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What's something about Doom you absolutely love?

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What the community made of it, with all these maps and mods and resources and source ports and various utilities.

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8 hours ago, Some1NamedNate said:

The concept of WADs as well as modding in general.

same here

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Two things;

Firstly how the developers who allowed users to do almost whatever they liked with the game they created, this allowed for advanced sourceports and the subsequent wads or even brand new games that came from this.

The second of course is the community that had the vision and talent to use these advancements to make some truly magnificent creations.

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The glorious Cyberdemon booty.


...If that's not a valid answer, then I don't know what is 

Maybe the fact that there is quite a variety in bestiary, from hitscan to projectile, from cannon fodder to high threats. The niche each enemy fills create potentially endless gameplay and modding possibilities.

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Uhm... maybe... EVERYTHING!?!? :P


Now seriously, I really LOVE monster infighting. Making demons attack imps or zombiemans to death or making a Cyberdemon destroy other monsters is so amazing.


The gib sound and animations are amzing too, can't help to laugh every time I see them XD

Edited by LUISDooM

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The Aesthetics, The Midi, the goofy monsters and how they all serve a purpose, oh what about the fact that it's super easy now to make a level!

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Gotta be checking out the amazing stuff the community keeps pumping out - which far surpass the OGs both in scope and quality. It's bizarre really, you'll see big budget releases nowondays that are dead on arrival. Meanwhile, here we are, more than 25 years later, celebrating how great Doom is. I mean damn.

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There's lot of things that make it into a fun as hell game to play; great monster roster, great visuals and themes, cool weapons. It's just really solid all around. But the 2 things i think i like the most about Doom are

1. WAD files. They make it really easy to make and load all kinds of custom content into the game, and

2. How the semi-rng system works. The effects aren't really noticeable during casual gameplay, but i think that it's just really cool how demos can work.

Edited by Mayomancer

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There is so much I like about Doom!

The feel of the game in general. Running around and shooting demons. The weapons themselves...the variety and amount of maps that are out there to explore. Being able to design my own maps. The pixelated goodness of the graphics. Etc...etc...etc...

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E1M1 and E1M2 are probably my two favourite game maps of all time. They're just so much fun!

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The fast paced gameplay. Unlimited imagination when it comes to mapping and when it comes to creating maps id tech 1 certainly the easiest FPS to map for. Also a very helpful (and critical in a good way) community these days. These days there are just simply some amazing mappers and composers.

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The unparalleled speed; the seemingly accidental elegance of its design -- the balance of the weapons, the monsters, the incredible and rarely replicated infighting feature; the way it's spawned nearly 30 years of custom works without stopping; the way it can be so many different things to different people -- from regular custom levels to entirely new games; the way that technology advances yet new games still can't come close to matching the scale of chaos and carnage of some of the more extreme custom maps. Also the super shotgun is the greatest weapon in video game history, just that thunderous sound alone, like the Hammer of Thor.

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On 8/11/2021 at 7:19 PM, Jello said:

There is a time and place for every weapon, (aside from unberserked fists)

When you want to move barrels without them exploding and don't want to waste bullets.

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- The innovative column-based 3D rendering engine, which allowed a playable frame rate for many more 32-bit IBM compatibles.

- The flat flood fill algorithm from which rose multiple visual tricks like deep water, floor/ceiling only brightness, and even some kinds of vanilla fake 3D floors.

- The super shotgun. It's a really good balance between speed, ammo availability and safety.

- F_SKY1, which can be cleverly used to make the buildings you can actually go in appear to have different heights in vanilla.

- The binary space partitioning trick Doom uses for its levels, which can be toyed and messed with in several different ways to create sight-only portals.

- ZokumBSP, for being an awesome nodebuilder that's not only very optimised for Doom-format maps, but is also able to do tricks like remove lines from the blockmap and make lines exclusive to the blockmap, as well as make a weird line horizon effect(that sadly only works properly in vanilla and Chocolate).

- Berserk. It makes your fist actually useful, and can help save ammo.

- Secrets. They add a limited replay value to levels. Secret exits in general can even have you play a level you've never played the previous time you've played the WAD.

- The fact that textures actually can be seen even when underground, which allows you to do fake translucent flat effects. It's especially really cool in Boom where you can have real translucent linedefs.

- The PCM format's support for sample rates other than 11025 hz, which allows for custom sounds to sound clearer and cleaner even in vanilla... at the expense of filesize due to the uncompressed audio format.

- Custom colourmaps. You can fake brightmaps, fog, and coloured lighting using only custom colourmaps.

- The simplicity of storing flats. No need to add to a texture table. Just simply put some 64x64 images in Doom's raw flat format before F_END (without F_START due to the way vanilla loads flats) and enjoy the new floor tiles.

- The fact that the source code is released. No comment on the code itself, but it was very nice for ID Software to release the source code to a version of Doom, even if it's not the DOS version, allowing fans to add what they want, or port the game to other platforms of any kind.

- TEXTURE2. This vanilla feature of Doom 2 allows you to store custom texture definitions without having to redefine Doom's IWAD textures, which is a bit more convenient.

- Backpacks. They let you hold more ammo and even give you some sample ammo.

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It's already been said in this thread, but I'm saying it too. The community. This is a 28 year old game that has gone through many other massive and innovative games and despite that it is still going as strong as ever. Doom has a community with endless creativity as you have no doubt seen through things like wads, music, fanart etc.

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