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[Community Project] Doom 2 Minus Doom (30 maps complete!))

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Posted (edited)

@Kuro_mahoh@Bochnik ChlebaThanks for the updates!


@Demonic MeatballThank you so much for all your help with this project - you should really be named co-lead on this thing! The Freedoom 2 assets TEXTURE1 lump looks complete. And yes, to my eternal shame, I mistakenly included CEMENT6 in the image of allowed textures/flats. CEMENT6 IS NOT ALLOWED - many apologies for the misleading image! I've updated the image.


@Anarkzie@PasokonDeaconAny updates?


EDIT: I'll also share my updated MAP23, which hopefully addresses the issues Demonic Meatball noted and slightly improves the aesthetics: MAP23_Abyss_-_janiform V5.zip

Edited by janiform

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Posted (edited)

If I'm not at school I'll release CWILVS as soon as all the maps are ready.And if you need music,say.

Edited by Forgotten Soul

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3 hours ago, Demonic Meatball said:

DOORTRAK isn't allowed.

Wait. Aren't things like DOORTRAK allowed? I can change It btw

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@Walter confetti

On 12/12/2023 at 6:15 PM, janiform said:

and will confirm that DOORTRAK and SUPPORT3 are forbidden for this project

The OP said key textures are allowed, so DOORRED, DOORBLU ect. but not DOORTRAK

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Posted (edited)

All fixed. I don't understand the "switches are on the wrong side" issue in the map06 revenant pillar. The player is supposed to have to investigate the inside of the space where the revenant was in order to open the secret.         



Edited by Rorix

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@Bochnik Chleba Oooooooooooooooh very neat !

@janiform Thank you for the kind words ! I just have to point out that the OP still has the old image in it, just at the end of the post instead of the middle.

@Kuro_mahoh Thank you for the changes. FLOOR4_6 is not allowed though.

@Rorix Thank you for your maps.

I failed to correctly point out the problem, so I'll explain. They're not on the wrong side actually, they're just extremely misalined, and by extremely misalined, I mean




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Back to the quick rundowns, going to Map21 :

     - @Eon Toad MAP13 : - FLOOR0_1 and CEIL1_1 aren't allowed (mainly change for sector 120).

                                      - Needs Coop/DM Starts.

     - @RED77 MAP15 : SUPPORT3, EXITDOOR and maybe EXITSTON idk I have to ask @janiform about this - aren't allowed.

     - @Anarkzie MAP16 : The map is missing a map.

     - @stridertech MAP17 : - METAL1 isn't allowed.

                                        - Needs a Player 4 Start.

                                        - Protip : if you don't use SW1SKULL or SW2SKULL, use SLOPPY1 and 2 instead of SK_RIGHT or SK_LEFT.

                                        - Major texture misalinement here :



     - @Bagellio MAP21 : Ending Arachnotrons are stuck and can't shoot.

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46 minutes ago, Demonic Meatball said:

Back to the quick rundowns, going to Map21 :

     - @Eon Toad MAP13 : - FLOOR0_1 and CEIL1_1 aren't allowed (mainly change for sector 120).

                                      - Needs Coop/DM Starts.

     - @RED77 MAP15 : SUPPORT3, EXITDOOR and maybe EXITSTON idk I have to ask @janiform about this - aren't allowed.

     - @Anarkzie MAP16 : The map is missing a map.

     - @stridertech MAP17 : - METAL1 isn't allowed.

                                        - Needs a Player 4 Start.

                                        - Protip : if you don't use SW1SKULL or SW2SKULL, use SLOPPY1 and 2 instead of SK_RIGHT or SK_LEFT.

                                        - Major texture misalinement here :

  Hide contents


     - @Bagellio MAP21 : Ending Arachnotrons are stuck and can't shoot.


Still working on it, it will take awhile but it is coming.

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Posted (edited)

Its the final rundown ! (tururuuuu-doooo)


     - @Forgotten Soul MAP22 : - Needs to implement DM.

                                             - The progression is pretty unclear. Half the time, after pressing a switch you'll wander around the whole map looking for what it did.

                                             - Falling in the area behind sector 155 is a softlock.

     - @janiform MAP23 : - You didn't really adress the problems I raised about the soulsphere secret. Now it's a bit too obvious. I imagined it a bit more like this :


before :


after :


also damn, some of those textures are really misaligned.

                                     - The fake wall secret could use a little hint.


     - @Sneezy McGlassFace MAP24 : - The map needs some "fast travel" options, 'cause lemme tell ya, re-doing the whole post blue key path every time I wanna retry the jump to that one secret gets repetitive very quickly.

                                                    - Sector 947 is tagged as secret, even thoug it doesn't contain anything and I'm pretty sure it is unreachable.

     - @PasokonDeacon MAP26 : Map is missing a map.

     - @Andrea Rovenski MAP28 : - SUPPORT3 isn't allowed.

                                               - Shouldn't the teleporters for the Viles at the start be one-time use ?

Edited by Demonic Meatball

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6 hours ago, Demonic Meatball said:

MAP24 : - The map needs some "fast travel" options, 'cause lemme tell ya, re-doing the whole post blue key path every time I wanna retry the jump to that one secret gets repetitive very quickly.

                                                    - Sector 947 is tagged as secret, even thoug it doesn't contain anything and I'm pretty sure it is unreachable.

I'll have a look after work, and report back. 

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13 hours ago, Demonic Meatball said:

Its the final rundown ! (tururuuuu-doooo)


     - @Forgotten Soul MAP22 : - Needs to implement DM.

                                             - The progression is pretty unclear. Half the time, after pressing a switch you'll wander around the whole map looking for what it did.

                                             - Falling in the area behind sector 155 is a softlock.

     - @janiform MAP23 : - You didn't really adress the problems I raised about the soulsphere secret. Now it's a bit too obvious. I imagined it a bit more like this :

  Reveal hidden contents

before :


after :


also damn, some of those textures are really misaligned.

                                     - The fake wall secret could use a little hint.


     - @Sneezy McGlassFace MAP24 : - The map needs some "fast travel" options, 'cause lemme tell ya, re-doing the whole post blue key path every time I wanna retry the jump to that one secret gets repetitive very quickly.

                                                    - Sector 947 is tagged as secret, even thoug it doesn't contain anything and I'm pretty sure it is unreachable.

     - @RileyXY1 MAP25 : DOORTRAK isn't allowed.

     - @PasokonDeacon MAP26 : Map is missing a map.

     - @Andrea Rovenski MAP28 : - SUPPORT3 and DOORTRAK aren't allowed.

                                               - Shouldn't the teleporters for the Viles at the start be one-time use ?

Added some things that shows what is opened.


Say if I need to fix some things.

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Revised version of MAP03 - sorry this took me a while! All disallowed textures should be removed minus the DOORTRAK and CRATOPs - I thought we were okay to use those still? If that's changed, let me know and I'll make further edits.


I actually wanted to completely redesign this map from scratch a while ago, as its now over a year old, but I kept forgetting so I'll have live with it the way it is :p I made a couple of minor visual changes and the red key setup now a bit better.


Custom MIDI included, by Bucket from .MID the Way id Did.

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Posted (edited)

@Somniac Thanks ! The map is very much more atmospheric now. Few things :

     - The CRATOPs are actually banned.

     - Forgot to add it last time, but the map also needs DM starts.

     - I already wrote a track for the map, you didn't need to add one.

     - Door that used to not open now opens... the other door.

     - Manc stuck on sector 218.

     - Sector 219 doesn't lower when it should.

Edited by Demonic Meatball
nvm DOORTRAK is okay

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Posted (edited)

Thanks to everyone for posting updates, and to @Demonic Meatball for the extensive playtesting! I'm downloading all the updates and will start compiling them into a release candidate as soon as @Anarkzie and @PasokonDeacon have submitted their maps.


@Forgotten SoulThanks so much for this! I may have other plans for the help/credits screens, but the dehacked and level names you've done are a major help.


@Demonic MeatballThanks, I'll work on a V6 of MAP23 to address the soulsphere secret and align some textures.


Regarding DOORTRAK: IMO this is a low-content utility texture similar to the STEP textures, and probably should get an exception. So if you don't want to change your DOORTRAK use in a submitted map, that's fine. tl;dr: DOORTRAK is okay.

Edited by janiform

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@Demonic Meatball my bad, I haven't been keeping up with the thread, didn't know you were handling MIDIs! I'll give the map another once-over and correct the outstanding issues this evening.



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This should be the final version of MAP03. Changes:


-CRATOPs removed

-Mancubus unstuck

-sector 219 lowers now

-doors to SSG room fixed

-added a few extra enemies + some health/ammo in the exit room

-DM starts added

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1 hour ago, Demonic Meatball said:

@Somniac Link broken. Did you delete your map ?


Sorry, I put the wrong link. This one works :)

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@Somniac - CRATOP1s are replaced, but not the CRATOP2s

                 - Dafak

                   The ending switch

                   It's broken

                   It doesn't end the map anymore


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