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[Slots full, limit-removing] Limit Buffet: A community project about sampling mapping limitations [Alpha Build Available!]

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On 1/29/2023 at 12:48 AM, Large Cat said:

100 linedefs, 64 vertices

Both sound very familiar.


Can I have map 20?


Or whatever the sound blocking one is.

Edited by Codename_Delta

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21 hours ago, Large Cat said:

Gladly! Just be sure to join the Discord server.


Is liquid a texture?


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Do you have to make your own MIDIs? Or can you use one from elsewhere? Also for MAP03, can you use a Spider Mastermind? Because that is also a hitscan enemy.

Edited by RileyXY1

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10 hours ago, OceanMadman said:

I'll take map 18


8 hours ago, DiR said:

Heya, I want to join as a MIDI artist. I'm thinking of doing more than one of the music challenges, they seem fun!


Here's one I started off with, for These Are Strange Times. I think it's in 7/4? or 7/8, not sure.

DiR - Class Action Suit & Tie.


Great to have both of you! Just make sure to join the Discord server in the OP.

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8 hours ago, Codename_Delta said:

Both sound very familiar.


Can I have map 20?


Or whatever the sound blocking one is.

That's MAP22; I'll put you down for that. Make sure to join the Discord server linked in the OP.


7 hours ago, Lorcav said:

Is liquid a texture?

Given the precedent set by 50 Shades of Graytall, I'll allow you to make a liquid texture count as just one texture selection (same for switches and flats).


3 hours ago, RileyXY1 said:

Do you have to make your own MIDIs? Or can you use one from elsewhere? Also for MAP03, can you use a Spider Mastermind? Because that is also a hitscan enemy.

We're looking to create our own MIDIs for this project, though I'm allowing a few from other sources as long as they are submitted by their author (so you could submit a "limited" or otherwise funky MIDI you've made for something else). You're super right about MAP03; I'll add that to the list in the OP.

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5 hours ago, Large Cat said:

That's MAP22; I'll put you down for that. Make sure to join the Discord server linked in the OP.


Given the precedent set by 50 Shades of Graytall, I'll allow you to make a liquid texture count as just one texture selection (same for switches and flats).


We're looking to create our own MIDIs for this project, though I'm allowing a few from other sources as long as they are submitted by their author (so you could submit a "limited" or otherwise funky MIDI you've made for something else). You're super right about MAP03; I'll add that to the list in the OP.

Fuck, I will have to make a good midi, instead of using some Jimmy/midi pack midi, and I can't use those sweet DiR midis I told myself that I would use ;(

Edited by Codename_Delta

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Here we go! the first version of map 03. I'll adjust after some feedback. Hope you like it.



Map Slot: 03

Map Author: RED77

Tested Ports: DSDA_DOOM (complevel 2)

Known Bugs: none

Comments: Music: 'End of Time' by Kira


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On 1/29/2023 at 12:48 AM, Large Cat said:

A rocket launcher in one hand and a ball of plasma in the other, these guys can take a walloping and dish it out in kind. At least the thumps of their hooves give away their position.

Hmmm, I remember this...

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58 minutes ago, Ravendesk said:

I think I have an idea so I will take map 28 slot if it's still available.

Great, that slot still appears to be free. Just be sure to join the Discord, linked in the OP.


10 hours ago, Codename_Delta said:

Fuck, I will have to make a good midi, instead of using some Jimmy/midi pack midi, and I can't use those sweet DiR midis I told myself that I would use ;(

You can include a MIDI from somewhere else if you have one in mind; just be aware that, if we generate enough tunes, we will give priority to in-house MIDIs. We'll see how productive our musicians prove to be over the next six weeks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please can we get a full list of changes made by the resource wad @Large Cat?


Planned out the first section of my map only to playtest and discover Cacos now fire double projectiles and the player is limited to a max 200 cells. 


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So how does the Midi subject work? Do I have to pick one that someone else made for the project? Do I have to make one of my own?

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1 hour ago, OceanMadman said:

So how does the Midi subject work? Do I have to pick one that someone else made for the project? Do I have to make one of my own?

We're looking to get as many bespoke MIDIs as we can. If you just want to map, that's fine (though I encourage anyone to give making their own MIDI a try). If we have enough MIDIs made, we may ask you to choose from the tracks creates specifically for this project (and feel free to make requests for how you would like your map's music to sound).


@Codename_Delta Reminder to join us on the Discord (link in the OP).

For everyone: I'll be posting a mini-beta version on Feb 15 with whatever assets we have up to that point. Feel encouraged to check it out!

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1 hour ago, Large Cat said:

We're looking to get as many bespoke MIDIs as we can. If you just want to map, that's fine (though I encourage anyone to give making their own MIDI a try). If we have enough MIDIs made, we may ask you to choose from the tracks creates specifically for this project (and feel free to make requests for how you would like your map's music to sound).


@Codename_Delta Reminder to join us on the Discord (link in the OP).

For everyone: I'll be posting a mini-beta version on Feb 15 with whatever assets we have up to that point. Feel encouraged to check it out!

Oops yeah thanks.

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Map Title: Caves of Aed
Map Slot: 09
Map Author: Lorcav
Tested Ports: GZdoom, DSDA




Homogeneity: You may only use three different textures and one flat in your map.



Difficulty: Implemented. Lower skills have fewer monsters, of easier types and more powerups
Monsters: 231-425
Playing time: ~10-14 minutes single segment


Music: Future Overworld "Final Act" from Tales of Phantasia
Composed: Motoi Sakuraba, Shinji Tamura, Ryota Furuya
MIDI: MaliceX


==Mapper Notes==
Do you like to run and gun rocket your way through caves? This is the map for you!


Don't look at the three textures and one flat, instead, watch that thing over there become a viscera fountain. If you can, in the dark gloomy cave of a fire god.


Was looking forward to using the Cybruisers but they're stationary in this resource wad (so far as I could tell.) Couldn't stand the new shotgunner sound, so no shotgunners.


Any feedback greatly appreciated on any aspect of this map.


Additional Screenshots:







Edited by Lorcav

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@Lorcav Glad to see your map! I'll post some feedback about it in our development Discord server when I get the chance, so be sure to check there in the coming days.


The cybruiser issue should be fixed in updated resource wad, so make sure you check the resource link to get the most updated version. I'll be notifying everyone about resource wad updates in our Discord server.

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18 minutes ago, Large Cat said:

@Lorcav Glad to see your map! I'll post some feedback about it in our development Discord server when I get the chance, so be sure to check there in the coming days.



I don't really use Discord, but if you post anything here I'll pick it up!

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I am currently working on a limit removing map using the vanilla doom map format, that could fit this project when done, so I would like to claim a map slot...


todo on my map:



coop and dm starts





so is there a fixed list of limitations to select from? can I just say that I will only use 30 monsters or vanilla textures or both?


my WIP map so far:



Edited by Amiga Angel
more pics

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On 2/19/2023 at 1:00 PM, Lorcav said:

Map Title: Caves of Aed
Map Slot: 09
Map Author: Lorcav
Tested Ports: GZdoom, DSDA


I played through this on UV and HMP, here's the playthrough vid with commentary:


I like what you did with the limited texture availability, and the cave setting felt natural. The lighting helped add a lot of depth to the limited visual options. I'll be adding a new lavafall texture soon, so be on the lookout for that in a coming resource update in case you want to replace the DBRAIN texture (up to you). One bug on UV: there's a chaingunner stuck in the ceiling on the first section of lowering red rock, preventing the player from progressing. Remove this chaingunner or give him enough room to fit in the ceiling.


Combat-wise, I like the beginning and end the most. The start is pretty hot and can get crazy if you leap in quickly, and the end fight throws some aggressive baddies at you in an arena which favors their flying ability. Unfortunately, the middle portion of the map really drags, with too many monsters pouring into the map through TP traps; the space they fight you is vast enough that you can avoid their attacks quite simply, meaning the middle stretch feels like one long game of clean-up compared to the start and end of the map.


Overall, I'm going to request that you cut something down to get this map firmly under the 10-minute range. I'd suggest either removing some chunks of the middle section or greatly reducing the monster counts along that stretch. You might also consider reducing the available movement space to keep the threat level up with a smaller monster count. The start and end work well, but the middle really needs some streamlining for the pace of the maps in this project, which are meant to be quick.


Nice work with visual constraint, just cut down some of the middle and this map will be in a nice spot! Check out the video for more detailed feedback.

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Map Title: Staycation

Map Slot: 21

Map Author: @mr-around

Tested Ports: crispy-doom 5-12-0 (x64)

Known Bugs: I rechecked numerous times before posting (I hope none)

Comments: If you don't like the difficulty of puzzles I can update the map to simplify some of them.

Download: mediafire.com/file/q4u3uj606b4kbnd/






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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey @Large Cat, As we're at the end of March and the deadline has passed (15th) and since I don't follow the discord, I'm just doing a quick update checkup for the tracker. Is this project closed? If not, are you planning to extend the deadline and do you still need any participants? Cheers.

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4 hours ago, quakis said:

Hey @Large Cat, As we're at the end of March and the deadline has passed (15th) and since I don't follow the discord, I'm just doing a quick update checkup for the tracker. Is this project closed? If not, are you planning to extend the deadline and do you still need any participants? Cheers.

Thanks for checking in! At this point we won't be taking any new submissions, as all but two maps are complete (and we're keeping tabs on those last maps). Once those maps are finalized and a few other housekeeping items are handled, we'll head right into RC1. Hence, you may consider the project closed.

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