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Minor questions about Boom

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I kinda wish that DW had a shoutbox, or a thread to ask about minor questions regarding Doom. Nonetheless, I've looked at the Doomwiki Boom article...


1. The initial release date has no citation. Even if it makes sense, I cannot find a source to that figure. Also, am I really meant to believe that 2.00 was the initial release?


2. Out of the five developers of Boom, Jim Flynn, Ty Halderman and Rand Phares are described as deceased. I can't find much info about Lee Killough, so I have no idea how he is doing. Stan Gula doesn't even have an article, and Google provides little info. Should I assume the latter two are alive?


Thanks in advance.

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The initial release being 2.00 could be an attempt to continue the numbering from Doom 1.9.


Lee Killough has an account on Doomworld; its only posts are to bring the news of Jim Flynn's passing, but it shows a last visited date of January 11, so it would seem that he's still alive.

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  • 6 months later...

I realize this is somewhat of an old thread, but I found this surprisingly hard to track down, and I do think we are losing some of the traces of this history.


However, I found some evidence of that date here:



Doom Wiki in fact lists two different dates for Boom's initial release:


Initial release     2.00 (1998-04-17, 25 years ago)


May 27 - Boom is initially released.



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