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doom 3 editor problem


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Hello i want to start making doom 3 (ROE) maps but whenever i enter the editor and i save the map it says "the map does not exist" and when i look at the editors messages it says "WARNING: Couldn't load map file: 'maps/D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Doom'" and i cant load the map when i tab into the game either, sometimes it also says "permission denied" when i try to save the map, and when i try to rotate the monsters in the editor it wont let me, does anyone know why this is happening? thank you

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The editor that comes with Doom 3 is pretty old now and probably has lots of compatibility issues. I also can't rotate monsters with it.


Consider mapping with DarkRadiant. It was made for the Dark Mod but works just as well for Doom 3 mapping and continues to get updated.

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  On 1/14/2023 at 12:43 AM, GuyMcBrofist said:

The editor that comes with Doom 3 is pretty old now and probably has lots of compatibility issues. I also can't rotate monsters with it.


Consider mapping with DarkRadiant. It was made for the Dark Mod but works just as well for Doom 3 mapping and continues to get updated.


DarkRadiant was crashing more often for me than the regular editor. I recommend using Dhewm3 and using its editor, it's exactly the same as the default one except it never crashes and never gives errors :)


Edit: I take it back Dhewm 3 crashed A LOT on Erebus 5 for some reason, it has never crashed before...

Edited by BonciuADV

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