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Playing Doom as opposed to watching Doom yt vids


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Watching doom is complementary to playing Doom for me. I like watching people play wads I'm curious about, but know I'll never play. Or I like watching a playthrough of a wad I just played. With decino for instance, I usually play the wad he's playing after his first episode, so I have my opinions on the maps before he gets to them. It all goes hand in hand for me. But I definitely play more wads than I watch playthroughs, overall.

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4 hours ago, Ennello said:

Watching doom is complementary to playing Doom for me. I like watching people play wads I'm curious about, but know I'll never play. Or I like watching a playthrough of a wad I just played. With decino for instance, I usually play the wad he's playing after his first episode, so I have my opinions on the maps before he gets to them. It all goes hand in hand for me. But I definitely play more wads than I watch playthroughs, overall.

I’ve been doing the same. When he started Doom 2 in Spain Only, I jumped at the chance and tried playing the levels before he’d get to them so I could watch and see if our views coincided and how much better he’d fare.


Turns out I was somewhat quicker to complete the wad.

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12 hours ago, TheFocus said:

i like watching Doom and playing Doom pretty evenly, although i have been watching it a little less as of late. i will say, the BigMacDavis TNT walkthrough series is one of my all time favorite YT gaming content. it starts out pretty normal, but after like map 13, he gets really bored with the levels and just starts bullshitting through the game, with the actual "walkthrough" part being less and less important. in fact, i think i've seen that series more times than i've actually played TNT.

I don’t think I’ve watched this particular playthrough, so I jumped at it. I’m getting ads every minute; I got 3 ad breaks before BMD even start ups MAP01 in the first video! And that’s not counting the one that plays before YT proceeds to the video. I’m sure the playthroughs are enjoyable, but geez. And naturally I can’t use my own laptop with the tv during workday…

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I'm currently developing the Doom & Quake video library on my YouTube channel (as well as elsewhere), which for me is without any doubts one of the best activities to do, when it comes to Doom. Few things feel better than contributing to the expansion and unification of Doom & Quake communities and providing some help to people who would like to know more about Doom and Quake series games.


Meanwhile I still keep watching my favorite Doom video content creators' videos of excellent quality, which is something that has been my hobby for several years now. I find it very relaxing and entertaining, sometimes even educational. Watching tutorials, code analysis and WAD reviews, as well as slaughter maps playthrough videos and speedruns is especially valuable to me, since it contains much of useful and good-to-apply knowledge that I might not be quite familiar with.


So I would say that I enjoy it quite equally, both playing and watching Doom makes you feel better.

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I've never enjoyed watching other people play video games. It's an interactive medium and I can't really have much fun when I'm missing out on the interaction. 

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