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The wickedly menu


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its going to be a website menu for a small school project. i liked the concept so i kinda spend much time on it.. the whole afternoone

the ideah is that the eyes are going to be buttons, when you go overthem with your mouse they will blink, and when you pres on them then you will see a poked eye (including fluid :D). i hope you enjoy the wierdness of this menu.. its not yet finished because i need to code the menu and animate it.. i am going to bed now.. (tired from staring at the monitor :D) nighty night

(edit: i forgot to tell yah, this is done in photoshop :D gottah love adobe.)

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man, i wish my web design class taught me to do cool stuff like that. then again, i might need to take the imaging classes and stuff as well.

wait a sec, i shouldn't be talking bad about the class that gives me time to do homework and surf doomworld doing school (like right now).

anyway, good job. i'm looking foreward to the finished product.

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its going to be a practice project. the assignment is to create a website for the "VIRUS vestival" (organized here in the netherlands (where i live))

the website must have something to do with a virus (biological one :)) so this guy is supposed to be a infected mutant or something (therefore the 10 eyes :D) (no, its not a humane/doom3 imp crossbreed) :D

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So your a student at the TUE in Eindhoven?

It's hard to imaging a virus that causes the growth of extra eyes.

But I've tried...

Since it would have to influence the development of the eyes, it would have to infect its host in the pre-embryo stage. The mother or father can be the carrier of the virus, but would not express it themselves on a phenotypic level. The virus must infect the non-somatic cells and insert itself in the genome as a provirus (like the HIV). There is must knock out/ disrupt the genes regulating the development/ amount of the eyes. I don`t know of such genes for eyes, but there are cases known of mutations leading to extra fingers/ toes, but non are virus related.

The virus would insert itself at a random place in the host genome, so even if such a virus would exist the phenotype would be extremely rare. Unless of course the virus was made 'better' by scientists, but that would just be sick...

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m0l0t0v said:

So your a student at the TUE in Eindhoven?

It's hard to imaging a virus that causes the growth of extra eyes.

But I've tried...

Since it would have to influence the development of the eyes, it would have to infect its host in the pre-embryo stage. The mother or father can be the carrier of the virus, but would not express it themselves on a phenotypic level. The virus must infect the non-somatic cells and insert itself in the genome as a provirus (like the HIV). There is must knock out/ disrupt the genes regulating the development/ amount of the eyes. I don`t know of such genes for eyes, but there are cases known of mutations leading to extra fingers/ toes, but non are virus related.

The virus would insert itself at a random place in the host genome, so even if such a virus would exist the phenotype would be extremely rare. Unless of course the virus was made 'better' by scientists, but that would just be sick...

nah.. i am not a student on the TUE in Eindhoven.. but on a multimedia school in Eindhoven, called GLE (Grafisch Lyceum Eindhoven)

anyway.. i havent really thought about this stuff. i just created some wierd guy without any technical background stuff involved.

just mutated wierdness

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