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[Doom2, limit-removing] BOOMER: Beyond Vanilla — Action/adventure/exploration-focused WAD (v0.08.02 2023-12-18)

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11 minutes ago, Caleb13 said:

Hot damn, these are amazing! The level of detail reminded me of Archi-Tek - not quite there, but still a titanic achievement.


One minor gripe: I think you overdid the berserk-revenant trap in MAP03, they can corner the player far too easily.

Thanks for the comments! :) As for the berserk trap:


You shouldn't really confront them, you have to just run straight ahead and jump down to the exit room. You can teleport back from there and deal with the revs from behind the bars :)


Edited by Fernito

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Appreciate the amount of craft in this from the detailed levels, to the music and art.  Only got through a couple levels, and the first one was more of a linear intro I can see, but the second was I'm guessing more how the rest of the levels will go.  Reminds me of some of Nic Monti's recent maps I played with how dense and non-linear it was with all the cool abstract, angular architecture.  I liked Lee Jackson's track, definitely has that ROTT feel, but your level 1 track was sick too!  Love that funky bass.  Great work all around, will look to play more!



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More great stuff! There's a particularly evil arch vile on this map!



It would seem I forgot to post map05 when it went up, so here is map06 at the same time!



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If  I had to sum up @thelamp's playstyle in one sentence it would be "Charge in to huge amounts of trouble head first, and then hopefully fight yout way out."


Watched both vids. There were... some deaths, but... Good stuff!

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@Kyka I find playing aggressively to be more fun, and tbh when I'm recording I feel sort of compelled to play in a way that is "more entertaining". And I definitely do mean that in the juvenile, "acting up because company is over" sort of way. I would've thought with the number of videos I've made this would wear off by now but it really hasn't lol I yam what I yam

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9 hours ago, sandwedge said:

Appreciate the amount of craft in this from the detailed levels, to the music and art.  Only got through a couple levels, and the first one was more of a linear intro I can see, but the second was I'm guessing more how the rest of the levels will go.  Reminds me of some of Nic Monti's recent maps I played with how dense and non-linear it was with all the cool abstract, angular architecture.  I liked Lee Jackson's track, definitely has that ROTT feel, but your level 1 track was sick too!  Love that funky bass.  Great work all around, will look to play more!

Thanks a lot for the feedback :) I'll watch your playthrough asap! 


1 hour ago, Kyka said:

If  I had to sum up @thelamp's playstyle in one sentence it would be "Charge in to huge amounts of trouble head first, and then hopefully fight yout way out."


Watched both vids. There were... some deaths, but... Good stuff!

lol yeah, very entertaining to watch, though I have to admit I was afraid that poor @thelamp was gonna lose at some point it on map05 :P


Just a heads-up for everyone currently playing the wad: I made several little adjustments to it after watching your videos during the weekend, so I strongly recommend that you download the latest version before continuing :)

Edited by Fernito

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1 hour ago, thelamp said:

@Kyka I find playing aggressively to be more fun, and tbh when I'm recording I feel sort of compelled to play in a way that is "more entertaining". And I definitely do mean that in the juvenile, "acting up because company is over" sort of way. I would've thought with the number of videos I've made this would wear off by now but it really hasn't lol I yam what I yam


Never change my dude! Love it.


Literally the total opposite to my playstyle, which is cautious, hoarding ammo and resources, approaching every fight with a caution bordering on dull timidity. It keeps me alive often, but also gets me killed on those occasions when it would actually be better to charge in all guns blazing, which weirdly enough can work well as a survival strategy if done at the right moments.


I almost feel sorry for @Fernito having to watch my dull playthroughs when playtesting all of the maps before release haha. I totally get that perceived pressure of having to be 'entertaining' when streaming/making videos that other actual humans may watch at some point. It is a real thing.

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I almost feel sorry for @Fernito having to watch my dull playthroughs when playtesting all of the maps before release haha. I totally get that perceived pressure of having to be 'entertaining' when streaming/making videos that other actual humans may watch at some point. It is a real thing.

haha come on, it's not that bad :D I have to admit that some times I yell at the screen things like "WHY DON'T YOU GET INTO THAT ROOM, IT'S THE INTENDED WAYYY D:" while I painfully watch you sniping enemies one by one from the door :D But your playing style is actually great for playstesting, you're probably the one that has found the most bugs and visual issues so far :)


In any case, I imagine that watching me playtesting can be frustrating at times in a different way, as my focus shifts like 30 times per second xD I could be in the middle of a fight with an archvile that's about to zap me out of existence, but if I see I megasphere somewhere behind it I'll just go "ohh cool a megasphere", forget the archie and just go grab the mega :) I like to call it "little puppy" style.

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6 hours ago, thelamp said:

These were awesome, can't wait for the next round of maps!



I was only able to watch the beginning, but I noticed you grabbed the red key illegally :P you should be only able to get it once you kill all arachnotrons. That must have broken something, probably you weren't able to grab the rocket launcher. Gotta fix that asap :P

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At 12:10 in lamps map 07 vid, hitting this switch causes only half the skull to change. I assume it is two linedefs, but I thought I would let you know anyway.

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Man this has been seriously good so far!! I've just finished map03. Got 6/8 secrets, I don't know how to get the automap and



I'm assuming "the last one" is the archvile at the very beginning?


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1 hour ago, hashmap said:

Man this has been seriously good so far!! I've just finished map03. Got 6/8 secrets, I don't know how to get the automap and


  Hide contents

I'm assuming "the last one" is the archvile at the very beginning?




iirc the archvile at the beginning isn't actually a secret, as it isn't marked as such. So it is a "secret" secret, haha. I do know you can trigger it right at the start. There is a switch that is revealed right in the start area, that is only revealed once, if you miss it, it is gone for the rest of the level. @Fernito can correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that is right.


Glad you are enjoying the mapset. I was blessed to playtest it, and I think it is a phenomenal piece of work. Enjoy the rest of the levels!


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15 hours ago, Kyka said:

At 12:10 in lamps map 07 vid, hitting this switch causes only half the skull to change. I assume it is two linedefs, but I thought I would let you know anyway.

I have no idea why I'd split that linedef in two. Good catch! I'll fix it asap :)


12 hours ago, hashmap said:

Man this has been seriously good so far!! I've just finished map03. Got 6/8 secrets, I don't know how to get the automap and


  Reveal hidden contents

I'm assuming "the last one" is the archvile at the very beginning?


Thanks a lot for your comments, I appreciate it a lot!


As for the "secret" you mentioned in the spoiler, it's exactly as @Kyka said :) 


As for the computer area map secret:


look for "anomalies" in nearby computer panels :)


I'm not sure about what could be the other secret you've missed, but most likely it's the


rocket launcher


Edited by Fernito

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Played the third map here, holy smokes was I not prepared for that intro lol!  I love dealing with hitscanners so had a great time with this map, though it certainly is a good test of your abilities in dealing with them.  And like you said before, level really opens up in the one, but I didn't have to much trouble in getting oriented, especially with all the key textures you used to point in the right direction.  iirc there's a point in the vid where a revenant seems to get caught on an invisible wall and can't fire through, but not really sure what that was about, only issue I really had.  Highlight for me was the gauntlet run down and up the stairs and then into the water below.  Also I saw you have different names in the map screen and intermission screen?  Haha I was slightly confused.  Also that intermission screen name lol......  All in all nice work, looking to play more :)




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9 hours ago, sandwedge said:

Played the third map here, holy smokes was I not prepared for that intro lol!  I love dealing with hitscanners so had a great time with this map, though it certainly is a good test of your abilities in dealing with them.  And like you said before, level really opens up in the one, but I didn't have to much trouble in getting oriented, especially with all the key textures you used to point in the right direction.  iirc there's a point in the vid where a revenant seems to get caught on an invisible wall and can't fire through, but not really sure what that was about, only issue I really had.  Highlight for me was the gauntlet run down and up the stairs and then into the water below.  Also I saw you have different names in the map screen and intermission screen?  Haha I was slightly confused.  Also that intermission screen name lol......  All in all nice work, looking to play more :)

Thanks a lot for playing! Awesome video, gotta love your commentary man, had to laugh out loud a couple of times while watching it on the train lol.  As for the revenant vs invisible wall issue, seems like the fake bridge's sector was up for some reason, either you skipped a linedef or I missed one somewhere, I'll have to go check :P Oh, and the double name is a reference to Doom2's Map11 :) 


1 hour ago, hashmap said:

Fernito you keep me guessing!!


How do I get in here??

Oh, that's a "super secret™" :D You're just missing one piece of the puzzle:


Are you sure you wanna know? c:


In the yellow key fight area, look for a similar gargoyle face 



Edited by Fernito

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In m04, I noticed some sector pits with monsters that didn't raise when I got close to them, these were 6009, 2631, and 7843 to 7846. This is because I entered the area from one of the multiple entrances where there isn't a line action linked to the sectors. Later on I found them roaming in that area, as it was only by then that I passed through the corridor with the trigger. So... maybe there should be more triggers in different locations, so that you don't risk the chance of falling into the pits if you're playing on a port with infinite height disabled (I was lucky I didn't fall in the middle sector with the spectre, that one had all the space for me!)

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7 minutes ago, galileo31dos01 said:

In m04, I noticed some sector pits with monsters that didn't raise when I got close to them, these were 6009, 2631, and 7843 to 7846. This is because I entered the area from one of the multiple entrances where there isn't a line action linked to the sectors. Later on I found them roaming in that area, as it was only by then that I passed through the corridor with the trigger. So... maybe there should be more triggers in different locations, so that you don't risk the chance of falling into the pits if you're playing on a port with infinite height disabled (I was lucky I didn't fall in the middle sector with the spectre, that one had all the space for me!)

Great catch! I assume you used the blue door sector 9074 to get up there. I added that door later and indeed forgot to also add the trigger for those pits there as well. Thanks for reporting it! It's already fixed :)

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5 hours ago, Fernito said:

Oh, that's a "super secret™" :D You're just missing one piece of the puzzle:


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah





Edited by hashmap

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On 2/3/2023 at 4:39 PM, hashmap said:


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah


  Reveal hidden contents



Hm, but how do I...


...open that panel at 0:01 in the first place?


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5 hours ago, Loomis said:

Hm, but how do I...

  Reveal hidden contents

...open that panel at 0:01 in the first place?


A small hint:


There's a puzzle nearby involving a switch that closes if you cross the wrong linedefs, that's the first part of the puzzle :)

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wow, this looks fantastic! gonna have to keep a tab & add this to my lists of other wads to finish in the future. Only played through the first two maps and I like it.

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14 hours ago, Fernito said:

A small hint:

  Reveal hidden contents

There's a puzzle nearby involving a switch that closes if you cross the wrong linedefs, that's the first part of the puzzle :)

Actually I already...


...managed to solve the linedefs riddle, but after pressing the button it seems I'm just too clumsy to move back to the hallway fast enough to reach the next switch in time... ;)


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  • 1 month later...

hi! i've just completed map0(1-2), downloaded [19 march 2023], played using [gzdoom 4.10]. really awesome work. had a hard time convincing myself the mapset is limit-removing rather than boom. it is that good!


however, i did find some bugs:


1) map01 back to basics:


Unknown ceiling texture 'ROCKMET1' in sector 1022
Unknown ceiling texture 'METALFLT' in sector 1073
Unknown ceiling texture 'METALFLT' in sector 1099
Unknown ceiling texture 'METALFLT' in sector 1102
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4892
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4893
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4894
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4895
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4896
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4903


2) map03 hitscanned:


Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4833
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 5861
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 5900
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 6757
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 6763
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 6767
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11367
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11367
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11368
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11368
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11369
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11369
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11370
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11370
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11371
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11371
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11372
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11372
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11373
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11373
Missing texture '' is used 14 more times


another weird thing i encountered was the [map03] i played was a different map when compared to the youtube video by sandwedge [here]. i started noticing something was off when exiting [map03] with about 17% kills and wondered where the rest of the monsters were hiding, and failed to find any hidden entrance/teleporter etc. if this helps, the gzdoom exit screen stated the wad version to be [v0.07.01].


the version of [map03] i played (at map startup):



hope the bug report above is not too much of a hassle on your end. really looking forward to continue playing this wad. thanks :)

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2 hours ago, rita remton said:

hi! i've just completed map0(1-2), downloaded [19 march 2023], played using [gzdoom 4.10]. really awesome work. had a hard time convincing myself the mapset is limit-removing rather than boom. it is that good!


however, i did find some bugs:


1) map01 back to basics:

  Reveal hidden contents

Unknown ceiling texture 'ROCKMET1' in sector 1022
Unknown ceiling texture 'METALFLT' in sector 1073
Unknown ceiling texture 'METALFLT' in sector 1099
Unknown ceiling texture 'METALFLT' in sector 1102
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4892
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4893
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4894
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4895
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4896
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4903


2) map03 hitscanned:

  Reveal hidden contents

Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 4833
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 5861
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 5900
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 6757
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 6763
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 6767
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11367
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11367
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11368
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11368
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11369
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11369
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11370
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11370
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11371
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11371
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11372
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11372
Unknown top texture '' on second side of linedef 11373
Unknown bottom texture '' on second side of linedef 11373
Missing texture '' is used 14 more times


another weird thing i encountered was the [map03] i played was a different map when compared to the youtube video by sandwedge [here]. i started noticing something was off when exiting [map03] with about 17% kills and wondered where the rest of the monsters were hiding, and failed to find any hidden entrance/teleporter etc. if this helps, the gzdoom exit screen stated the wad version to be [v0.07.01].


the version of [map03] i played (at map startup):

hope the bug report above is not too much of a hassle on your end. really looking forward to continue playing this wad. thanks :)

Hey there! Thanks a lot for playing the wad, I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far! :)


Thanks for the bug report. I have to admit that I'm already aware of those "unknown texture" errors, but I've just been too lazy to fix them, as they don't really cause any harm hehe. But I'll try to get them fixed before releasing the final version.


As for the bug in map03, that's so embarrassing! I was working on the wad on last Thursday and noticed that the player start of map03 was moved! I fixed it as soon as I noticed and was hoping that no one got to download the version with the wrong start, but sadly you did :P I really encourage you to download the latest version (using the same link) and play map03 again, it has a lot more to offer than what you played :)


PS: the version of the wad you'll be playing is practically a RC, so I'd really appreciate it if you continue reporting any other bugs that you might encounter! I'm planning to release the final version very soon.

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1 hour ago, Fernito said:

PS: the version of the wad you'll be playing is practically a RC, so I'd really appreciate it if you continue reporting any other bugs that you might encounter! I'm planning to release the final version very soon.

thanks! will do :)

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On 3/25/2023 at 10:30 PM, rita remton said:

thanks! will do :)


hi! i've played up to [map07] (last map with monsters?), but unfortunately may have encountered a soft-lock and could not continue. i could not get the red key since the platform at the red key remained too high for me to reach as per screenshot below. i found no other bugs in map0(3-6).



hope this bit of info helps with the debugging.

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1 hour ago, rita remton said:

hi! i've played up to [map07] (last map with monsters?), but unfortunately may have encountered a soft-lock and could not continue. i could not get the red key since the platform at the red key remained too high for me to reach as per screenshot below. i found no other bugs in map0(3-6).


hope this bit of info helps with the debugging.


Hey again! Thanks again for the bug report, I really appreciate it! However, I just tested the map in Crispy Doom and I'm not able to reproduce the softlock, everything works as intended for me. So I've got a couple of questions: assuming you're playing in UV, 1) did all 6 arachnotrons teleport in?; and 2) did you kill all of them? That should have triggered the rising of the step to get to the red key. Oh, and 3) what source port are you using?


I'd appreciate it if you could take a look at this playthrough and let me know if you did anything different from it:




Edited by Fernito

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3 hours ago, Fernito said:

assuming you're playing in UV

yes, i played in [uv].


3 hours ago, Fernito said:

1) did all 6 arachnotrons teleport in?; and 2) did you kill all of them?

i didn't count during play. but i reloaded my save, used [iddt] and searched for any arachnotrons in the remote monster closets, and found none. i also used the console command [kill arachnotron] to double-check for any remaining arachnotrons.


3 hours ago, Fernito said:

3) what source port are you using?

[gzdoom 4.10.0].


3 hours ago, Fernito said:

I'd appreciate it if you could take a look at this playthrough and let me know if you did anything different from it: ?

will update you later on this.

Edited by rita remton

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