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[Community Project] Doom 2 Minus Doom (30 maps complete!))

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Even more midis ! Specifically :

- D_DM2TTL (Boneless Doom)

- D_DM2INT (Intermission)

- D_README (The Sacred Texts)

- D_COUNT2 (I Hope You Hate It)

- D_AMPIE (666 Feet Under)

- D_ROMER2 (Mount Mistery)

- D_SHAWN3 (Mancubus Moshpit)


Now, all available maps have a non-stock midi to go with them, and the music outside of the maps is done, so this will be the last batch of midis for a while.

Edited by Demonic Meatball

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New and hopefully final version of Map 30. The main changes are :

- The BFG is now an actual part of the level

- New secret that allows to crush some arch-viles early.

- A little re-balencing of health and ammo

- Even MORE blood drippage.

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Sorry for the delayed response, everyone! I had a work thing this week.


@Demonic Meatball Wow, these midis are great! You've captured the Doom 2 vibe perfectly, and they're just really solid tracks regardless. You've replaced almost half of the Doom 2 soundtrack! It's a huge ask and totally understandable if you don't want to do the rest, but a full soundtrack in this style would be perfect for the theme of this project. I was initially reluctant to allow custom music in the project at all because I thought it would drift stylistically from Doom 2 too much, but these tracks are thematically unified and fit perfectly. Regarding MAP30, thanks for the updates - the new secret is clever. I'm ready to mark it complete if that works for you!

@Quill Awesome! This map is such a rush. I really like the variety of secrets, and how well the map's sections flow into one another. I'm happy to mark this complete if you are!

@Chainie Of course, take care of yourself. MAP07 is now open.

@DoctorNuriel Cool idea! It seems like something Sandy would do. I look forward to seeing how it develops.

@scientifikgenius Thank you for reminding me! @Generic Doomer, if you consider your MAP29 submission complete, just let me know and I'll update the main list.

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20 hours ago, janiform said:

Sorry for the delayed response, everyone! I had a work thing this week.


@Demonic Meatball Wow, these midis are great! You've captured the Doom 2 vibe perfectly, and they're just really solid tracks regardless. You've replaced almost half of the Doom 2 soundtrack! It's a huge ask and totally understandable if you don't want to do the rest, but a full soundtrack in this style would be perfect for the theme of this project. I was initially reluctant to allow custom music in the project at all because I thought it would drift stylistically from Doom 2 too much, but these tracks are thematically unified and fit perfectly. Regarding MAP30, thanks for the updates - the new secret is clever. I'm ready to mark it complete if that works for you!

@Quill Awesome! This map is such a rush. I really like the variety of secrets, and how well the map's sections flow into one another. I'm happy to mark this complete if you are!

@Chainie Of course, take care of yourself. MAP07 is now open.

@DoctorNuriel Cool idea! It seems like something Sandy would do. I look forward to seeing how it develops.

@scientifikgenius Thank you for reminding me! @Generic Doomer, if you consider your MAP29 submission complete, just let me know and I'll update the main list.

i consider it done, go ahead

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On 7/3/2023 at 4:56 AM, janiform said:

Sorry for the delayed response, everyone! I had a work thing this week.


@Demonic Meatball Wow, these midis are great! You've captured the Doom 2 vibe perfectly, and they're just really solid tracks regardless. You've replaced almost half of the Doom 2 soundtrack! It's a huge ask and totally understandable if you don't want to do the rest, but a full soundtrack in this style would be perfect for the theme of this project. I was initially reluctant to allow custom music in the project at all because I thought it would drift stylistically from Doom 2 too much, but these tracks are thematically unified and fit perfectly. Regarding MAP30, thanks for the updates - the new secret is clever. I'm ready to mark it complete if that works for you!

@Quill Awesome! This map is such a rush. I really like the variety of secrets, and how well the map's sections flow into one another. I'm happy to mark this complete if you are!

@Chainie Of course, take care of yourself. MAP07 is now open.

@DoctorNuriel Cool idea! It seems like something Sandy would do. I look forward to seeing how it develops.

@scientifikgenius Thank you for reminding me! @Generic Doomer, if you consider your MAP29 submission complete, just let me know and I'll update the main list.

Mark it as complete. If there are any bugs or mishaps that crop up I'll be sure to look into them.

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On 7/3/2023 at 4:56 AM, janiform said:

@Chainie Of course, take care of yourself. MAP07 is now open.


Hello. I'll taking MAP07 slot then.

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On 7/3/2023 at 3:56 AM, janiform said:

Wow, these midis are great! You've captured the Doom 2 vibe perfectly, and they're just really solid tracks regardless. You've replaced almost half of the Doom 2 soundtrack! It's a huge ask and totally understandable if you don't want to do the rest, but a full soundtrack in this style would be perfect for the theme of this project. I was initially reluctant to allow custom music in the project at all because I thought it would drift stylistically from Doom 2 too much, but these tracks are thematically unified and fit perfectly. Regarding MAP30, thanks for the updates - the new secret is clever. I'm ready to mark it complete if that works for you!


First, thank you for what you said on the midis. I'd do more, but A) Not now, I'd like to take a break from Bobby-style midis for a while I'll wait for a new map to be available, and B) Not for the upcoming MAP07. I'm done making Shawn's got the Shotgun clones |_D.

For MAP30, you can ship it as is I think, please warn me of any problems.


Also, I was testing a bit of every map I could find for this project, and I found some stuff :

The tiltle music was way too short, so here's an extended version :Boneless Doom.zip

- Not that much of a problem, but MAP01 is really, REALLY tight on health and ammo, especially when going for 100% kills.

- There is a problem with MAP08's exit door : the crusher linedef inside of it prevents the door from being open.

- The lift leading to the Arch-Vile room in MAP09 is tagged 0, so the entire map turns into a lift.

I'll see if I find any more problems going further.

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Just a heads-up, I'm gonna be afk for 2 weeks, so I won't be available for playtest. Just know that I made an error when naming the midis : D_README should be renamed to D_READ_M to appear in the text screens.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know I said you could ship MAP30 as is, but I made a few changes to it that I think are worth adding, mostly :

- making the role of some switches clearer (the ones that lower the red and blue key and the ones that chush the viles)

- making the interior rooms flicker (they were always intended to flicker, it was just broken)



Edited by Demonic Meatball
forgot to add the link

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Did some more playtesting (up to map 19), here's more feedback :

@EPICALLL MAP 10 : - I think I get what you tried to do for the post-red key ambush, but it's not working : there all coming from the same spot !

- More of a gripe than an actual problem : the secret plasma gun is neat, but it would have been even neater to have enough ammo to fire it for more than (checks notes) 5.142857 seconds.

@Eon Toad MAP 13 : I think it's still a WIP, so I'm just gonna say something that could be improved, 'cause I didn't find any really bothering stuff, but you probably should set all the monsters in the post-red key area as deaf/ambush, right now they all group up behind the wall, rendering the area extremely empty.

@RED77 MAP 15 : A bit of a nitpick, but 4 stimpacks as recovery for a boxing match with 2 revenants is not enough. Maybe just add a single medikit ?

@Rorix MAP 19 : - A few misaligned textures and slime trails I found






- 2 SS don't wake up in the contraption you set up. Don't know what causes this, maybe a line of sight thing ?



- A bit nitpicky, but I'm not a big fan of not being able to escape the lava pit.

- Even nitpickier : I think you go a bit overboard with the remote open-wait-close doors. Like, the Door to leave the first building could be open-stay, and also those doors where you put the switch right next to the door... could you put the trigger on the door itself please, it's a bit counter-intuitive.







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2 hours ago, Demonic Meatball said:

Did some more playtesting (up to map 19), here's more feedback :

@EPICALLL MAP 10 : - I think I get what you tried to do for the post-red key ambush, but it's not working : there all coming from the same spot !

- More of a gripe than an actual problem : the secret plasma gun is neat, but it would have been even neater to have enough ammo to fire it for more than (checks notes) 5.142857 seconds.

@Eon Toad MAP 13 : I think it's still a WIP, so I'm just gonna say something that could be improved, 'cause I didn't find any really bothering stuff, but you probably should set all the monsters in the post-red key area as deaf/ambush, right now they all group up behind the wall, rendering the area extremely empty.

@RED77 MAP 15 : A bit of a nitpick, but 4 stimpacks as recovery for a boxing match with 2 revenants is not enough. Maybe just add a single medikit ?

@Rorix MAP 19 : - A few misaligned textures and slime trails I found

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- 2 SS don't wake up in the contraption you set up. Don't know what causes this, maybe a line of sight thing ?

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- A bit nitpicky, but I'm not a big fan of not being able to escape the lava pit.

- Even nitpickier : I think you go a bit overboard with the remote open-wait-close doors. Like, the Door to leave the first building could be open-stay, and also those doors where you put the switch right next to the door... could you put the trigger on the door itself please, it's a bit counter-intuitive.

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thanks for playing! I think I can add and extra medikit


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@Demonic MeatballI have no idea what's causing the slime trails. The misaligned texture is really odd as well; the textures are aligned correctly, and there are no issues with unclosed sectors or anything.              

The SS guard trap malfunction is really annoying. They are pushed into the teleports by a barrel explosion, and it works perfectly in GZDoom, but not in pr-Boom.     

I made the doors work that way because of the project rules - we are encouraged to use Doom 2 only line specials.        

You're right about that door in the first building. I'll change it.         


If anyone know of any way to fix these issues so that the map runs properly in other source ports, I would really appreciate it.

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Those look like nodebuilder issues. GZDoom rebuilds map nodes so you wouldn't notice it there, nor in PrBoom+ with OpenGL rendering. Try using a different node builder.


As far as the barrels, physics work a little differently in GZDoom so you'll just have to move things around until it works in PrB+. If you can't get it working I can maybe take a look this weekend if no one else can help you fix it.

Edited by plums

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13 hours ago, Rorix said:

I made the doors work that way because of the project rules - we are encouraged to use Doom 2 only line specials.

Those line specials can still be put on doors tho.

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Thanks for the input guys. I'll fix things up today or tomorrow.          

All done! Updated MAP        

Switch doors are now regular doors. The first trap works fine now; in both pr-Boom and GZDoom the troopers all teleport in.        

Using a different node builder appears to have fixed the display issues.       

I added some teleports in the lava moat. After some consideration, I decided that it was kind of dickish to have goodies hidden behind the buildings and on the ledges on the start if the moat is inescapable.          


Please let me know if there are any more issues with the map.

Edited by Rorix

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