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Tell me about your favorite midi right now. Why do you love it?( midi recommendations)


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i've been listening to the midi of the talosian incident's map09 quite a bit lately. for a wad that's rarely spoken about, it certainly does have a great selection of midis to listen to

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I've played TNT: Evilution for the first time not too long ago, with the community TNT midi pack. Enjoying the midis quite a lot, casually listening to a bunch of them. My highlights so far would be tracks for levels 04, 07, 16, 20, 27, 28

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1 hour ago, roadworx said:

i've been listening to the midi of the talosian incident's map09 quite a bit lately. for a wad that's rarely spoken about, it certainly does have a great selection of midis to listen to


Good call, I remember this having nice atmospheric and moody music that went very well with the maps. 


For me, at the moment I cant get that Pachelbel Canon in D MIDI from BOOMEDIT out of my head. It's really charming and fits that tutorial map really well, though it would probably not fit the majority of "regular" maps.


....now I'm curious to see what a dark, moody level with Holst's Neptune segment would be like. 

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I honestly don't have a favorite midi...but i do have a a list of midis i do enjoy listing too when either my internet goes out or when i'm doing work besides mapping on the computer.


I'll give a short list of midis i like to listen too and it not in any order:


From Doom 1:














From Doom 2:


Shawn's got the shotgun (the .Mid the way id did 2 midi is better imo)


Into sandy's city


Waiting for Romero to play


Adrian's Asleep


Message from the Archvile


Opening to hell or i like to call it Opening to the gates of hell


From community projects:


Most of .Mid the way id did 2 for doom 2


Most of Doom: Damnation by Ofisil (which by the way i have used some of his midis for my maps)


Stuff from Doomkid


and finally i've been thumbing through both Eternal Doom anniversary and Plutonia 2 community project midi packs. 


Like i've said i don't really have a favorite i'm more of a enjoyer of midis then picking my favorite



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Astral Dreadnough by none other than James Paddock. First listened it in Valiant and then in Plutonia 2. Really good.




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My favorite right now is a track by Mr. Freeze.  It was made for the "Doom the Way id Did" soundtrack and plays on map E2M8.  I'm making a dark Doom I level right now and this midi hits the atmosphere in the right way.


I heavily dislike how it sounds in the Arachno SoundFont, but the posted video is the only one I could find on youtube:


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1 hour ago, Sesamia said:

My favorite right now is a track by Mr. Freeze.  It was made for the "Doom the Way id Did" soundtrack and plays on map E2M8.  I'm making a dark Doom I level right now and this midi hits the atmosphere in the right way.


I heavily dislike how it sounds in the Arachno SoundFont, but the posted video is the only one I could find on youtube:


Is there a link to the midis you peek my interest, since i love the .Mid the way id did midis for doom 2 


Edit: Never mind i found the link to it


Edited by xScavengerWolfx

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