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Looking for old school mega-wads

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Does any one have any ideas on a old school mega-wad thats good (and one that I havent seen already). But not a doom 1 mega wad, I am looking around the doom2 era, and befor the source port rampage started. If any one knows of some new levels for me to play, let me know...!

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Browse the megawads folder of 3darchives. You're bound to find something that you haven't played.

Btw, if you haven't played Herian and Herian2 by Ian Wilson, I encourage you to do so. They're Heretic & Hexen conversion megawads for DooM. (They're for ZDooM, though.)

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dark covenant (darkcvnt.wad) it's in levels/doom2
not exactly a megawad (12 maps) but great fun, and it's oldschool.

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Here are a few threads that provide relevant comments, recommendations and links. [Note that some of these threads are not so relevant - it is just the result of a forum search.]

I'd like to mention a couple of 7-map Doom2 wads I stumbled upon recently: Kill! Zone 1 and Kill! Zone 2. Not megawads, but certainly old-school (though a port is recommended to avoid danger of VPOs for the second one), and lots of fun.

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hmm... I have played herian, HR, HR2, MM, MM2, eternal, and a whole shit load of others... Thats why I am asking if any one knows of any more?


Then why not list all the ones you've played, so we can suggest ones you haven't? Or read the threads I mentioned, and you'll probably find something you haven't played.

OK, I'll read your mind... you haven't played H2H-Xmas, have you? Go play it now!

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I have played...
Doom Extreme Gold
Plus a shit load that I cant remember the names of (which means they probably sucked)...

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Here goes...


Highly recommended:
TVR!, Fragport, H2H-Xmas, Hacx

Worth checking out:
Cleimos, NJdoom2, BF-Thud!, Realms of Chaos, World of Deth, Vilecore, Demonfear

Most of these are full 32-map wads; the few that aren't, have at least 21. None of them requires a source-port. There are lots of good shorter episodes, of course.

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Then there's:

Invasion and invasio2.

And then there is the oldschool wad to end all wads, the cream of the cream, give it up for: Ilusory1.wad!!!1111!!

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If you're after doom2.exe compatible wads you haven't played yet, check out Fragport and TVR. Both were released in 2001 (well after the source port rampage), but were still made for vanilla. And they both rock...

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Here's a directory listing of a CD I compiled years ago.
It's specifically for Doom and Ultimate Doom.
The sorting goes something like:
level sets...Small (2-3)
Medium (4-7)
Large (8-36)...Exe Patches
Sprite Patches

The bulk of it is definately 'old school'
and episodes (8/9 maps) rather than the full set
(24/27 or 32/36 maps).

More than likely there's a pile of stuff here not
in the archives that I fixed/updated for my own use
(the cdrom archives actually used to have uploading
rules to protect wad authors, id Software and others).

So here's the edited list (I've just included directory
names and wad names, and deleted the gunk).

Hopefully someone will find this list useful.


KISS Software


Directory of F:\Single Player\Level Sets\Large (8-36)\Exe Patches
1DMF2 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 1dmf2
AD3BETA8 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 AD3beta8
ALIEN20B <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Alien20b
ALIENTC4 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 AlienTC4
CBCTC2 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Cbctc2
DEADLY <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Deadly
NEP5-2 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Nep5-2
NMARE3B <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Nmare3b
PLAGUE2 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Plague2
QUEST13 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Quest13
ULTRADM2 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Ultradm2

Directory of F:\Single Player\Level Sets\Large (8-36)\Exe Patches\_Ultimate Doom Only
BOOM-TC2 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Boom-TC2
CHAOS3 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Chaos3
DARKWAD2 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Darkwad2
FFDOOM2 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 FFdoom2
INVASION <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Invasion
NMARE2B <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Nmare2b
PE4M_ALL <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Pe4m_all
PE4_DT2 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Pe4_dt2
SCHOOL2 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 School2

Directory of F:\Single Player\Level Sets\Large (8-36)\Normal
9-LEVELS WAD 848,330 24/06/94 20:36 9-levels.wad
A41_SPDM WAD 2,320,835 11/12/99 22:04 A41_SpDm.wad
ALL-E1B WAD 1,107,735 30/04/00 1:40 All-E1b.wad
ALLROY WAD 1,693,417 23/12/99 23:18 Allroy.wad
ALOHA999 WAD 1,042,642 15/12/94 7:01 ALOHA999.WAD
AMFDOOM2 WAD 1,266,210 10/12/99 20:32 AmfDoom2.wad
APOCALYP WAD 1,587,254 11/07/94 14:14 APOCALYP.WAD
ASDOOM WAD 858,021 18/08/94 14:19 ASDOOM.WAD
BAK2HEL2 WAD 2,216,297 30/04/00 3:12 Bak2Hel2.wad
BLAKHELL WAD 1,332,815 16/08/96 4:21 BlakHell.wad
CAVERN WAD 230,720 17/06/94 12:36 CAVERN.WAD
CHRIS_E1 WAD 653,560 22/07/94 1:31 CHRIS_E1.WAD
CLEIM10 WAD 1,734,978 20/08/94 9:06 Cleim10.wad
COBRA2 WAD 3,109,149 04/05/99 22:22 COBRA2.WAD
COBRA3 WAD 2,585,567 04/05/99 22:26 COBRA3.WAD
COMBAT_2 WAD 232,872 02/04/95 10:57 COMBAT_2.WAD
CRASH WAD 738,356 03/05/97 19:26 Crash.wad
CRIN666B WAD 5,063,463 06/05/99 12:23 Crin666b.wad
DARKGATE WAD 875,473 29/08/94 12:23 DARKGATE.WAD
DARKHELL WAD 1,076,133 03/07/00 0:07 DARKHELL.WAD
DEBUT WAD 2,057,305 28/05/99 10:04 DEBUT.WAD
DETHWISH WAD 683,063 14/01/00 19:34 DethWish.wad
DICKWAD WAD 1,407,969 25/05/99 1:57 DICKWAD.WAD
DINNER2 WAD 1,666,201 13/12/95 22:44 Dinner2.wad
DM1OPT WAD 2,520,413 19/03/95 19:07 DM1OPT.WAD
DMSFG WAD 586,363 07/05/94 3:59 DMSFG.WAD
DMSOF WAD 1,306,463 20/08/94 12:36 DMSOF.WAD
DODEAD WAD 1,773,968 15/06/97 21:24 DODEAD.WAD
DTEPIS3 WAD 848,330 24/06/94 20:36 DTEPIS3.WAD
E13 WAD 1,939,528 25/05/99 11:03 E13.WAD
E3MOONCM WAD 812,872 23/12/99 22:33 E3MOONCM.WAD
EOD_DOOM WAD 831,426 11/06/94 17:04 EOD_DOOM.WAD
EPI1BEST WAD 682,025 13/04/94 22:08 EPI1BEST.WAD
EPI2BEST WAD 810,757 24/04/94 13:45 EPI2BEST.WAD
ETERNTY2 WAD 1,299,354 06/07/99 2:08 Eternty2.wad
FAVA WAD 963,370 28/08/95 12:04 FAVA.WAD
FULLON WAD 638,455 06/10/94 22:52 FULLON.WAD
G-B-ARCH WAD 2,499,319 28/04/97 12:16 G-B-ARCH.WAD
GATECRSH WAD 344,270 23/07/96 13:14 GateCrsh.wad
GCS1A WAD 1,499,548 08/12/95 23:22 GCS1A.WAD
GOODLORD WAD 925,004 06/07/99 2:34 GOODLORD.WAD
ILLUSORY WAD 1,318,029 15/04/95 9:16 ILLUSORY.WAD
INF-LUTZ WAD 4,878,063 19/03/98 9:43 Inf-lutz.wad
INFINITY WAD 1,033,499 09/05/95 0:27 INFINITY.WAD
INTOFIRE WAD 734,067 25/12/99 10:47 IntoFire.wad
JCM3-19 WAD 1,907,598 30/05/99 23:46 Jcm3-19.wad
KENTZLAB WAD 676,007 05/06/99 1:13 KENTZLAB.WAD
KILL WAD 889,467 23/02/97 0:38 KILL.WAD
KILL-ME WAD 5,357,019 23/11/97 10:53 KILL-ME.WAD
LASTHOPE WAD 1,812,092 22/07/97 22:08 LastHope.wad
MADNESS WAD 935,768 13/08/95 19:31 MADNESS.WAD
MDL WAD 1,531,042 18/07/96 21:58 MDL.WAD
MORDOOM2 WAD 2,838,900 01/04/00 22:34 MorDoom2.wad
MOUNTAIN WAD 347,955 11/06/94 19:38 MOUNTAIN.WAD
NEWDOOM WAD 3,786,239 03/06/94 16:13 NewDoom.wad
NUKEMIN2 WAD 1,709,048 05/06/99 22:13 Nukemin2.wad
PHOBOS WAD 821,644 17/12/99 12:23 PHOBOS.WAD
PM2129 WAD 944,006 04/01/97 14:47 PM2129.wad
RETURN01 WAD 1,450,483 26/08/97 2:20 RETURN01.WAD
SCION WAD 2,001,076 15/01/96 22:26 SCION.WAD
SERENITY WAD 1,126,975 16/09/94 14:50 SERENITY.WAD
SP2000 WAD 439,991 25/12/99 9:11 Sp2000.wad
SPIT WAD 248,706 13/05/94 0:00 Spit.wad
SUDTIC WAD 1,631,273 10/06/99 21:19 SUDTIC.WAD
THINKER WAD 706,074 20/08/97 22:32 THINKER.WAD
TORCHED WAD 725,062 17/07/94 8:16 TORCHED.WAD
UB WAD 76,366 23/02/97 10:39 UB.WAD
ULTIMATE WAD 1,033,903 09/10/94 8:39 ULTIMATE.WAD
WASTE WAD 1,176,408 03/12/95 18:12 WASTE.WAD
WOPWORLD WAD 547,313 12/06/99 12:21 WOPWORLD.WAD
WTF-BRWN WAD 1,131,737 20/03/96 19:29 WTF-BRWN.WAD

Directory of F:\Single Player\Level Sets\Large (8-36)\Normal\Ultimate Doom Only
1KILL WAD 1,238,572 25/05/97 12:09 1kill.wad
CRUSADES WAD 2,204,096 04/09/99 13:17 CRUSADES.WAD
END1B WAD 3,178,189 05/07/00 9:08 End1b.wad
EPI-HELL WAD 1,108,623 22/06/97 9:40 EPI-HELL.WAD
ITD-R20U WAD 2,422,279 04/07/00 0:49 Itd-r20u.wad
KANSAM9B WAD 3,344,717 03/07/00 1:55 Kansam9b.wad
M2ALL1B WAD 1,123,663 11/07/00 14:21 m2all1b.wad

Directory of F:\Single Player\Level Sets\Large (8-36)\Ports\Doom
DOOMREV2 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 DoomRev2
END2B <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 End2b
PARAL18B <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Paral18b

Directory of F:\Single Player\Level Sets\Large (8-36)\Ports\Ultimate Doom Only
ATCUD21 <DIR> 19/07/00 11:08 Atcud21
VENGNCE WAD 12,965,916 12/03/99 7:32 VENGNCE.WAD

Directory of F:\Single Player\Level Sets\Large (8-36)\Sprite Patches
BOOM_23B WAD 789,437 24/04/96 20:30 Boom_23b.wad
EPISOD5B WAD 1,030,389 11/12/99 22:31 Episod5b.wad
R2WOLF2 WAD 1,864,119 16/06/99 21:26 R2wolf2.wad
RANGER2 WAD 3,157,267 01/08/99 20:36 Ranger2.wad
TEUTIC2 WAD 1,742,428 19/06/99 3:30 Teutic2.wad

..end of file

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wow, I should try search for some of them, special these from '94.
I love oldschool wads.

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What!!11 1Lu50rY 0wnz j00r PunY 455!!111!

A classic. Everyone who dare call themselves DooMers should have played this!!

Death to all Doom2 only doomers. Let's take a train back to 94!!

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Let's take a train back to 94!!


Ilusory1 appears to be dated 1995. 1994? Well, there's njdoom2 (one of the earliest versions; there are also the earlier Doom1 versions), Trinity.wad, Gather.wad, Return01.wad, Castlotr.wad (all for Doom1). And of course many others. So, no problems with 1994 here. :)

Darkhell (early 1995) is rather old-school too. "Never Again" did a nice demopack.

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