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Desynced demos

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Months ago, I watched Esko Koskimaa's UV Fast TAS demo of Doom II map 24, and thought how odd it was. It was going so well, and then he fell off the centre invuln platform, started acting crazy and died for no reason. There was no label by the demo saying that he died midway through the run. Today it occurred to me that the demo might be desynced. Can anyone watch this demo and does it play properly? Does it exit in 4:04?


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For some reason it works with complevel 5 (not in 6, although it (incorrectly?) marked as TASdoom demo).


In general when some demo from archive is desynched for me, first thing which I do is check for WAD(s) files integrity.

Edited by Hitherto

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41 minutes ago, Hitherto said:

For some reason it works with complevel 5 (not in 6, although it (incorrectly?) marked as TASdoom demo).

I also found that this was the case with several of Andy Oliveras TAS demos. Despite being marked as TASDoom demos, some desynced with complevel 6 but played fine with complevel 5. Apparently TASDoom was based on DOSDoom (which is what -cl 5 is meant to emulate), so yeah, it's a bit weird that TASDoom demos occasionally work on the complevel for the source port TASDoom is based on but not the complevel for TASDoom itself.

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54 minutes ago, Hitherto said:

For some reason it works with complevel 5 (not in 6, although it (incorrectly?) marked as TASdoom demo).


In general when some demo from archive is desynched for me, first thing which I do is check for WAD(s) files integrity.


Yes, thank you. I'm finally able to watch this demo.

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