBuilder from 2017 (so, March this year and back) the node builder hated some maps and would fuck them right up. It made me weary of ever trying to do this, but now that I’m on UDB maybe the included node builder won’t do that anymore. Good fix!

Luckily, UDB lets you choose any node builder you want, and there's a bunch out there. Eureka has its own, I can only speak for the 30 or so maps to my name but I didn't have a problem with it. 

I'm planning to have a look on some of the other maps and fix what I can and/or am allowed to. It would be pretty cool to make a big push, check all the boxes, and let JJ ascend to idgames at last. 

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