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Doom Pictures Thread 2023


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7 hours ago, Pechudin said:


I loved the wide open spaces in your WAD. Question - how do you overcome the need to "control" what the player can do (i.e. constantly thinking - if the player goes here, can the monsters follow them, what if he goes out of bounds, can the monsters climb up this ledge, but what if the player can escape this fight easily). I find I sometimes struggle with that, and would like to make such grand (or grand-er atleast) maps.


It was actually real pain in the ass. If you want good gameplay don't do wide open areas, heh(or do slaughter map or something). Well I tried making smaller isolated areas to have some kind of control..This is propably the best method. Or just have big chunks without monsters at all. But I think its just fine to have areas you just can escape and just run away. Not every encounter has to be "must fight" or perfect at its execution. And when you make sure monsters can follow it can make things interesting. Or put teleport lines on edges of the big areas and "reuse" monsters. Got some negative feedback from the gunplay but actually paid much attention to it. As testing the maps if some encounter seemed to be too much grind I cut things from it or made it skippable. OFC none of it is perfect but tried my best. 

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1 hour ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

I wonder if you can actually shoot it...


Nope, but you can pretend you're shooting it with the chaingun!

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What have you done with SP_FACE2 ? Or it's not even sp_face 2, but sloppy1/2.

Edited by Chainie

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23 minutes ago, LordEntr0py said:

final route showcase

This feels like if Hell decided to invest in astronomical research and spread their influence to outer cosmos

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1 hour ago, Cacodemon187 said:

Working on a new solo release, vaguely inspired by A.L.T.

If all goes well it should be ready by the 18th!



Someone mentioned A.L.T.? I will be waiting ...

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1 hour ago, Cacodemon187 said:

Working on a new solo release, vaguely inspired by A.L.T.

If all goes well it should be ready by the 18th!


This looks so good, such a lot of mood here!

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On 7/12/2023 at 8:46 PM, INfront95 said:

Did a doodle yesterday (Edit, fixed misaligment cause it was bothering me for a whole day lol) Weapon from gameplay mod SIREN

FoxTex is SO GOOD!

Love this design.

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45 minutes ago, LordEntr0py said:

FoxTex is SO GOOD!

Love this design.

Thanks, yea FoxTex is neat pack, never knew about its existence until someone recommended it in discord. Imo a little unintuitive to navigate and with a lot of fluff, but has a lot of potential thats for sure.
Played with it and PBR, looking very nice if done right




Edited by INfront95

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A failed experiment at imagining how Doom would look had it been released on arcade machines in Japan (without editing the sprites)





Also king Midas mode





Edited by ludicrous_peridot
kind Midas

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16 hours ago, ludicrous_peridot said:

Also king Midas mode


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Of all the gore and savagery that Doomguy has survived, who would've thought it would be "enemies that explode in a hail of piss" that finally broke him?



No shade, lp - I think the recolours look slick, but my juvenile brain couldn't leave that one on the table.


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