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textures/textureX problem + custom things dont show up in UDB



im combining two problems ive been having with the editor so that im not spamming lol


ok so im a new mapper. ive been adding some texture sets to my megawad so that i can make better maps. i never tried to switch from texture1 to TEXTURES, (btw im doing GZdoom UDMF format) and every time id add new textures, the last ones i added would just disappear from the editor. so i selected all the texture1 files in my wad in slade and clicked convert to TEXTURES format, and then saved and exited slade. and then this happened. it looks fine in game though which is weird.


and also, whenever i open udb on my megawad, and theres a custom thing, it just shows up as question marks. BUT THEN, when i make a new map, use my mapset and doom2.wad as resources, and copy the old one from my megawad into the new map, i see the custom thing. WHAT


please someone help me fix this ive made like half the megawad lol







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8 answers to this question

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Can you fetch your texture pack, I'd like to take a look how it's organised. For future reference, you can put textures between TX_START and TX_END lumps for UDMF stuff. 

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I can't download, because google drive asks permission to get this file, do you have alt download link, like dropbox?

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Alrighty, I gave a quick glance and there's some things I noticed instantly:

  • You don't need reinclude doom2 textures, flats, patches and sprites again. Especially if you don't work with heavily modified palette that renders those assets terribly without it, something like Ancient Aliens palette. 
  • Consolidate your sprites under SS_START and SS_END lumps, textures under PP_START and PP_END lump and flats under FF_START and FF_END. Doom 2 iwad could be used as example how to organise your custom stuff, it looks tidy and easy to follow. Alternatively, custom textures/flats can be included in TX_START and TX_END if used UDMF. Same with other text lumps like Decorate or credits - it can be merged in one text file. Other good method is use directories. 
  • One TEXTURE1 and PATCHES lump per one project, if you need one you can take it from base archive. Only textures are going here, no flats or sprites. 
  • Other thing to note here, move sprite marker somewhere where sprites reside, I'll spoiler it:


  • Honestly, I'd redo this anew, like keeping maps intact, but reorganizing stuff in clean way using Doom 2, other people projects as internal example how to organise internal stuff inside tidy and clean way or putting files in directories and making it pk3.

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Are you editing your resource WAD in SLADE while it's also open in Ultimate Doom Builder? If so, you'll need to go Tools -> Reload Resources (F8) in Ultimate Doom Builder after saving your resource WAD in SLADE for it to work correctly.

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30 minutes ago, Misty said:

Alrighty, I gave a quick glance and there's some things I noticed instantly:

thanks, idk how i would change the decorate stuff since i dont wanna make the main decorate file be huge, but i think ill just make a new pk3 and do what you said with the directories and stuff (i dont entirely know how to structure that but zdoom wiki exists for a reason lol) 

18 minutes ago, Foxpup said:

Are you editing your resource WAD in SLADE while it's also open in Ultimate Doom Builder? If so, you'll need to go Tools -> Reload Resources (F8) in Ultimate Doom Builder after saving your resource WAD in SLADE for it to work correctly.

ive done that before but thats not what caused it this time. thats mega helpful though, i learn new neat little productivity tricks in UDB every day haha

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20 minutes ago, Foxpup said:

Are you editing your resource WAD in SLADE while it's also open in Ultimate Doom Builder? If so, you'll need to go Tools -> Reload Resources (F8) in Ultimate Doom Builder after saving your resource WAD in SLADE for it to work correctly.

It won't help much with resources that mangled around, besides I remember saying that one should never edit your resource file with doom builder open. I guess it remains true with Ultimate Doom Builder. 


1 minute ago, Kuu said:

thanks, idk how i would change the decorate stuff since i dont wanna make the main decorate file be huge, but i think ill just make a new pk3 and do what you said with the directories and stuff (i dont entirely know how to structure that but zdoom wiki exists for a reason lol) 

Directories are simple, you make folder called "maps" where you place your map wads, "textures" where you place textures, "sprites" where you place sprites. I'd suggest look in recent gzdoom releases like Breakpoint or Elementalism for pk3 structure. 

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