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Pilonidal Cyst [4 speedmaps] - On /idgames

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Four speedmaps I made on NaNoWadMo22 under similar rules to Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions ("2" hours of mapping, theme-restriction).


Posting as RC1 to catch bugs but any feedback is welcome. I hope you like these maps. 

WAD Info:

IWAD: Doom2

Compatibility: Boom cl9

Tested with: dsda-doom 0.24.3, GZDoom 4.5.0, prboom+
Download links: 




MAP01: The Really Secretive Temple
Theme: All reachable sectors are marked as secret
Time: 2 hours + 15 minutes of testing + 3 minutes of picking a midi + 10 mins of beating the map on 100% secrets
Music: Machina del Diablo (MIDI Version) from Age of Empires 2 


MAP02: BIHAZARD, an average Doom ][ speedmap
Theme: Based on random idgames map title/description
Time: 2 hours + 15 minutes of testing + 10 mins of picking a midi + 2 min of noticing a missing texture and unmarked secret
Music: Acidcity by Jimmy 


MAP03: Suspensation
Theme: Surprise Party - All monsters must be in one continuous sector with low lighting and a teleport destination
Time: 2 hours + 15 minutes of "testing" + 5 minutes of noticing a missing texture and picking a random midi + 1 minute of another missing texture
Music: Plasma by Lee Jackson 


MAP04: The Bother Nature
Theme: Green Hell - at least half the things in the map must be trees
Time: 2 hours + 15 minutes of testing + 10 minutes of adding trees
Midi: Zue from Terranigma (midi by Zetzer-)





Edited by Worm318
doomworld ate my text :p

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I completed Pilonidal Cyst pilocyst.wad with LZDoom, and brutalv21.13.2.pk3 Brutal Doom Community Expansion mod, outrageous DOOM2 maps designs, 90/100. My review is based on continuous play.


The Negatives:

MAP01 - The raised pillars required to reach the yellow key are difficult to platform, because I am not good at platforming. MAP01 is the best map in the WAD.

MAP02 - While the map is challenging, and the map layout is varied, the player needs to rely on radiation suits to complete the level. My main complaint was the "shooting switch" puzzle that is necessary to complete the map. I found the switches by coincidence.

MAP03 - The worst map in the WAD, because the player is able to "cheeseball" the map by staying in 1 spot during the action part of the map. You have this large, varied, open ended map with no real purpose to explore except to gain access to the items.

MAP04 - The trees cause more problems than anything else, and many enemies end up attacking each other. The map ending was very dull, and uninteresting.


The Positives:

- Levels are action packed with many areas to explore.

- Excellent puzzles to solve.

- The WAD difficulty was well balanced out.

- I find it hard to believe you made each map in 2 hours, but everyone builds DOOM maps at their own pace.

- You can tell someone these maps were not speedmaps, and they would believe you.

- The name of the WAD seems uninteresting, but I will play anything. You know abandonware, and shovelware games.

- If anyone needed to know, a pilocyst is a type of tumor.

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