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Map freaking out in UDB


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Apprently for whatever reasons, sector 410 is cursed and whenever I try to draw something on it, a bunch of other sectors will get joined. (sector 349 350 119 as well?) I suppose that has something to do with overlapping lines or something like that. Anyway UDB's analysis tool isn't helping at all, so is switching nodebuilder. I really can't find the issue myself and I haven't used tools that might break the map (hopefully)


I had a feeling that this map is going to be good, and I don't really want to trash it just because of some stupid nodes. Thanks beforehand to anyone who tries to help.


(This map used a texture pack but that's not the point)

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I've had a similar issue when making my 2 enemy CP submission:

Mapping within one massive square got messy, often joined random sectors and had nodebuilder "holes" visible in gameplay. What helped me was to a) enclose the "castle walls", and b) start throwing some sector splits - you can see on the outside of castle walls (not even play area) there are some kinda random lines (e.g. 3370, 10420, 5863) that cut off sectors.

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1 minute ago, Doomy__Doom said:


The problem is is there any possibility that I can restore/fix the map? I don't really want to draw all that lines again.

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Hmmm I'm not sure I see what needs restoring, you example with 119 seems to just be 1 plain sector (and 2 others too) unless I misunderstand something:




Drawing stuff - still same old sector for me:



I'm using ZDBSP - Normal (no reject) for nodebuilder.

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3 minutes ago, Doomy__Doom said:



That is pretty weird, I used the same node-builder and these sectors became void. It probably isn't the problem with the wad itself since I tried to do it in a backup wad that is auto generated by the editor and the problem still occurs. Checked the node viewer and apprently there are holes. Are there ways to rebuild nodes? I'm not sure.




(By the way, I tried it and it seems sector 119 etc only breaks for me when I try to drag the lines, not draw lines in them.)

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26 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

Do an error check for very short lines, overlapping lines or overlapping vertexes.

Apprently it says there isn't any of those.


39 minutes ago, Doomy__Doom said:


lol, actually drawing sectors don't fuck things up but drawing lines do. This is bringing in more questions.


(update: The solution is to just use Doombuilder X instead of Ultimate Doombuilder, this is 2 hours well spent.)

Edited by Nefelibeta

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9 times out of 10, I get this issue by drawing a linedef without it actually creating a new sector, so it's generally an indication that there's a linedef somewhere that needs to be deleted. Zooming around your level for a bit, I did discover the linedef (pictured below). It's connected to the two structures but it doesn't actually cut the large nukage sector into two (or multiple) sectors, which tends to cause UDB to have a stroke. 


As soon as I deleted that little linedef, I could go back to drawing new lines, no problem.  






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2 minutes ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:

9 times out of 10, I get this issue by drawing a linedef without it actually creating a new sector, so it's generally an indication that there's a linedef somewhere that needs to be deleted.

oh ok, to me this seems more like a bug of the editor than something that original game has, especially when I don't get this issue when I'm using other editors.

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Yeah I'm not sure. I did try opening the map in DBX and noticed it worked fine, and even went back to UDB and made sure I was using the same nodebuilder(s) being used by default in DBX (ZenNode Normal and ZenNode Fast (no reject)), but the issue still persisted in UDB. Could be a bug? I don't know enough about the editors/nodebuilders to say. Might be a question for @boris.


But, the moral of the story for me has always been to properly close off sectors when working in UDB. 

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Yeah, UDB seems to fuck up sectors in that specific situation. Here's a wad where I replicate this bug in a super-simplistic way. Try moving the isolated sector at the bottom left; the upper "building" gets joined with the larger sector surrounding it. Remove the connecting linedef first then move the sector and it works as normal.


A solution if for some reason you want to keep that line without UBD faffing with sectors is to press the highlighted button, then move the sector.

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